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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. Ok so I'm not the only! She had me losing my mind for about 3 weeks when I was trying to get 1 simple basic logistics question answered!! To be honest I still don't think I've had the question answered! Lol! I'm hoping I'm not in for a big battle once I get down there. I'm a pretty calm-go-with-the-flow type of person...I can't say the same for my dad though so I'm trying to make sure it all goes smoothly once we get there so Hurricane Allan doesn't blow up if things aren't right!! Lol! Fingers and toes crossed!

  2. Lolol!! Loving that retirement home quote!!! Amazing!! I'm having the same disclaimer because his family has some drama in it (mom vs step-mom) and I've already put the word out that they better pull on their big girl panties and play nice the whole week because I'm NOT putting up with their drama for the most important week of my life!! Lol! I have half a mind to tell my TA to place them on opposite sides of the resort ;)

  3. I'm not so sure...I want to say that there's specific WC onsite that are given our files from the ones we've been working with. I can't see how Elsa would actually be my WC in Playa when she's also coordinating weddings in Cancun...makes me think we're handed off! If that's the case I'd rather be going through all these negotiations with whoever I will be meeting face to face and working with on the day of my wedding! Does anyone who's already tied the knot have any insight into this?

  4. Ohhhh I'm so happy to hear this from someone else!! I was beginning to think I was the only weird bride who doesn't want a bachelorette party or shower! Lol! If I had to have a bachelorette I'd rather do a joint one with the FI or a cool spa day but honestly I'd be happy to forgo all of it...just wish he would too!! Lol

  5. Girls...are you extending your reception by an hour? I'm having a hard time swallowing the additional fee when I have 50 people who have already booked...and is there also an additional fee for the DJ on top of that? I'm just worried with a seated dinner that'll only leave us with like an hour and 15 minutes to dance which is a waste of a DJ in my opinion! And if we're all having a blast I feel bad moving everyone to another location to continue partying! Is there a fun bar or anything on property? Or can anyone tell me what sort of entertainment is offered at the resort on a Saturday night? I would ask my WC but I can't even get simple wedding related questions answered so I doubt she'll be able to help me on guiding me here!

  6. I feel the same way! I don't really have a desire for one (but maybe because that's I'm older than him) so I'm trying not to think about him having one! Lol! Honestly I don't worry about him when he's at work...it's when he's out at "normal" bars that my mind trips me up! Lol! And I trust him 1,000 % until his friends get him stupid messy and then he doesn't know his a** from his face!! Lolol!! Ughhhhh praying to the wedding Gods he doesn't go to Vegas as he's hoping to for his bachelor party! Lol

  7. On another note, I wanted to hear from all the 2013 brides.... How's it going? Getting excited like me for next year? Any of you in contact with your Wedding Coordinators? Who are you dealing with and how's it going so far? Vent, suggest and compliment! Talk soon ladies! [/quote I'm getting married in Playa del Carmen and noticed you have Elsa as a WC too! Have you had issues with her??
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