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Everything posted by mrsjdh2b

  1. krsmith your pictures are fabulous!! You guys make such a cute couple. Update on our plans....I email Janina last week to ask about picking where we would like to have the ceremony and reception. She said she would get me in contact with the "pre-planning" department. Lizzie contacted me yesterday. She sent me the documents on what the comp wedding entails, the breakfast menu for the honeymoon, and the one for private events. I sent her a list of questions back so hopefully I'll have my answers soon. One question being if she could send me some pictures of the decorations (other than what's on the website) of the diamond package. I'm trying to decide if I want to just go with the comp and do a few add-ons or use my credits for the wedding package. Anyone have thoughts on this? I'll be happy to share any of the information I have or get if any of you are interested.
  2. Congrats and happy planning!! I'm actually trying to decide on whether or not to do the comp or the diamond. I asked Lizzie the "pre-planner" coordinator if she could send me some pictures and what exactly is in the diamond package when I get them I'll be happy to share with you to help make your decision.
  3. Hi lauren4603! I, just like you have been previously married. We decided against the civil ceremony and decided to just do a symbolic wedding. Reasons being we didn't have to do blood work or worry about having all the proper paperwork. Plus once I did the math it's going to save around $600 which to us is a lot of money that could be used elsewhere. We are actually going to get married in Texas the day before we leave and just not tell any of our guest. My maid of honor will be the only one that knows since she's going to be our witness. I just feel like that was the easiest option for us. Good luck in deciding!!
  4. Welcome and Congrats!!! I got engaged in June and started planning immediately for a June 2012 wedding. We chose Moon Palace for the costs and the perks that come with having a wedding there plus the promotion they are offering all people traveling there. It was just too good of a deal plus it will actually lower the expense for our guest and for our wedding. They are offering resort credits that vary based on the number of days you will be staying and they can be used for the spa, golf, wedding packages or excursions. My advice would be to decide on a location and get pricing as soon as you can. This will allow your guest time to plan. Once you get a confirmation on your date get the STDs out, again to help your guest start planning. This website offers a lot of information and guidance. Plus the ladies on here are very willing to share information and advice. Happy planning!!!
  5. Welcome and congrats!!! Hopefully all of the people that you really want to be there will be ok with it and come. I have come to the conclusion that if you don't want to save for a year to take a great vacation and be there for our special day then don't, but I certainly don't want to hear them complain about having to miss out because they don't want to commit to putting back some money each month. It's your special day and you should have it where you want. Plus if they take the time to see what a great deal they are getting with all their drink, food, room and resort credits they will want to come. Just keep reading and feel free to ask any of us questions. We will know the answer or will be able to direct you to the answer. Happy planning!
  6. Congrats R!!!!! Wonderful news! I wish you and the mister all the happiness in the world!
  7. Welcome and congrats on your engagement!! This site is wonderful with lots of useful information. Don't get down yet. I requested our wedding date back in June, we made a switch in ceremonies and just last week got the final confirmation letter for our date June 9, 2012. I truly believe that all of us are just so excited to get things started and they are working on weddings every day so the urgency to respond just isn't there for them like we think it should be. It will all work out eventually. In the meantime read, read, read it will answer a lot of questions for you to ease your mind.
  8. WOW!!!!! Coco you look AMAZING!!! Love that dress. It's perfect for you!
  9. My vote is for dress A. While they are both gorgeous dress A makes more of an impression. The train is magnificent!
  10. All of you ladies have been so busy!! I feel like I have nothing accomplished compared to you guys. * I'm picking up the invitations/save the dates today from the printer for us to assemble this weekend. * Went dress shopping over the weekend and have it narrowed down to 2 choices. So difficult because they were both so simple but beautiful. I didn't want to commit just yet as I will be running a half marathon in December and want to see what they look like after shedding some pounds. * Have the AHR venue booked as well as the cakes for the reception. * Spoke to the caterer (just this morning) on pricing for the AHR. * Contacted several photographers for pricing, now I just need to decide on who to use. And that's about it. I haven't even thought of what to put in the OOT bags or anything else for that matter. So behind!!! Happy planning ladies!
  11. Hi rae12vb! I got this from one of the Moon Palace 2011 brides. It's good thru December 23, 2012. Hope it helps! $1500 USD Resort Credit Promotion Cancun-Riviera.doc
  12. Wow! Great job!!! I just informed my FI last night that we will be doing something similar to this. Not sure how excited he was to hear there's another project that's going to cost money. Ha!
  13. These are so good. Where did you find your little palm tree brads? I have been searching all over for something like this.
  14. Love all of your ideas and your pictures. You were a gorgeous bride!! Congrats!
  15. Oh My Goodness!!! I love all of your posts!! Your story made me tear up a bit. I love hearing total surprise engagement stories and it makes it so much more wonderful that your daughter was involved. (My story is similar including my daughter and mom being in on the whole deal.) All of your projects are gorgeous! Can you come to Texas and lend this girl a hand?! Ha! I'm certain your wedding is just going to be wonderful!!
  16. Leigh17, thanks for sharing all of your information!!! This really helps to answer a lot of questions that I was wanting to ask. Now I don't have to wait on the Miami office to finally get back to me.
  17. So sorry to hear this. Good luck in your planning. I'm sure everything will work out just fine. Praying for you!
  18. Congrats and have a wonderful time!!!! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.
  19. Great job!!! I'm currently working on mine and it's frustrating me some but I'm hopeful that they turn out as great as yours.
  20. I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble!! I hope things get better after this. I would be about ready to throw in the towel. We changed our ceremony type and are still waiting on a contract. I emailed Janina to see where it stood she's out until Monday and we were supposed to have our group block to the TA this Friday. I pray the resort let's our TA extend the booking rate we were quoted since the wedding coordinator hasn't sent us the contract yet.
  21. We are still waiting on our contract as well since we switched the type of ceremony. I email Janina yesterday to check on the progress of the minister confirmation and her out of office reply came back saying she would be out until July 18th. Ugh! So if MandiCaudle is using her don't expect anything just yet. Maybe someone else will send it sometime this week. I'm not fretting just yet though. I have faith that everything will work itself out eventually.
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