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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. Same here. We haven't had the wedding yet but the DJ said he will provide cold fire works for us, so don't pay extra for those even though it's an option on the spreadsheet. He also said he would provde glow sticks, masks and other fun party items. I got a kick out of it because he said they were "free and non-negotiable". Like "Oh, I will be bringing glowsticks to your wedding, like it or not!" Can't wait - it sounds like he really knows how to get everyone dancing :)
    I laughed at that too! Lol! As if we'd say no! Lol
  2. Originally Posted by mrsnova View Post


    No problem:) . I just tried to print with that template and it is still off!! I don't know if its just my printer? Let me know if yours worked..


    Sooooo I'm just now getting around to doing these...did you put the text the correct way? Vs. turn it on it's side? lol! Were you able to get your printer lined up?

  3. Hi girls...just thought I'd let you know for those of you who are wanting pops of color in the form of chair sashes and table runners but don't want to rent them from your resort for $10 a pop that www.tableclothsfactory.com has a 20% store wide sale on top of their already amazing prices (the lowest I've seen at .59 a chair sash)!! I purchased over 80 items and including shipping it only came to $50!!!

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  4. I have Elsa too and like I mentioned on one of the boards I noticed there was a random $600 added for no reason!! I called Elsa out on it and said I would like an itemized receipt for all transactions before I pay anything! I was given an itemized receipt and the $600 was removed with no apology or anything which makes me seriously wonder where that $600 would have gone had I not asked for an itemized receipt!! Becareful girls ;)

  5. When I participated in the webinar for this resort I asked about cocktail hour. I asked if that includes champagne toast only or a full open bar with all booze. I was told cocktail hour is an open bar. No extra charge!
    I was also told this but when I received my request form for final counts etc. I noticed a discrepancy in the prices and I asked why it was now $15...I was told only champagne is being served with 3 cold hors d'oeuvres but for $5 more per person we get open bar. For an additional $10 we get 3 hot appetizers as well! It's absolutely irritating when we had always been told $10 would be open bar and 3 appetizers! Just one more rip off!!!!
  6. We are going to be turning in our info soon and we are really debating about the videographer. At $500 for 1 hr of taping and a 30 min edited DVD I seems a little steep, but at the same time I don't want to regret not doing it. Are others doing videography or passing on it?
    I'm having the same dilemma in my head! Especially since for us that cost could cover an extra hour of the reception! So much money for everything! But at the same time I would love something to look back and watch years from now!
  7. I know for me having an excel spread sheet where we put every wedding penny spent on it has really helped keep us together and made us realize the truly important things (like photographer) and the extra stuff we don't need (which can add up really quickly if you don't pay attention). Also look for sales!! My FI laughs at me but I very literally don't think I've paid full price for anything big or small for this wedding...so secretly I think he's happy I look for coupons and sales! Lol

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