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Everything posted by sn0048

  1. sn0048


    Congratulations and welcome! This site is an awesome place you will find everything you need and more! Good luck wedding planing
  2. Ashley, This is an extremely tough situation I am in a similar situation as your fiance and do not have a lot of contact with my family so speaking from the other side all you can do is be there for your fiance and let him heal and mend the relationship on his own terms. If you force a relationship it won't really be genuine. He needs to heal from the pain in his time and all you can do is be cordial to his family and let them know that while you hold no ill-will towards them, it is contingent on your fiance's willingness to have a relationship. I'm sure the history behind is extremely traumatic and he just needs time. You could encourage him to talk to you or someone about it to help the healing process for his sake. It seems like his mom is remorseful for the past and ideally they can repair their relationship but until he is ready to forgive, there is not much that can really be done. I'm sorry you feel caught in the middle, you shouldn't have to take on that burden but again I'm sure there's a lot of unresolved issues. I hope this is helpful to shed some light on the the other perspective and speaking from experience, time sometimes does a have a way of helping things work out. As for the Aunt and Cousin situation, maybe when you guys get back yall can grab a brunch or something together and share the memories from the trip.
  3. Since we are paying for everyone's trip I am not paying for their dresses but I am just giving them a general description of what to wear and they can find the best deal. I will be treating them to mani/pedis the day before the wedding though
  4. Congrats! Everything sounds like it was awesome and I'm sure your guests had a fabulous time
  5. Congrats MarieSam! I hope your day will be as fabulous as you are!
  6. sn0048


    Congrats and welcome! You came to the right place the site is an awesome resource! Good luck wedding planning
  7. Yea that is kind of bizarre that Caroline broke down for something that small...maybe she wanted to match the "showmanship" of Danielle with one of the five breakdowns she had during the reunion! That woman is a hot mess!
  8. The is beautiful and you look gorgeous in it! Love the beading!
  9. There are so many great songs but Billie Jean is my absolute favorite and then Scream, Beat it, Black or White & Remember the Time
  10. sn0048


    Congrats and welcome Meeka! This site is an awesome resource for everything you need I've been to Negril and it is gorgeous! I'm sure your wedding is going to be amazing! Good luck wedding planning!
  11. I bet it had to do with Lexi and her dad
  12. RIP King of Pop! Though he's gone he'll never be forgotten my future kids will rock to Off the Wall & Thriller just like I did when I was little. Though he had an extremely troubled personal life, his career was iconic and I hope he finally finds peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family
  13. According to Danielle's blog "As for the end of the Reunion, when Caroline said such horrible things to me, I had no idea at the time what "disgraceful" acts she was referring to. I only found out later what she was talking about, from someone in her own family. I simply gave a phone number to her ex brother-in-law to contact proper people with questions that he had concerning something that was absolutely none of my business. I was asked to give this information to him. If I had to do it again, I would have declined and preferred not to get involved." Hmm...I think there's more to it than she's willing to divulge..but I'm sorry but as sad as Danielle's past was I just can't be that sympathetic towards her but I did think it was good that they had some sort of closure between Dina & Danielle
  14. Congratulations and welcome! You picked a great date (also happens to be my bday) but this site is fantastic and you will find so much information here Good luck planning!
  15. Congratulations! I'm sure you two will have a blast!
  16. Those earrings are so cute and the packaging is adorable! I am an Etsy fan as well I was searching for silk flowers (as a back up) but everyone is booked up until September but Danielle has been super accommodating and extremely reasonably priced Hooray for Etsy!
  17. Those are cute! I bet your guests are going to love them
  18. Welcome and congratulations! You have come to the right place, this site is a great resource! I hear PV is amazing and I'm sure your wedding will be as well Congrats again and good luck planning!
  19. Wow that is so romantic! Congratulations! I know LDR are hard but obviously it was worth the work
  20. Lol no problem! We need to save money anyway we can and it's exciting to find good deals
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