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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. Hi there...I'm getting married there in June and we're having about the same amount of people and I remember seeing photos of a ceremony at the gazebo and I knew there wouldn't be enough room for all our guests. It appears that the gazebo is pretty close to he actual hotel. I'm guessing your guests should be able to walk through the hotel to Central Beach instead of all the way around?

  2. Very cool! Maybe I can bribe the FI with Jameson to sit down and do this soon. He's already said he doesn't want to do our own vows...and to an extent I agree...but we both have a sense of humor and I feel like it would be great to put some of that and our personality into it as I know our guests (only family) would understand and find the ceremony more memorable. Let's hope I can sway him! ;)

  3. Very inspirational! I was worried I won't have enough color but its great to see how fabulous your pops of color are! My colors are fuscha, purple and touches of orange but in terms of packing simple centerpieces I'm hoping just a pop of color will be enough! I know you were probably busy having a blast but you didn't by Amy chance notice while you were out and about if maracas were readily available down there at non-tourist prices?

  4. Well I would love to allow him messy nights but honestly he has it better than anyone he knows (guy-wise)...he manages a strip club!! So in my eyes he has an average guy's "bachelor party" every night of the week...needless to say I'm dreading his actual bachelor party which he seems to think will be in Vegas!!! Ummmm we don't have any groomsmen so that should mean no bachelor party riiiight?? ;) Someone back me up here! Lol

  5. I feel your pain y'all! We made sure the singles knew they could invite their significant others and we're only inviting family so I didn't think we'd have to deal with any of this when I started getting RSVP's through our website of people we'd never heard of (its password protected so it was only family viewing it). It turns out the FI's single cousin had decided this was spring break and instead of inviting his girlfriend had invited a bunch of guys!!! Ummmmm this is NOT ok!! I told the FI he better nip it in the bud (especially when family members hasn't even booked yet) because if he thinks for two seconds this is spring break he has another thing coming! Lucky me, I robbed the cradle and sometimes he's still a 12 year old, but I've told him that if he's drunk the entire week I'll turn and walk the other way when I get to the top of the aisle!!! Lololololol! Is that bad? I just don't get the nerve of some people! I would NEVER invite myself or book a trip to someone's Family-only wedding, especially not knowing either the bride or groom! Insane!! Lol

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