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Pre -Marriage Counseling: TO DO or NOT to DO?


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I think I mentioned this in another thread, but we have not gone through "premartial" counseling, but did do a 22 hour imago therapy workshop. It was interesting because you had all ages there, as well as all different stages of relationships. From dating, to engaged, to married for 30 years. Its a pretty intense workshop, but the best way to describe it...it gives you the tools to a successful marriage. We learned so much about each other that weekend, than we had in the 5 years we were together!

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My FI and I met with our pastor this weekend to start our counciling. At first I wasn't very into the idea because I did not think we needed counciling, we have been together for 2 1/2 years and we are eachothers best friends. After the first part of our counciling I noticed it was not about getting to know one another, it was more about how god plays a role in our marriage and life once we have kids etc. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it, we still have one more weekend to go and I am actually looking forward to it.

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  • 2 months later...

We are doing pre-cana which is sort of premarital counseling for our church. Ours is in a group but we also had to each do a take-home test (it was over 150 questions!!) and next week we go over eachother's response. Even though we have been together over 9 years and thought we'd spoken about everything, there were some issues that we never really thought about. So it has been helpful in getting us to learn more about ourselves and each other.

Marriage is a big step and we've spoken a lot about our how families growing up lead to the expectations and fears that we bring into our new marriage. I would definitely recommend pre-marital counseling for everyone - I think it really helps you learn more about you and your relationship...and gets you discussing some things you wouldn't have even realized you should discuss.

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