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Everything posted by girlinthecity97

  1. Hi @@isymiyake2000 - I believe it's per vendor. I wish it was per day!!!
  2. @@CurlyKristen - congrats & welcome! I don't know much about Now Sapphire but am heading down to Azul Beach this weekend. I'll share info etc... when I get back if you like.
  3. @@pandahugs - we are picking based on what we would like and at various price points to accommodate varying budgets: Crate & Barrel, Bed Bath & Beyond, Macy's. DF thinks we should add Target but I don't think we need to. P.S. I'm am SOOO jealous you are getting married in lovely T&C!
  4. @@tmcdonald - did you book through a GI Coordinator as well to get your free event? @@talicea7812 - thanks (as always ) for the info! I wish I had known the free event part or else I would have gone with one of their agents. I wanted someone impartial since I wasn't totally sold on going with a Karisma property at the very beginning. *sighs* live and learn right? @@ng2015 - i totally agree about fighting for every perk! I didn't read anywhere that you cannot combine offers etc... i plan to fight as well when the time comes and from the sound of things it will. i'm adding "earn a free event" to my list of things to ask when i'm down there this weekend. has anyone else seen the competing offers on their site that say on the one hand guests can get 33% off if they book early but else where it's 30%. I know it's only a 3% difference but a deal is a deal and every little bit helps for not just us but our guests.
  5. @@ng2015 - thank you SO much for this insight. I don't have to worry about documenting everything because when it comes to deals and cashing in, my fiance is worse that I am. He writes EVERYthing down and will hold EVERYONE accountable until he gets what was told/promised. did you have any down time or was it all booked by the resort? also, did they mention anything about a "free event"? i'm reading on here that some brides were awarded a "free event" like their cocktail hour or welcome party based on the number of rooms booked?
  6. counting down to my scouting trip....

  7. like csho & krisdaversa, we pretty much have the necessities and were leaning against a registry. however, people will ask so we are going to create one for things we could use but do not necessarily need and refer people to it when they ask and for events like my bridal shower.
  8. i agree with @@acw271011 that it basically boils down to what you like and your budget. we took a look at pics from various vendors and checked the vendor review section here and over on wedding wire. this helped us get a sense of what others experience were. based on the work and reviews we narrowed it down to 3 we liked, with a designated front runner we like the most and reached out for quotes and availability.
  9. CONGRATS @@itswrightsc !!! That will be here before you know it!
  10. Paradisus is really nice! Me and friends have been to quite a few Melia properties and liked it. Of the All-inclusives, they have pretty decent food and great activities.
  11. Oh wow! How long did it take make the bouquet?! I can't get over how real the flowers look.
  12. Wow, impressive indeed! We are getting married in the Cancun area. We are in the process of finalizing which resort.
  13. Oh wow! We are trying to decide between Azul Fives, Azul Beach and Azul Sensatori! We are going down next weekend to make a final choice. We are planning for 2-7-15
  14. Hi Lydiasusi - I usually handle my own travel ornuse a company but felt booking & planning a DW is different on a number of levels- including making sure I maxed out on perks for us and our guests. So I picked 3 DW travel specialists and went with the person who demonstrated the most knowledge about the properties but also the best time to get the most deals, things to avoid in the contract etc.
  15. @@MrsHK - CONGRATS & thanks for sharing the video. He did a great job.
  16. ok i'm going to try this for the 4th time - for some reason it keeps getting deleted so apologies if this shows up 4 times. @@talicea7812 - my list alone was at 220 but i have it down to about 190 now, and expect my fiance will want to slash that to MAYBE 100. his list on the other hand is a whopping total of 8! left up to him, we would have the package minimum of 24, if that. he's a bit of a loner and is awful about staying in touch with friends. the only reason he's still in touch with his bestie from middle school (who'll be his lone groomsman) is because the friend makes most of the effort to remain in touch. my list is so large because my parents both have pretty large, close knit families & also have a good number of close friends who are like family. throw in my friends and it's a wrap. unlike him, i think going the destination route means it is ok to invite whoever you want since i expect more than 1/2 not to show up. however, if i was getting married in my hometown, i would have to be more selective because almost everyone would show. i learned this from watching what happened with my sister's wedding and when i threw her respective wedding and baby showers - each time only about 5 people failed to show up. @@KScheer - i hear you and will be sure to share my feedback and pics with you. have you picked a location? what's your date?
  17. well said @@acw271011!!! @@talicea7812 - I like the idea of having a small church wedding for people like your grandmother and cousin to attend. I've vetoed my mom on the AHR because to your point, we are already shelling out a nice chunk to get married in Mexico. I keep trying to get her to understand that DW are not as cheap as she thinks. If my 96 year old gran lived in my hometown or even close to where my fiance & I lived, I would maybe do something like a small ceremony & nice dinner so she could be a part of it. Since she doesn't, I don't see the point. As for RSVPs, I plan to send my mom after my relatives because I already know they will be big pains. From our graduation parties, to my sister's showers & wedding, my mom has always had to call & fuss at them about not rsvping. They just "assume" you know whether or not they are coming, which is just baffling and inconsiderate. Please don't let people's lack of consideration and support get you down! As my best friend says, at the end of the day, it will all work out and be everything you imagined and wanted it to be!
  18. My fiance was against it, not me! He's the "numbers" guy and didn't see it making sense budget wise & in general. I disagreed & ultimately won out. The one thing I'm NOT looking forward to is the guest list battle. My list is way longer than his and he's "warning" me about making cuts. We'll see about that
  19. @@talicea7812 - no worries. i'll take notes and also pics of the setups. let me know if you have any specific questions and i will ask those too! i almost didn't have this opportunity because df was VERY against it on a number of levels.
  20. @@kay2015 - I'm doing luggage tag save-the-dates so space is limited, so i'm now thinking of doing a postcard or insert for those relatives that don't use the internet that provides the following: ____________ & _____________ are getting married! date location Please contact [name of our travel advisor] at: [her phone] [her email] *Book by [date] to get a 30%discount!
  21. I am getting a video because my sister & several friends who opted not to do it regretted it. Both they and friends who did get a video all say the day went so fast that a video is great for helping them relive the day and seeing lots of little things they totally missed or were unaware of. A few say they also watch it when they get in a big fight with their hubby - it helps take them back to that day & remember why they said "yes" etc..so I figure having it on hand for this purpose also can't hurt As for your guests who film the day, you may be surprised. I think someone will definitely post it online - especially if they are also film & broadcasting friends. I work in broadcasting & my colleagues are really into photography & film making and always share their pics and flicks from everything we attend (showers, birthday dinners/office parties, weddings and even work trips).
  22. Congrats & Welcome! I agree that Mexico is your best bet from a bang for buck and ease of getting to standpoint. I am also on the east coast and needed to find a kid-friendly hotel/resort. After doing research, I included Karisma Resort's Azul properties since they allow kids & have good food for an all-inclusive which is important to us. I have stayed at a couple of the Palace resorts. A good number of them allow kids, sothose could be a great option for you. Hope this is helpful.
  23. @@talicea7812 - my heart is breaking for you & agree with @@krisdaversa & @. Like you, I'm the fiercely loyal type and would/will always go above and beyond for anyone I consider a true friend. Over time, I have learned (as Tammy mentioned) that friendships evolve and sometimes you have to part ways with people you never thought you'd spit from. Some I cut completely because their actions were simply not that of a friend - for others, I didn't cut them altogether but am more "selfish" & don't feel guilty about saying no to invites etc... To help me get over negative situations/people & disappointments, I make a list of the positives and refer to it anytime I feel hurt/angry because expending energy on those people/situations isn't worth it. As an outsider, I'd say your positives begin with getting married to your guy, in a beautiful location, surrounded by your daughter & other friends/family who, like Tammy said, are meant to be there and love/support you guys enough to make the investment to attend!
  24. @@talicea7812 - If they allow me to do so, I'll take pics next week & share them with you when I get back. I'm going to the Bride's Dress Rehearsal which I believe is sponsored by Lomas and from the youtube I saw they have sample set ups there.
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