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Everything posted by jax_the_beach_bride

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! this forum will help u make these decisions SOOO much easier!! u can be sure to get genuine opinions from many lovely ladies and men on the site! good luck with ur planning
  2. WELCOME!!!!... good luck with planning... u have come to the right place for DW advice and info!
  3. i dont think she would have been able to afford it... ur right.. we are young and none of us know what is involved in the wedding process since im getting married well before many of my friends are even thinking about that! But.. even if it was something where a bunch of ladies got together at a house .. that would have been sufficient for me!! o well.. im not complaining.. shower or no shower we are going to have a great wedding
  4. this forum is made for both!! so there is tons of room for a Groom here!!!... I myself dont really know much about that resort.. but even if u search the name of the resort u are going to, there will most likely be a thread devoted to that!!! Good luck planning!
  5. congrats on the engagement and wedding plans!!!! welcome to BDW you will find many resources here to help u out!
  6. is it bad if your MOH never threw u a shower? because mine didnt and i feel a bit sad for losing out on that experience??
  7. drtracy- i wont be flying into NYC since flights arent allowed to go to cuba from the states.... but then again since we are stopping in cancun on the way to cuba.. it could have been possible... yoAzul- I know! im really nervous that we wont get them there.. but i talked with the one yesterday and they seem keen on doing whatever we need to in order to get them there!.. which is a relief.. Hartyt509- Id have to say that if i wasnt dealing with a wedding situation, i would have NEVER used a TA!! mine hasnt been all that helpful either and it makes me so mad that im giving them business!!!... i hope it all works out... id just bring the dress on the plane with u anyway.. and say u didnt know otherwise.. maybe ur TA's are just trying to get more out of you
  8. most airlines will take ur dress and hang it up on the plane.. so bring it on with you!!!
  9. i would be cutting some throats if i were you!! lol.. thats ridiculous!!!!
  10. I'm pretty sure my resort wasn't hit really at all except for some branches here and there LOL It definitely a possibility u might run into some BDW ladies that weekend!! Our flight does a drop off in cancun on our way.. LOL so I will be able to say I was in Mexico and Cuba haha... Did u hear about the fiasco that took place at a resort in Mexico due to the conquest bankruptsy? The security gaurds and cops barracaded the resort so that the people who had travelled with conquest coulnt leave until they paid the hotel additional money for their stay because the hotel/ resort doesn't want to wait to see if conquest is going to give them their money!! I cannot believe that they did that to those poor people!
  11. That would be really weird but cool at the same time!! Cuba is pretty lonely on this site since cdns and Brits are the only ones that go there! LOL I think according to the news... That might all be changing
  12. Oh boy oh boy!! Guys are typical when it comes to coflicts that might hurt someone's feelings!! My FI would not stand up to his dad and step mother when it came to our plans for the wedding and for the longest time I was the one to blame for the fact that we chose to do a DW! When FI finally grew his set of balls and set things straight with them things were so much easier to deal with! It came to the point where I dredded going to their place because the tension between us was unbelievable! U should tell ur FI that it hurts ur feelings that she is undermining ur plans for the wedding and that if he doesn't address this issue now... She is going to be the dictator of ur relationship!!!! You have got to stand ur ground and any sensible person would know that her actions are ridiculous! I'd tell her she can donate the dress she bought because she's not ur BM and u don't want her dress clashing with ur wedding colours! I'm so angry for u!! I don't think she would know what to say after I gave her an earful of what I got LOL ... Just know this is YOUR wedding not hers... PERIOD
  13. Such as new moon... Lmao I could skip slot of the book and be happy with my outcome lmao!!!
  14. My FI and I chose to do a dw because we wanted a beautiful wedding with people who were close to us without having to pay out the nose to feed a billion people who I might spend 1min talking to the whole evening of a reception! I don't think there is anything wrong with having an AHR and if I had the funds I'd have one too... But for now I'm thankful that I will have a wedding, small reception on the resort and a honeymoon all wrapped into one!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy ha ha, the date triplets leave on the same day. We leave two weeks from today at 6AM. Jax that sucks about your photogs, can you call around to someone in the area and see if they have anyone available? I know its wicked short notice but you should have pro pics! Good luck. The resorts in Cuba won't let Cuban vendors onto their resorts :s I'm hoping we work things out with these photogs here... But I don't know! On a weird note, where FI and I grew up (Trenton, Ontario) it is directly north of Rochester so I always listened to 98pxy lmao! I know that's random but it's kinda neat that that is where u are
  16. Sunsetbride1.... A somewat similar thing happened to me with my surprise Bach party... But I didn't know details so it was still exciting and surprising... Just smile slot and look very honoured! That's what I did
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