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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. See I'm thinking I don't want to spend the money for the cocktail hour when we'll be taking photos etc...selfish I know...but especially if we're forking out the money for a DJ. I was thinking of setting up a photo booth type area during the hour since the light will be good...just need someone to help people realize we want them to take photos while we're off getting our photos done

  2. Ohhhh I understand completely!! Like I said...I trust the FI (look at what he does for a paycheck) it's his friends I don't trust!! Most are single who pride themselves in the number of girls in their little black book!! They have every intention of making sure my FI gets so drunk he doesn't know his a** from his face which is the ONLY time I don't trust him since he doesn't know what he does when he gets like that!! Scares me to death!! I'm far from thrilled about Vegas (unless we did a joint trip and the fear of running into me would keep them on the straight and narrow...HA) and I know I'm going to have problems keeping my mind in check! Lol! As for the family drama we're right there with you too ;)

  3. Yes I think that's what it's going to come down to as well! In theory I would love to greet everyone as they arrive as some brides do but I selfishly don't want to spend the entire time in the lobby when I could mingling with people in the sun! I think a good chunk of our guests are arriving with us (not so sure how I feel about that as I had hoped they'd arrive the day after so we could get everything done before they got there) so maybe I will be able to greet everyone! We'll see I guess when my TA let's me know when everyone arrives!

  4. I'm thinking that's what's going to have to happen so that we can power through it as soon as we get there! Plus I'm hoping to get meeting my WC out of the way as soon as possible so that I can enjoy time with everyone who's travelled half way around the world to be there! I know I'm going to need a vacation after this "vacation"...too bad we're only there for a week then back here for an AHR without a honeymoon...lol

  5. Yes we're facing the same issues...we figured we'd pass then all out at our welcome dinner Friday night but it seems most people will be arriving the same day as us (which means more than ever that I don't want to be holed up in my room assembling bags! Lol) but our resort wants $7 (you read that right) a bag to deliver them to the room!!!! At 30 bags that's not happening! I wish I could have some already put together so I can just give it to those arriving at the airport at the same time as us in Cancun but I know that's not going to happen! Lol

  6. I'm going through this too...I don't know if I want to put them all in their individual zip-locks before packing them (I'm worried about the pressure on the plane causing leaks of the anti-bacterial soaps etc) or to leave them how they were shipped to me and assemble them when I get there. I just think that'll take time I'd rather be on the beach to assemble 50 hangover kits! Lol

  7. I had to think outside the box since everywhere wanted an arm and a leg as a rental fee and the whole reason we chose to have a destination wedding was being defeated! I don't really want the stress of having to plan two "weddings" so I decided to be a little untraditional and ask a friend of mine, who owns a large bar that used to have a steakhouse as part of it, if he'd consider having us cater a party in one of the rooms before the club gets busy. He shockingly said it would be fine and that he wouldn't charge us and would provide us with tables and linens! I guess all my years of drinking there has finally paid off ;) I'm beyond thankful! We're going to have a sit down Mexican themed dinner with simple decorations then have cake (and a grooms cake since we're not forking out the mulla for one in Mexico) the dance our booties off. We're doing it on a Friday night, a week and a half after we get back, since we could keep the party private for two hours longer than on a Saturday. I'm still debating whether I want to do garters or anything there but around 10:30 the club will open up to the public and we will have reserved two booths with bottle service for those who want to party all night with us. I'm hoping it all glows along seamlessly since I honestly just want to relax after we're married in Mexico (the parentals wanted the AHR). I had planned on wearing my dress because ill never wear it again, but then my mom said something about it being tacky and bad luck??!! Has anyone heard this? The bad luck part? Maybe I'll do dinner in it and then change? I'm torn...but if bad luck's involved I don't want to cause it! Just seems ashame never to wear an expensive dress again! Lol

  8. I'm sorry...did that say $800 per person for the reception?? That can't be right! Lol! Definitely look into all inclusives! That what we're doing and my budget is the same as yours for the destination wedding and at home reception for about the same number of people! Plus with all inclusives nobody has the stress of not being able to join everyone for a meal if they can't afford it! Everyone's on the same playing field ;) Good luck and these boards will help you through everything!!

  9. Well I really need to get cracking here!! Lol! Amazing work!! Do I dare ask how many suitcases you used to get all of this down there? And an inkjet printer really worked for all this? You're Passports are exactly what I have in mind but don't know if I have the patience to create! And I plan on doing the "Facebook" thing too but you've just brought it all together so well! Have you started your own business doing these? How much would you charge for about 25 of the Passports with Facebooks? I know it would probably depend on the amount of pages. Do you have an option to pay for the design then I could do the printing and assembling? So many questions! Lol

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