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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Ok Guys great news MY BOX ARRIVED TO MY WC TODAY!!!! Yay!!! All the stressing over "my wedding in a box" is over. I can breathe easy now. This morning we ended up seasoning and cleaning 10 fish and the other 15 we took over dirty. I know we suck but it was ok bc my parents were runiing waaay behind schedule. OK the pissing me off moment of my day. My BM did not show up to my rehearsal. Ok I live in Baltimore my BM lives in Philly on a good day it's about and 1.5 hr drive. In bad weather (which we are in the midst of constant rain) it takes at least 2 hrs. Ok I texts her this morning around 7:45 to remind her that the rehearsal starts at 10. She freaking calls me at 8:50 sounding like she just woke up to say she's on her way (she called from her house phone), when we had already discussed her coming home last night and staying at her mother's house. I'm just like ok. At 10:15 she texts me that there is traffic in Delaware and she would be late. I'm like well you may as well just go home bc we are only rehearsing for an hour. All day she's been very apologetic but I'm like you knew of this rehearsal for 3 weeks. It was planned around HER schedule. And she didn't come. She is literally the worst BM on earth. She wasn't at my shower she made my fi and i drive to Philly to take her, her dress for the wedding only for her to come home (Baltimore) the very next weekend where a friend had her baby. I'm just so done with her. Vikki I hafta check out that calendar. So I want to hear ab the legal ceremonies today ladies. I hope all went well.
  2. Whats the 7 Day calendar? Also I am getting ready for my rehearsal. It's at 10 am this morning. I have french toast casserole in the oven (i made it with homemade (well Amish homemade lol) peach bread) it's now 8:39 and my fi is getting brakes put on his car. Then he has to come home and clean over 25 fish for our fish fry brunch. He is so annoying. He was waiting like a month for his BM (who's no longer going on the trip, he's becoming a real loser of a friend) to put them on and since he is working late nights he can only get it done on Saturday. So he went early this morning. But now I fear that he will smell like fish at the rehearsal.
  3. Everything looks great thus far can't wait for the rest. Congrats.
  4. Ok Ladies what are you getting your FI as a wedding present besides BD Books. I'm getting my FI a digital camera/camcorder. We had decided not to give gifts but I found something I wanted to give him. I don't want him to feel bad if he doesn't get me something so I guess I'll tell him i got him something. I found a really nice "To My Groom" card in Hallmark today. I also got my grandparents a card. However I couldn't get one for my mother, bc she's not married so i will just give her a blank card with a personal note from me. Now I just have to get gifts and I'll be done.
  5. Wow I hope we're able to go bc we won't be able to do TTD because of time constraints with the cruise wedding so that would be perfect. i could also try to sneak in BD Shoot for my 1st Anniversary gift, since I won't be able to do one for a wedding gift. OMG I really want to go on this trip now.
  6. Congrats Kiera Melissa I feel you I'm a 36G. Large breast run in my family so my bra size isn't a shocker but I'm thinking a D would be good lol. One of my friends is like and H and is getting a reduction right after we come back from the wedding cruise. They will only let her go down to a D I believe. Annie if I were you I'd post the pic thru Photobucket. I have a Shutterfly and Photobucket acct but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to post the pics from Shutterfly. There's a thread on her under the How Tos that shows you how to post pics and then you can practice on that thread i will try to find the link for you. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ok-here-16832/
  7. Meissa I'm glad it worked out. Im interested in seeing the dress as a non halter thou. I think a reduction is in my near future. I really don't want one but the constant back pain i have from carrying these things around is a bit much. My gma got a reduction ab 15 yrs ago. My aunt really needs one she has this growth in her stomach from her breast or something (don't get me lying but i know it has something to do with the weight of her breast long story lol) anyway she refuses to get the reduction that she needs. If I find my cam I will take a pic of the shirts for you all tomm. The guy was so nice he gave us five extra shirts. Ok so I am sending back ab 60% of the makeup i purchased for the wedding and am ordering about another $100 more. The best thing ab avon is that if I try on something and don't like it I can return it. So I am def exercising that ability with my wedding makeup. I hope I like the stuff im ordering bc at this point I'll have to pay extra shipping if I need some more stuff (reg orders go in every other week so)...
  8. Aww Vikki that's so sweet. You only have a few more days. That's really a special letter you must save it in a scrapbook so something. Our shorts just came in. They have our lgog on them in all green. However I had to recreate our logo like 5 mins before i met with the guy to give him the logo and deposit. Of course i thought it as perfect. But when i got the 45 shirts today I noticed the the word Tortola isn't on the correct angle. So sad. Oh well Hopefully no one will notice. They were only $6 a piece :-(
  9. Can my future hubby come or is it just a girls get together. We are looking to honeymoon sometime between March and June...
  10. Hey ladies. My swimsuit from Victoria secret arrived. I kinda hate it but I plan to keep it. I basically finished my packing last night. Then I went on airtan to check out baggage prices. OMG we're spending at least $130 each way on luggage (that $260 for luggage and we only spent $353 for the flights. For that price we can order more tickets and have our luggage sitting next to us to the plane lol) . That's freaking ridiciulous IMO. Oh well. Our Tshirts are done so I will go pick them up this afternoon. Then I have the awesome task of distributing them. Prayerfully after our rehearsal brunch on Sat the FI and I will go and check out rings for him... So sad that we are so last minute with this...
  11. Congrats Kelly Water challenge sounds good since i don't drink water... I know I know horrible. That's my secret...
  12. Melissa I love the shoes. Amanda (Amanseth) thanks for your kind words. I've mellowed. You guys should have seen me freaking out today. After I finished my venting on here I went to get dressed for work and couldn't find my brown pants that I had planned to wear. I went crazy in here. I kept bb messaging my fi like DID YOU MOVE MY PANTS I REALLY REALLY NEED TO WEAR THEM. He's great with me bc he's so calming even through bb mess. He's like Ash if I moved them they are still somewhere in the bedroom. After about 25 mins of crying and throwing things I threw everything n the clothes hamper (clean laundry that I was too lazy to fold) and guess what came out.... my brown pants. I then went to work (mind you i am a social worker and i work in a rather small agency where we're all like family) I didn't speak when I walked in so everyone's social work antennas went up. The next thing I knew one of my friends was thinking that I wanted to kill myself and was asking me to contract for safety. I'm like you've gotten be kidding me I'm stressed not suicidal lol. I'm usually the calm levelheaded one but this wedding is putting me in a different place. Luckily later my fi called me and said not to worry ab the $$ issues and surprisingly he handled everything including my other chore of adding me to his car insurance lol. So I'm good now.
  13. I had a little sickness a few weeks ago. But I'm pretty good now. Knock on wood I can't afford to get sick my wedding is in a few weeks Yay. Just sent in my weight. i think I stayed the same.
  14. OMG I am really starting to stress out. Mainly bc my fi never wants to talk ab $$$ issues which we are clearly having. I don't want to talk to any family or friends ab it bc it's personal and since they all have to pay for the trip they could care less ab our $$$ probs. But it's really getting to the point where I can't handle it any more. I feel like we bit off more than we can chew with this wedding. While we haven't gone over budget I think we budgeted too high. Clearly when we set our budget I was working 2 jobs and my fi had a different part time job where he made at least double what he makes at this one. A couple months into the planning we decided that I could quit my parttime. Well literally a week later he lost his parttime and eventually got a new one but that really messed everything up and now we are seriously struggling to pay this thing off. I can't even enjoy this time bc i'm so stressed about paying for it all. Brian has no relationship with his family and normally the grooms family would pay for the rehearsal dinner. Well we decided to do brunch to make it cheaper and I thought my parents were gonna foot the bill, but they just did the shower and really can't afford it so as of yesterday (rehearsal is Sat) i was told that we need to pay for it and we really don't have it. I am honestly so sick of this and i just really wish we went to the courthouse or something bc this is getting really old and I'm sick of the stress of handling this alone basically. Sorry for being so negative. I'm just so exhausted and really needed to vent since I can't talk to anyone about this.
  15. Yea I had that same issue. People rsvp'd quickly saying they were coming but when it was time for deposits that number dwindled. Which we didn't mind. I liked megans idea. I would just send out emails to ppl who rsvp'd letting them know that the deposit dated had been extended or that the deposits were due. It seemed to work for us except for the 3 family member's who's email addy i didn't have that decided they wanted to book the cruise a few weeks ago... So annoying...
  16. Yea i think thats very wrong. We just sent our paperwork to our wc a couple months ago for our nov 10th wedding. But i think she only needed it a week or 2 in advance.
  17. Your pics look great. My swimsuit arrived. While is fits suprisingly i had it it looks old ladyish. So I'm hoping i can exchange it and get the new one before we go. Prilly will have to just purchase the new one and return the old one.
  18. OMG Vikki 9 days. I bet you're so excited I am. Is ur planning thread up yet? I started taking pics for mine but I will finish up this week. Ok so I sell Avon but I don't really wear makeup funny right lol. So I purchased all this make up last week (like over $150 worth and i get 40% discount so like almost $200 my fi flipped out bc he knows i only wear a little eyeshadow and lipgloss lol) and today i'm going to start working on doing my makeup. Two of my linesisters do make up and one of my aunts is a mary kay consultant. But since I sell avon i feel like i should be doing my own makeup you know. I think I will apply my foundation and everything but leave my eyes to one of my line sisters. They've been doing my makeup sine undergrad so they know me. However my aunt has been doing my makeup since middle school (for like weddings i was in and prom etc) but i think it would just be wrong to wear mary kay makeup. Either way someone will be applying my avon on me lol. Ok I went into USPS's website to track my box and of course they won't let me track it. So everyone please say a little pray for me as that box has my entire wedding in it. OK i felt the need to have one more swimsuit so i order one from Victorias secret and I order my wedding lingerie from Frederick of hollywood. I may end up going to the fredericks store to buy some more lingerie bc i only got 2 set at my shower (we ad a combined shower and got more house wear stuff than bridal showery stuff) and one i had to return. So now i only have 4 pieces of lingerie for an 8 day trip. I have other nighties but they are more so for my comfort lol. Ok I'm off to work on my makeup ttyl. Oh also Jamaicabride (Jennifer right?) where did you all get your bands? My ring came as a set from Jared but we have to get fi a band. We were supposed to go this past weekend but I think we'll go sometime this week. He wants something really plain due tot he name of his job (systems engineer) he doesn't want diamonds or anything. I always joke him like yea all that typing on the computer will prolly knock the diamonds right out of your ring lol.
  19. I did well yesterday I did and a 1/2 salad and sandwich from panera (prolly not the healthiest) but I left alot of sandwich on the plate. I started making a healthy dinner by sauteeing fish (that my fi caught) with onions peppers and garlic and then stir fry string beans with onion then i ruined it by making a piece of texas toast garlic bread lol. I didn't leave anything on my plate however i didn't go back for 2nds like i normally do when i cook dinner. I have Team lunch today at applebees i'll prolly get a salad and we are having leftovers today because i have an avon sales mtg tonight minus the garlic bread.
  20. Good weekend We completed the ty cards. I'm still waiting to hear about my items that I mailed to my WC. We have 2 weeks and 4 days left until we leave for FL I'm so excited!!!
  21. Mellisa I like the food challenge. For breakfast I had cream of wheat (that i didn't finish) and a banana that I did finish. So I'm doing good thus far. I will pick up a salad to eating while im at work and then I'll try to figure out a healthy meal for dinner.
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