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Everything posted by RNtoBe

  1. We are getting legally married before we leave for Mexico on May 17 which was my Grandma's birthday. The date was important to me and we couldn't coordinate it around flights to mexico so that was my deciding factor to get married in Canada before we left.
  2. Hey everyone, I am considering starting Insanity to get in shape for our upcoming wedding in May. I'd be lying if I wasn't scared. How is everyones progress?
  3. I hope my hangers look half as nice as yours, I'm not a "crafty"person.
  4. Here are my Boarding Pass style Invitations. We are very happy with them and have received a ton of compliments!
  5. What prices are you looking for? The website has all of their wedding package prices. If you ask for an "additional cost list" they will send it to you.
  6. What a beautiful dress! I love the sash, it adds a little extra to the dress.
  7. I am planning on packing most things (chair sashes, cloth napkins, etc) and I will divide other items like tumblers amongst the bridal party.
  8. I just found this site for bridesmaid dresses, they are organized by dress colour which is helpful! http://www.weddingtonway.com/
  9. We purchased and advised our guests to purchase Travel Insurance. I was one of the customers burned years ago when Canada 3000 went out of business abruptly months before our trip. We did get our money back because we purchased travel insurance but it took about a year. It's better to be on the safe side just in case.
  10. We purchased and advised our guests to purchase Travel Insurance. I was one of the customers burned years ago when Canada 3000 went out of business abruptly months before our trip. We did get our money back because we purchased travel insurance but it took about a year. It's better to be on the safe side just in case.
  11. I think we are all in the same boat. I was worried and stressing out in the beginning that no one would book. I've had close family members freak out about the price, at this point, the way I see it is, the people who want to be there will be there. I have 20 people that have given a deposit, they have until March to make the final payment. I am expecting people to wait until the last possible minute to see if they can get it for cheaper.
  12. I won't be doing programs, I think they are kind of pointless for a destination wedding and one more thing to pack with you.
  13. I wouldn't trust the resort to carry certain brands, I'd bring it with you to be on the safe side.
  14. I'm wondering the same thing! I think I'm going to have to blot with blotting wipes and re-touch with powder multiple times throughout the day.
  15. Our first dance will be Pistol by Dustin Kensrue.
  16. Make sure you are clear about exactly what you want, she usually writes everything down. I recommend repeating it just to make sure you are both on the same page. She is a very nice lady and her work is great.
  17. We have decided to get legally married here (Alberta) the day before we leave for Mexico, it seems a lot easier!
  18. Here are my Boarding Pass style Invitations. I used a local home based company called Glimpz. She was awesome to work with and has a ton of different invitation styles. I will also be using her for my Thank You coasters.
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