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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. Make sure you read everything girls...I went to pay my deposit for the DJ today and noticed our total was $600 over!! I called my wedding coordinator on it and said I would like an itemized checklist before any payment is paid in the future and it was fixed!! She didnt even respond with an apology or anything that they'd made an error which leads me to believe that had I not caught it we would have been paying $600 for nothing! Wonder who would have pocketed that little gem! It's annoying to have to be this "anal" about double checking everything (I'm already an organized girl so that's not the problem) just to make sure we're not getting screwed over!! Frustrating!

  2. That's really exciting Kard! I think we are going to end up at around 100. Not 100% sure, but its looking to be around there. Are any of you girls wearing shoes for the ceremony?I know this is a stupid question because we are getting married on the beach and toes in the sand sound SO much more comfortable. However im worried my dress will be too long to go barefoot. I think we are getti ng the runner so that will make it easier to do shoes, but just wondering what you ladies are doing. Thank you!
    I'm a June 15th bride too! Maybe we'll see each other in the airport! Lol! I want to go barefoot but my proper English mother is flabbergasted at the idea so I found a semi-flat sandal with a tiny wedge at DSW which I know will be off the second we start dancing but at least I'll have them there.
  3. Good luck with the room upgrade...that's another catch 22 of sorts...we were told we'd get that but had to book a certain "class" of room in order to get the package we wanted which didn't leave us a room category to upgrade to! Well played on their part...stinks on our part! Lol! I tried to get them to give the upgrade to my parents who are paying but I'm not thinking that's happening.

  4. It helped in that they dropped the day pass fee since they were locals (but keep in mind that this was after about 3 emails explaining this to them and then THE email about how much money my group was bringing to their resort with over 60 people attending)... They of course said that the local guests would only be allowed to come 30 minutes prior to the ceremony and leave 30 minutes after the reception. Fine by me!! There was no way I was paying for them to walk through the resort!! Of course it's still annoying that they charge more for non-Royal guests! It's an all inclusive and we're ready paying per person on top of everything else so why not have it be the same for my locals and the guests that are staying there? Thievery!! Lol

  5. I actually had to write a letter to that effect. I'm a very calm and easy-going person but I agree with the "privilege of having our wedding there" feeling they give me sometimes. My letter was written when I asked for a reduced rate or no day-pass rate for the 8 guests I have coming who live in Cancun! I think it's absurd to pay the day pass rate when they aren't coming to use the facilities (plus we'll be getting married on the beach so basically the fee is for the privilege of walking through the restort to the beach...they may as well walk down the beach to arrive to save that money) and its not like they're staying at a competing resort (which I could then slightly justify paying the resort fee if they were coming to relax for the day before the wedding). I had to remind these people that my party is booking over $55,000 worth of rooms!! That's not even any money we're shelling out for the actual wedding which of course is starting to cost a fortune especially with 8 locals who cost us almost double the price! Absurd!

  6. I'm in the same boat! Lol! Everyone has said it helped make the party! Ugh...what to do?? Lol! I was thinking the same thing about asking Doremixx directly but the WC and he are definitely in contact because as soon as I emailed him requesting a quote (never mentioning any interest in a DJ to my WC) my WC emailed me saying "I hear you're interested in using DJ Doremixx" which makes me think that if I ask about the fireworks then the WC will know...I'm wondering if it depends on which wedding package you are buying as to whether they're included or not?

  7. He does say that he brings fireworks... and the light up dance floor at an additional cost. This actually confuses me because according to my WC cold fireworks are an additional cost yet it sounds like Doremixx brings them as part of his package! I'm hesitant to ask (don't ask don't tell type of thing) since I'm sure if I show interest my WC will hike up the price! Lol! Can anyone shed some light on this? Did you pay for your cold fireworks or did Doremixx include them (making his price sound a tad more reasonable).

  8. I wrote Doramixx to get their quote hoping it would be cheaper directly but they told me I had to book through the resort! Sneaky sneaky! Lol' I'm wondering how much other DJ's are too but at the same time I keep reading how great they are and by the time we pay the outside fee it'll probably be about the same! We're stuck between a rock and a hard place! At least Doremixx brings a bunch of favors and things...

  9. OMG, I'm glad (but not glad) to hear I'm not the only one having communication issues... my wedding is pretty far away (Feb. 2014), but I still have so many questions I need answered!  My WC was super responsive in the beginning, but now that everything is signed, I'm hearing nothing!  Super frustrating... @Billandstina:  The checklist/sheet that I received from my WC says that the cost for the DJ for an extra hour is $150.
    The DJ being an extra $150 doesn't seem that bad...but I want to say that my WC told me at some point that to extend the reception another hour was an additional $10 per head!! And we have over 60 people so that kills me!! (Originally we thought about 20-30 would actually come). I'm sure it's for the alcohol but still...it's an All Inclusive so it irritates me!
  10. Totally, totally worth it. The reception goes by SO fast, we had the extra hour and almost wished we had booked 2 extra hours. I definitely suggest doing it. We had around 50 people, so I know the cost stinks but they really get the crowd going and you will have a great time.
    Well it's great to hear that! I want everyone to have the most memorable wedding experience so I think we'll do it. Do you mind telling me what your schedule of events was?
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