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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. Well I thought we were similar before but now I know we're going through the same thing!! My future MIL hasn't gotten her passport either and is dragging her feet!! Which of course cost us more since only the expensive airlines tend to let you book without a passport number!! Infuriating!!

  2. We have to do the cocktail hour (our resort charges $400 or some ridiculous fee if your party isn't "continuous") and if we don't our reception will be over ridiculously early! I'm just saying I don't know if I want to fork out the $500+ for live music for a 45 minute set for entertainment when we won't even get to enjoy it! I'm thinking IPod and cocktails etc with a photo booth while we take our photos then head down the beach to our reception...Ughhhhh...now you girls have me thinking maybe I should just veto the cocktail hour and head straight into dinner and take the money I'm saving from that and add the extra hour onto my reception! Hmmmm what to do...

  3. Agreed! We'd be looking at spending about $210 to have them pass the bags out...ummm not happening! That's an extra hour of having a DJ! It really infuriates me when I know that my group will be bringing the property over $55,000 worth if rooms!! The least they could do is distribute the bags! But venting over...lol! We're not having any bridesmaids or groomsmen so I'm liking your idea for those of my guests who arrive the Wednesday with us...maybe I'll arrange am informal cocktail hour that night!

  4. For those of you having an AHR are you doing a separate guest book? Or just continuing with the one from the DW? I don't really want to do that because it might hurt people's feelings if they weren't invited down to Mexico (it's family only) but I think we're doing an engagement shoot guest book which would be awesome to fill completely up to have for years to come

  5. I think you're right! Keep the money ;) lol! You're lucking out having the craft store next store! Lol! Hopefully...if all goes according to plan...I'll be bringing back all the centerpieces from Mexico and setting them up. I guess where I worry a WC could be useful is when we transition from our party to the public dancing at 10:30. A WC would make sure the party atmosphere isn't interrupted for our group while clearing out the things that need to be cleaned before the public join us. Lol

  6. Make that DJ work girl ;) And I think you girls are convincing me to stick with my gut and wear the dress again! Lol! Are those of you having an AHR having a WC for the day of? It's not really an expense I want but at the same time the thought of spending all day decorating etc and then making sure everything is cleaned up and orchestrated correctly is exhausting to me when at that point all ill want to do is truly relax with my new husband!! Does anyone know how much a WC runs for just the day-of?

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