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Everything posted by egsarah

  1. SO yet another update. My mother emailed me today...after how many weeks? Basically... she told me that I was a horrible self centered child (for not agreeing to her ultimatums)...so I'm pretty over ANY guilt that I felt. We leave for the wedding in less than 8 days so I'll let you all know how it turns out. I have NO qualms over asking her to leave or having my wedding coordiator ask her to leave after all of this. Plus about 90% of our guests know whats been going on and think that she's ridiculous...so at a minimum I don't have to be embaressed by her behavior. Its just a shame that shes acting this way....
  2. Oh goodness! I haven't posted in awhile but it has all come so quick. We are really just wrapping up loose ends. The biggest thing left...get legally married here. We have our certificate we just need to find a JP! I hope everyone has wonderful and gorgeous weddings!
  3. We brought everything down in 7 yes seven suitcases during our site visit. (We had a lot of stuff for our OOT bags) Make sure to check the airlines website. Some of them will not check boxes, or parcels internationally. I'm not sure what a rubbermaid container would be classified as but the last thing you want to do is get to the airport and they won't let you check it through. Also I can't stress enough...BRING RECEIPTS! We could have had major issues in customs but it ended up being a breeze since I had proof of everything.
  4. Do what YOU want. You're the one that will be wearing it. Just explain to FI that you would really prefer to not have the extra.
  5. Great Review! We are honeymooning here in a few weeks so its good to know that someone really enjoyed it!
  6. The dress is gorgeous! And you look great in it. Congratualtions on finding "the one"!!
  7. I freaked out at first too. I am normally a 2 or 4 street size and I ended up ordering an 8. It all depends on the cut of the dress. And don't worry alterations work wonders!
  8. I really like both! But I'd go with number two. To me it just seems more inviting to just lounge.
  9. Wow these are fantastic! I wish I had seen this thread a month ago! I have enough towels to do it but I already bought bags.
  10. I agree these are so pretty! I used to make tissue paper flowers all the time as a kid so I can't see these being very hard to make. Its really the same concept. Good luck and let us know how they turn out.
  11. I just love this designer! Everything she makes is just gorgeous!! You really can't go wrong with a Maggine.
  12. Wow that's crazy! Sorry that you were treated that way. I would look somewhere else too. I didn't need a ton of alterations but I got two other dresses altered, and my wedding dress (taken in, hemmed, and bustle) for $175. $630 just sounds outrageous!
  13. I just haven't been WOWED yet...last season there were so many OMG NO WAY THAT JUST HAPPEND moments...and there hasn't been any yet...I haven't even gotten any favorites yet...hmm...I'll give it a few more weeks, but I'm kind of bummed. Maybe its because the judges hyped up how good this season was going to be and its been eh so far...
  14. Thats so funny! FI and I are both Chemical engineers....lets just say we have a whole house of NERD! Our poor kids one day!!
  15. Jess it looks like you will have a GORGEOUS wedding! Can't wait to see some pictures when you get back!
  16. I had the same panic moment..but trust me once you see it and put it on again you'll fall back in love..at least I did! PS...I have this weird habit of eating frosting out of the container...don't ask...it's the only "bad" thing I really eat...and its TOTALLY been banned from the house....So I COMPLETELY understand the no honey buns!!
  17. Thats very exciting that you found THE one! It looks PERFECT for a beach wedding! I'm sure you'll be stunning!
  18. Oh my...in case I forget tomorrow..HAPPY WEDDING DAY BROOKE!! Hope everything turns out fabulous! Also...we will be heading down Sunday for our site visit...last call if any one wants any questions asked or pictures taken let me know!!
  19. Thanks for all the great advice! It's just really hard when she's YOUR MOM. You would think that she would act like an adult... I did respond back to her and said in the nicest (but blunt) way that if she is not going to be supportive and keep her negativity to herself that she should just stay home. I also told her that I would ask her to leave or even escorted out in the event that she starts a scene. She hasn't replied (its been over a week) so I don't really know what that means. My parents are arriving in Mexico about a week before us and we have three days with them before the wedding to feel out where her head is. I can usually tell what kind of "mood" she is in when I see her so hopefully she'll get herself together before the big day. I'll keep you girls posted. Again thank you for all the advice. It makes me feel like less of a terrible person for not necessarily wanting her there.
  20. I LOOOVED these too but couldn't convince FI to spend that much money on our sand ceremony. We are doing a frame. Sorry to hear that they are being so non responsive!!
  21. I don't think that sounds over the top. I think they'll be gorgeous. I would recommend googling also. I didn't really find what I wanted by googling but I found two or three that were close enough that I can show them to my coordinator and ask her to "combine" them.
  22. Steve and Julia we have used travelersjoy and so far we have been very pleased. It was VERY easy to set up a regsistry and a lot of people have found it fun to buy us non traditional gifts. Also, we are planning on doing our site visit in two weeks. If anyone wants specific pictures of anything let me know and I'll see what I can do to post....
  23. Thank you all for the advice. I plan on emailing my mom this weekend and we'll see what happens. Phone calls always turn into screaming matches and well... I live 1500 miles away (she wonders why) I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
  24. OOOH it was good. I won't ruin it for anyone that might have DVRed it.
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