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Nov 08 brides


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Celina that is hilarious!!! I can't imagine forgetting bras and tshirts.. heh. Jayson on the other hand would love it if I was going around naked all the time :P


Erica, I too have a cousin and his wife and three daughters that just booked the trip to Maui to come to our wedding. I'm so excited as well! His daughters are the cutest things and I love them alot.. it's so great they are going to come. I've been making the girls special OOT bags and everything.. heh

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I girl that I graduated with and that I also work with now went to Mexico earlier this year and when they got to the airport to leave, they realized that they forgot her suitcase. They had both kids and her husband's suitcases, but hers was not there at all. When they got down there, she had to go and find some clothes, I think she bought a couple swim suits and a couple dresses.


The really sad thing is that last summer they took the kids to Disneyland and they forgot one of the girls suitcases! This is a family that either shouldn't go on trips together or they need extra help with the final prep! LOL

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OMG - I can totally see us forgetting a suitcase. I was thinking I am going to have to number ours because we are taking 1 big one and 1 carryon - that's 8 bags for us! I am definitely getting a guy to help us with all those bags! What sucks is we have connecting flights in DFW - I hope all of our stuff makes it.


OMG Danielle - that is so awesome for your mom! How cool is that!?!!

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8 bags?? Hoooooly. Jayson and I better just have one each! Not including our carry-on stuff.. sigh


I'm lucky because I can FedEx all my OOT bag stuff ahead of time to my wedding planners' team office in Maui before we go. I have no idea how much it will cost me, but I would rather do that than worry about bringing it all with us on the plane etc. I know you can't really do that for Mexico which is too bad sad.gif

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