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ok, here it goes:


1. i was a prodigy violinist when i was 6


2. when i was 7 i gave a speech to the state senate about childcare for all (esp. single mothers) and met a bunch of politicians.


3. i have a genius level IQ but can't remember what day it is sometimes.


4. I was a cheerleader in highschool but once this "wigger" attacked me and i beat the crap out of her so my nickname in highschool was "Tyson".


5. i worked at Deja Vu strip club for 1 day as a cocktail waittress but quit after they tried to make me dance for "amatuer night". i am not a sexy dancer....i knew doing the running man naked was not going to get me alot of $$ in tips so i ran off crying and quit.


6. my dh and i met on match.com


7. i love my cats more than i should and would hurt someone that did anything to them.

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Ok here is mine,


My mother in law and I can´t get along at all, she is a doble face witch, she is always talking about other people, talking about peoples life, she´s like (Mrs. Huber from desperate housewives, she is dead now) we never got along very good but at least we said hi when we saw each other which was once every 5 months thank god, so I just found out she was talking about me at my back!!! my FI told me they had a fight beacuse she started talking about me, so he defende me, we have been together for 5 years so he knows me pretty well and his mom!! so she said she was never talking to us again and that she would never apologize, I don´t know whats wrong with her, but she was always so nice when she wanted something from us!! so I guess she won´t be attending to our wedding! What a phsyco!!

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I'm pretty new here too so there's a lot you don't know about me either, but here goes anyway wink.gif


I don't want to have babies...I never have and I'm not sure I ever will. John really wants to have kids one day and I humour him by not flat out saying no (but I've never said "oh ya i'd love to" either), but I really, really don't want any. So conflicted!

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okay.. I'm super afraid of death.. not me dying but others. I have a huge family but funerals are common and it seems that we attend at least one each year. My mom is one of ten children and there are only three left. Her youndest brother died in his mid-20's. My grandma and another uncle died a year and a day apart. My brother and other uncle died 10-months apart, another two uncles died 2-months apart in 2005. I feel like I'm always on edge on who's next. Recently, my mother told me she was told that she needed a f/u to because the results from her mamogram indicated that they saw a "spot" So I am freaking out, but trying to remain calm at the same time.

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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post
I'm pretty new here too so there's a lot you don't know about me either, but here goes anyway wink.gif

I don't want to have babies...I never have and I'm not sure I ever will. John really wants to have kids one day and I humour him by not flat out saying no (but I've never said "oh ya i'd love to" either), but I really, really don't want any. So conflicted!
not to butt in here - but isn't that one of those BIG decisions you should have made before getting married!!?? i think it's totally fine that you don't want to have kids - but i think you should sit down w/your FI and come to a resolution sooner rather than later! i know you didn't ask - but just my opinion!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
not to butt in here - but isn't that one of those BIG decisions you should have made before getting married!!?? i think it's totally fine that you don't want to have kids - but i think you should sit down w/your FI and come to a resolution sooner rather than later! i know you didn't ask - but just my opinion!

oh i know....i've told him before (earlier on in our relationship) that i don't want kids so he at least knows that much, but he doesn't know that i haven't changed my mind!
the thing is, i don't think i could ever deny that from him ya know? so i know i'm gonna end up having kids, i just don't want them
and it's not even that i don't like kids, because i love kids, just the responsibility of them scares me
i'm still young though, so maybe i just don't have that "itch" yet...who knows

we have talked about having kids, it's not that we haven't approached the subject, i've just never flat out agreed to ever doing it :)
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Let me think, well when I was in college all I wanted to do was be a police officer and run around chasing bad guys and shooting guns. I also could not stand dating guys for about 2 years. My moto was "use them like they use us!" Bitter little girl that I was. Crazy I know and my parents were not thrilled about this either, they said they would pay for me to go to law school but I turned down that offer. Then after I met my FI and got serious all I want to do now is get married and have kids! Ha! I never thought I would say that but I just want a job that will fit with a family and the desire to chase bad guys is gone. And that bitter girl is gone now too, thank goodness I have never been happier!


Oh yeah and I have a HUGE family. I have 2 sisters, and 4 brothers.

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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post
oh i know....i've told him before (earlier on in our relationship) that i don't want kids so he at least knows that much, but he doesn't know that i haven't changed my mind!
the thing is, i don't think i could ever deny that from him ya know? so i know i'm gonna end up having kids, i just don't want them
and it's not even that i don't like kids, because i love kids, just the responsibility of them scares me
i'm still young though, so maybe i just don't have that "itch" yet...who knows

we have talked about having kids, it's not that we haven't approached the subject, i've just never flat out agreed to ever doing it :)
My FI is the same way....he came out and bluntly told me that he doesn't want kids, also his mom (the other day) was joking about how he got a vesectomy (is that spelled right). So I asked him if he did and why would he do that....he said no but at a time he tried to go to a doc. and see if they could do it but I guess the doc. at the time said he was to young or something.
He is wonderful with other peoples kids....he just doesn't want any of his own. I told him I don't want to have a lot of kids, maybe just one....I'm a teacher, I see kids everyday...and it's a handful....So after talking to him about it he said maybe for one kid but still constantly says he doesn't want any.....I guess will see what happens....

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