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  1. Any wedding-obsessed girls, don't read any further. A wedding is a big deal, I don't deny it. But it's not the single, most IMPORTANT day of your WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. That's a pretty big label that maybe NO day will ever merit. There are lots of important events in life, and if your friends/family miss one, they'll make it for it by attending another. That's the way the cookie crumbles. You gotta go into this level-headed and put things into perspective. In the end, the only non-negotiables for me were me and my man and our parents. I was prepared to go thru with it if those were the ONLY ppl who were coming with us. We're having an AHR to make up for friends and family that couldn't come. That's always an option, as is just a dinner party, or garden party, or whatever. It doesn't have to be a $20,000 affair at a ritzy hotel with catering and a DJ if you don't want it to be. Cheers to that!! I totally agree. I was willing to elope, but I know ourparents would have been crushed. My FI and I argued over the guest list because I wanted small and intimate from day one. I have given in on some things, but we are still only at about 30, so it is acceptable. If ou want a DW, def have one and if you feel guilty, celebrate with everyone with an AHR when you get back. Have your cake and eat it too! And don't be upset, many people are going thru tought times financially right now and it is def a factor in everyone's guest lists.
  2. I will be changing my name, but not because I am excited to do so. My dad died when I was young and i would love to keep his name which is simple. I will be trading for a complex name because I find hyphenating complicates things and i want to have the same name as my future children. Just some food for thought... My mom works in personnel and HATES hyphenated names because they frequently get misplaced and/or lost in the shuffle of paper work. I see her point and my sister in-law ran in to some probs with her hyphenated name on travelling documents last time we went to Vegas. it all worked out, but it was a pain at the airport.
  3. I love the colors on your cake, can you send me a bigger pic please? I'd love a closer look. Do you know what kind of flowers? Thanks!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM My TA, Jill, got a response from her. She claims to have plenty of staff to handle multiple weddings. I would certainly assume she has a backup videographer for this situation but if I were you I would make her quite aware of your needs as far as photo and video. I sent her an email with exact times I will need the videographer just so she would be aware of the conflict so neither of us gets screwed in the process!! So seriously, can you believe how fast our weddings are coming now!!! I started getting a little nervous when I said less than 5 months!!! LOL!! When are you arriving in Cancun? I am a little concerned by "staff" What does that mean? Will the pool cleaners be doing my video and photography?! LOL! I talked to my TA and she is actually going to go down there in February to knock on Claudia's door. Don't think we'll need to bridezilla on anyone after that! I may fly down a friend/photog who will do my pics for free, or I may enlist cancun studios. Have to see how things work out. I didn't even think of five months until you said that, WOW. We get to Cancun on the 8th(not sure what time), we should meet for drinks. When do you get in? Are you bringing decorations or anything for tables. I've decided against bringing anything beyond gift bags for the guests. It is so pretty there I doubt anyone will notice missing decorations. Getting Excited!
  5. Wow! LOL! I did not type all of that! I have no idea how it all just showed up, but it apears to work the same as the name I originally typed in. Interestingly
  6. for whoever was waiting to hear back from ceci dumas, I got an email from her the other day. I forgot that I emailed her, but it must have taken her a couple weeks to get back to me because I haven't sent any inquiries lately. If she is not available on your date, she does have an assistant that has a website:CLAUDIO PELLETTIERI - Maestria en Fotografia Profesional - Cancun - Mexico - Galeria de Fotos - Gallery shots - Aereas - Aerials - Arquitectura - Architecture - Bebidas - Drinks - Bodas - Weddings - Editoriales - Publishing - Escenicas - Scenics - Es
  7. Jen, Any word from Dreams or Jill yet? My TA and I have both emailed Claudia, but of course, no response yet. I have some ideas to help her out with the photog prob, but I am going to need a videog. and if I have to pay to bring people in, she better be crediting me for something!! I was hoping to bring in my own photog and upgrade the video. I hope they have a backup to call on for video.
  8. I think my TA told me the hotel would provide witnesses at $10 per witness. The price may have changed, but seems reasonable to me
  9. Jen, you are really sweet, but please do exactly what you desire, not what you think you should do to make things more pleasant for me! This is your wedding. Between my TA, who knows Claudia personally, and me we will make a big enough stink that she will have to figure this one out. It was her own stupid fault for booking us this way! Guess Dreams will have to have two photogs and videogs for June 13. Gotta tell ya, I'm a little peeved with her lack of foresight on this one, and I, for one am not paying extra for it!
  10. Jill, You should seriously consider cluing those girls at dreams in about this site. See if they'll do something for you since you and all the other girls on this site do so much of their work!! I think posting all the current pricing and info is a brilliant idea, and so simple they really should have thought of it long ago. Kudos to you for taking on a task that shouldn't be yours to begin with
  11. Hey Jen, I have decided not to try to move my ceremony to the aternoon. I think seven should be fine for us. I have emailed claudia if the conflict of photographer time for our weddings has crossed her mind; doubt it! I think I want to bring in a photog, but can't hire him until I get a response, so that sucks. Are you getting the video? It might help if you want to move your ceremony up, but that is not your problem. It is Claudia's, so don't do anything on my behalf. You are sweet to even put it out there.
  12. Sorry, I figured it out. Somehow I was not signed in so it wasn't allowing me to pm. I sent you a message with my email. Thanks!
  13. Hey Sam, Beautiful pics! I would love to see more, but don't know how to pm. I would also like to see the vid. I am considering doing the dreams of love package and doing the vid instead of pics and then hiring outside photog just as you did, so it would be great to see your examples. You looked gorgeous and I am glad it all went well!
  14. Just a heads up about the above named discount site: I got my dress from a bridal salon for the amount listed on the site with the comfort of being able to try it on first. My sister's BM dress was actually on sale at the salon for less than what is listed on the site.
  15. Beautiful dress. I already ordered mine, but that is beautiful! Good luck
  16. I'm getting married June 13 and sunset is at 7:30 that day. Hope this helps; we're getting married at 7. Hope its not too dark by then!
  17. Okay, so I have been stressing a bit and can't seem to get an answer from my TA or the girls at Dreams. My wedding is scheduled for 7pm in June 2009. Is this too late?? I think we will def do pics before ceremony, but will it be getting dark by 7? Sunset is at 7:30 on that day. Please help!! Jen I know you are at 5:30 or something, but I think I could move it up to 2:30 or so. Then we have the problem of an afternoon reception, which doesn't really appeal to me. Please, any suggestions??
  18. My approach to the wedding party seems to be unique: I figured since people would be paying so much to go on the trip that I wouldn't throw any extra cost or pressure on them, not to mention my fiance has been in 12 weddings and we were not going there!! We decided against the wedding party alltogether. I bought my sister a dress (she would be my maid of honor if we did an at home wedding) and it seems that most of the people going would be the people that would have been asked to be in our wedding if we did it at home, so everyone will be our wedding party, they will just get to sit through the ceremony! I know the economy sucks, so I made it clear to everyone that our feelings will not be hurt if they can't come; that way there is no pressure on those that can't afford it.
  19. Wish I could say I had that prob! I'm worried about my lack of chest not holding the dress up!
  20. I bought an Alfred Angelo gown for under $500. I wanted some color, so it has fuschia on the top, bottom and corset laces. I love it, but I had no intention of spending a ton of money on a dress that i will wear only twice
  21. Welcome to the forum; I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for and more!
  22. Welcome and happy planning!
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