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Everything posted by mstigger

  1. Love the pockets on your dress!!! You're getting so close!!! YAY!!
  2. Does anyone have an "Oh Sh*t" bag and "Hangover" bag template they would be willing to email me? I don't need your graphics or logo or anything, but just basically the set up and wording. Thank you!!!
  3. Very impressive timeline, I can't get over how organized you are!!! I'm getting married in April and I'm a hot mess getting things done these days! Thanks for sharing everything.
  4. What a wonderful love story!! The house looks amazing and I cannot wait to see the pics of the ceremony and that cliff! I love your dress and the jewelry. Looking forward to your updates!!
  5. Made my first order to Vistaprint today using your welcome letter as my inspiration!!! Thanks so much!!
  6. I think I have too much invested to turn back now, but I feel very comfortable stopping where I'm at and not adding other items. A friend of mine is looking for some cheap material and she is going to make sarongs for the ladies and still need a little something for the guys and I'm all done!! Glad to see I'm not alone with this dilemma!! Thanks everyone!
  7. That's the system my WC is trying to sell me and since our reception is at the health bar, which is not that big, I'm not sure we need that one. Especially since there's only going to be 16 of us.....well that's all that have confirmed so far. What do you guys think? Quote: Originally Posted by CanadianLindsey We rented one for $250...back then it was the only option. It came with a microphone for speeches and a staff member who manned it for us which was nice because they had my "dance" playlist going but then also hooked up their own ipod with some Mexican music for an impromptu congo line and tequila shots with the bar staff!! We only had 26 people but the bigger sound system made it feel more like a party(also our reception was at Tuccanes which is an outdoor venue so you need the sound louder).
  8. Wow, everything looks amazing!! Congratulations and thank you for all of the information!
  9. Ok so I know this is more something for a planning thread....if I ever do one, but LOOK at my garter that I had special made on Etsy. OMG, I love it!!!!
  10. Yes!!! Please share some sites. I agree it's nuts to pay so much for our group of 16 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
  11. I sent my STD out not long after we booked and I am just getting ready to send out the formal invites this week, which is a little over 3 months out. I would say that's just a formality, as I already know who's coming but I did all that work so they are getting mailed!!!
  12. Oh, forgot that I wanted to ask if anyone has rented their ipod equipment. It's pretty pricey, but I don't think I want to buy one and lug it down there. She offered the small bose one for $150 for 2 hours and $50 for additional 2 hours or the bigger one with a mic for $250 for 4 hours. Thoughts from those that did not have a DJ?
  13. Holy Crap!!!! $7 for a cupcake? That is insane.....insane in the membrane!!! I hope you told her what they could do with those cupcakes
  14. Ok, so I have a question for those brides that have already been there, done that! I wasn't taking any type of glass candle holders, and now I am. How did you pack all of your things? Did you wrap them in bubble wrap and hope for the best? I got these cute holders for $1 so no biggie if they break, but just curious how you packed your fragile items and how they made the trip. As always, thank you -You are all so helpful!!
  15. I intend to use Allie's tactic. I'm taking $150 to the meeting and see what happens from there. Sounds like they really worked with Allie and I really don't have that much, just sounds like a lot. I think we are cutting the parasols.
  16. I agree that $5 pp is a rip off, but that's even what I was quoted and I was only bringing fans to go on the guest chairs and shells for the reception table. So I decided to make them work for my $$$. Now bringing table runners and chair sashes and parasols and big a** bows and glass candle holders and signs and photo booth props!!! HA, take that wedding people!!!
  17. Congratulations!!! Everything looked amazing and your pictures were beautiful!!
  18. I can't wait to hear the rest of your story! BTW I love the dress. I got mine from kissdresses.com....also in China and paid $150 and it's an amazing dress!!! So glad to know I'm not alone with the OOT bags, they are killing me!!!! Thanks so much!!
  19. How very cool!!! It's a mystery vacation!! Hope that it's wonderful! Enjoy your belated anniversary!!
  20. Welcome Jem236!!! I will echo what the others have said, EDR is amazing!!! I'm getting married in April and chose EDR from my TA's recommendation. I was lucky enough to take a trip there in September to check things out, and WOW was I impressed!! The food is incredible (I gained 5 lbs in 5 days....of course I ate guacamole with every meal ) My TA has been great and most of my guests have booked with her. As of today I only have 14 confirmed guests, and I am good with that!! Everyone on this site is SO incredibly helpful and supportive. This site has been a great source of information for me. Feel free to ask anything, all of these girls are wonderful. There are many, many DIY projects that will save you a ton of money. So take your time and research and then hop in!!! It can be a bit overwhelming, as you can see I've had my share of melt downs!! Enjoy it and ask as many questions as you need to!!
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