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what are your hobbies?


now that the wedding planning is over, i'm sooooo bored. i read, but can't get into anything deep during the school year. i LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat, but don't enjoy cooking or baking.

i'm looking for something interesting that doesn't require a lot of attention. my attention span is quite short, which is why planning was so great b/c i could stop one project to work on another until i was bored of that one.

i'm hoping that hearing (reading) about your hobbies will inspire me.

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I like (in no particular order):




Scrapbooking (just getting into it now)

Pole dancing (such great exercise)

Shooting guns at the range :)


Photography is my most expensive hobby so far..


I know there are more.. I'll edit once I think of things :)

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I love scrapbooking!!! However it takes time and attention:) Something else I love to do is toes, my own pedis!!! Especially now that it is getting to be sandal weather toes are so fun. I like to do flowers and different designs.....Its so fun to do especially when you start to get good plus people notice them and you get lots of comments:) Oh yea and save money!

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hmm good question, does BDW count as a hobby?

I like to shop, but really just like to mall walk, (window shopping)

If I had more time I would work on the many scrapbooks I need to finish, I used to be so good at them...

I would love to get a little better with photography

I also love to do yard work, planting flowers and creating a cool backyard environment

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I work a lot so when I'm not working I'm usually staring blankly at a television.

But when I do get a burst of energy, My interests include:

running/ going to the gym

art (painiting mostly some crafts)

planning my next vacation


and I belong to a supper club that meets monthly

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I'm a knitter, but I find that hard to do when the weather warms up.


I've been doing it since I was 9, so I knit little projects, like purses or mittens or things for my little niece because they don't take much time and I can watch TV too.


And then in the summer I golf. I'm not good, but I like getting out there for a few games.

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