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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. I'm glad your story had a happy ending, because it definitely could have been much worse. If we owned a big truck and I beat it up because some jerk was trying to corner me, FI would pay to have it fixed with a smile on his face lol And it's guys like this creep that make me want to carry around a paintball gun. Not lethal, but can still hurt like hell and you could say to the cops "It's a guy wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and a big red blob of paint on his ass!" lol FI thinks I'm nuts
  2. I'd be really cruel and give them something in a gift bag... Or maybe take it a step further and give them a big basket of fruit lol It's not in a box, therefore not breaking the rules
  3. Okay, I totally have to do this! Quote: Originally Posted by Jo&Daz 20-10-2010 - Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong. Ditto - How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? I have NO FREAKIN CLUE! But I REALLY wish someone would tell me, because I SUCK at it! - I find it hard to believe there are actually people who get in the shower first and THEN turn on the water. I actually do this. If I turn the water on first, it goes all over the floor. Am I doing something wrong? - I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired. Story of my life... - Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after DVDs? I don't want to have to restart my collection. AAGH! Me and FI were talking about this earlier! - There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far. Don't I know it... - I like all of the music in my iTunes, except when it's on shuffle, then I like about one in every fifteen songs in my iTunes. Isn't it weird how this happens? - The other night I ordered take away and when I looked in the bag, saw they had included four sets of plastic cutlery. In other words, someone at the restaurant packed my order, took a second to think about it, and then estimated that there must be at least four people eating to require such a large amount of food. Too bad I was eating by myself. There's nothing like being made to feel like a fat ba$tard before dinner. Biggest. Pet. Peeve. These were awesome! Definitely made me laugh! Especially knowing that I'm not the only one who can't fold a fitted sheet lol
  4. Note to self: Don't wait until you're BURSTING to pee or else you won't make it lol I'm in too!
  5. Wow, last time I posted we were thinking about EdeNH in the DR, and now we're getting married at Walt Disney World lol But, still a 2011 bride!
  6. Each and every pound is one less pound we have to drag around ladies! One pound, two pounds, ten pounds, it all counts! And for you ladies who either stayed the same or went up a little, well, IT'S THE START OF A WHOLE NEW WEEK!!! We can do this ladies! One pushup and one lettuce leaf at a time! lol
  7. I lost 3 pounds! Yay! And I'm working on that 8 glasses of water thing lol 8 oz is roughly a cup, right? I've had 1 litre so far, so I'm getting there! Oh, and I e-mailed my pic, just want to make sure Ginalyn gets it
  8. Well ladies, I had planned on starting last Monday and, as usual, life got in the way. So I half-ass started, and found that I can't possibly survive! I like chicken (boneless, skinless), and I like green pepper. Lettuce and broccoli I like, but I need some sort of sauce over them, and I only like tomato on a sandwich. So for snacks, I'd have cheese sticks and baby carrots. That's it. And for meals, a chicken breast with green pepper lol As you can see, not much choice. So instead, I'm going to follow Canada's Food Guide. But I do want to say that I greatly admire that you ladies are sticking to this, because you're all doing great! I just can't possibly do it, I need carbs! lol Not a lot, but I definitely need some.
  9. That's so exciting! We have to wait until I graduate to start house hunting So until then, I'll live vicariously through you and this thread lol And, I can't forget... CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  10. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes ladies The only time I've seen a "curvacious" woman look bad is when she's wearing the wrong clothes. And I don't mean the wrong clothes for a "big" girl, I mean the wrong clothes for ANY girl! lol But think about some of the curvacious women you've seen lately, we can still look fabulous at any size! Sometimes it just takes the right outfit And what better outfit than a wedding dress?
  11. Ugh, I feel like crap this weekend, can I spread them out? lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 ok let me start by sayiing I AM EXTREMELY JEALOUS OF YOU!!!! haha Ever since I was a kid I dreamed about getting married at Disney! We have pretty big families, so it was not practical for us to do that; so we are going to all-inclusive way in my second favorite place (Punta Cana). We are, however, getting some engagement photos taken at disney, namely magic kingdom and hollywood studios since we are moving to south Florida next month! But its not the wedding... you are very lucky!! lol I'm EXTREMELY excited. And we're doing LOTS of photos all around Disney, and maybe some wedding pics in Magic Kingdom, not sure yet though
  13. Thanks ladies! And family drama is SUPER stressful, which is why I'm so glad this bit is over with. I spoke briefly with my oldest sister, and she thinks it's a good idea too And I'm SO thankful for FMIL, I'm constantly having mother-daughter talks with her lol And the MOUSE is out of the bag lol Loves it! I should have let that darn mouse out a LONG time ago, it would have saved me a lot of stress lol
  14. Okay, I had the letter all written (and it was a good one too!) and then my Mom calls me... So I start off the phone call with "Mom, I had my midterm on Friday and it was worth 40% of my grade, and I got a 96%!" and she was really happy and excited for me, so then I said "Well, now that I know you're in a good mood, I want to mention something to you... You know me and Marc are getting married obviously, and we were thinking about going to Cuba somewhere, but I know you guys aren't into lounging on a beach all day, nor are you comfortable with travelling so some of these small countries... So instead, we'd like to go to Florida. Actually, more specifically, Walt Disney World" (I was nervous as hell at this point, almost shaking, when she said what I've been hoping for... "There's nothing wrong with that my love." AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Then she goes on to say that her and Dad should have no problem paying for their trip because I gave them lots of notice, and she wants me to let her know as soon as I talk to a Travel Agent regarding pricing and such Yay! That made me SO happy! And from the tone of her voice, she still sounds supportive, meaning that she'll still help out with some of the cost if need be, just like she would have in Dildo (I'll waiting for the snickering again... lol) So, point of my post, IT'S DONE! AND THEY'RE SUPPORTIVE!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 So, a phone call it should be, then! I understand where you are coming from in wanting to tell them that way....it really is the next best thing to telling them in person, but then you won't have to worry about whether or not they are going to flip out and physically assault you! My heart truly goes out to you. And, that is just awful that they've had you in the hospital 3 times due to their nonsense! I couldn't believe it when I read that. Do they know this? And how can they not feel absolutely like sh*t for doing that to you? Ugh! Funny Side note: as far as the town names, we have some pretty absurd ones here in Pennsylvania, too -- Intercourse, Blue Ball, Bird In Hand -- they are all real places and people usually don't believe me when I tell them, either! I thought about this all last night, and I think the letter is actually best. Like I said, the phone is more personal, but they like to interrupt and jump the gun, A LOT, and I kinda forgot about that... So I really think I'll send the letter instead. Then if they want to talk about it some more, they can call me or, God forbid, come visit. I say God forbid because they work here in town every day and never come see me. My Mom's had my insurance card that she needs to drop off to me for over two weeks, and I still haven't gotten it. And the kicker? SHE WORKS FOR A COURIER COMPANY! I mean, if you're too lazy to come see me, then send one of the couriers up with the damn card... Rant over lol And they're aware of putting me in the hospital and all of the panic attacks, but they don't really care. FI HATES them, and I can understand why... And FMIL keeps asking if she can call and give them a piece of her mind, but I won't let her... So, back to the topic lol I've started a draft for the letter I'm going to send, and I'm going to let FI and FMIL read it before hand to make sure it can't be taken the wrong way. Wish me luck ladies! I may need it!
  16. Haha, I'll definitely post pics, but I won't be buying the dress quite yet. I have well over a year before the wedding, so I'm going to hold off for a little while... And hopefully drop a few dress sizes while i'm at it And if I was having bridesmaids, I was going to get them to wear black dresses with a pink sash But with only 18 guests, it's not really necessary. Plus I'd have to hear my sisters bi*&h about having to buy dresses on top of paying for their trip. No thanks. lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 Oh......you poor thing, love! Family drama is just the worst, you know? It makes me think of that saying, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family". Let me start by saying, I AM SO SORRY to hear about all of this drama; you seem like such a sweet, kind, and thoughtful person, and I would have had no idea that there was something like this going on in your life, because you are always so upbeat in your posts. Whenever they get you down, always remember you BDW sisters are here and we support you in whatever decisions you make, wedding-related or not! Now, here's my advice on how to deal with this: I would write a letter, because you can't interrupt a letter when it's speaking, you can't hang up on a letter and you can't scream at a letter, and unlike a conversation, a letter can be re-read again and again until maybe your point will get across. And seriously, they would HIT you for have a DW at WDW?!?!? WTF - you're right; they DO have major issues they need to work out! No one should have to be that afraid to tell their family about what should be one of the happiest events in their life! Stay strong, and once more, we're here for you if you need someone in your corner! P.S. And yes, I was snickering at the name of the town, too! Who names a town "DILDO" anyway? I try to keep this stuff in the back of my mind and not let it interfere in my life, because aside from them, my life is actually really great And I like the idea of a letter, simply because it lets me get EVERYTHING out without being interrupted. That's actually what I used last year when I told them that they have to back off before they literally kill me with stress. It worked, except they took the overdramatic route of "Denise hates us, and it's all her fault!" ignoring the fact that I was in and out of the hospital three times with heart palpitations because of their bull$hit... I like the phone idea, and really think they need to hear it from my mouth, but at the same time, they'll jump the gun before I actually get all of the details out and just focus on the negatives (they have to pay for their own trips) and won't actually give me a chance to explain all of the positives. Oi... My head hurts... lol And EVERYONE snickers at Dildo. But we also have other towns that are kinda silly, like "Come by Chance", "Conception Harbour", "Blow Me Down", and loads of others. Oh, and three neighbouring communities are Heart's Delight, Heart's Desire, and Heart's Content lol Thank God we have beautiful scenery, because if tourists just read about the names of our towns they'd think we were all nuts!
  18. I think the phone would be best... I can't visit them, I have no way to get there. At least on the phone I can hang up and I wouldn't have to risk anyone taking a swing at me (yes, they're that crazy). I'm going to do it soon, I just have to get the courage up first. Standing up to my parents has never been one of my stronger points. And they're so proud of me right now for how well I'm doing in school, it feels wrong to disappoint them again... I wish it was like in junior high when you wanted to ask the cute guy to dance, but you couldn't, so you sent a friend to do it... Why can't I get someone else to break the news to them? That would be SO much easier! lol But alas, this is one of those things they need to hear from me...
  19. I agree, size 2 is boring, who wants to look like a popsicle stick?
  20. Thanks ladies I didn't really want white because I'm very pale (and NO amount of tanning helps. I've tried lol I burn, then go right back to being Casper lol And I think I may wear a veil, maybe try to get one in the same colour as the skirt? I don't know, I just think white would look funny.... And thanks Christie I feel normal now lol
  21. As you can tell, we have decided to have our DW in Florida at Walt Disney World. I am VERY excited, as is FI and his parents... However, I haven't told my parents yet... They know we're getting married, they just want us to have a local wedding in Dildo (It's in Newfoundland. Yes it's an actual town... I'll wait for you to stop snickering... Okay, continue lol) Some of you may remember the drama I had with my parents last year, most probably don't. Basically, my family are VERY hard to get along with, and I stay pretty distant from all of them. I tried cutting them out of my life completely, they threatened to beat my door down and drag me out themselves. It didn't work. I got the riot act for deleting Facebook at one point. They're idiots, and if I do ONE thing that benefits me, and not them, then I'm selfish. ANYWAY, back on topic. I haven't told them yet that we want to go away to get married, and go to WDW at that. We're not expecting them to pay for ONE THING, except their transportation and hotel. So my dress, flowers, rings, reception, ceremony, EVERYTHING will be paid for by us. But I know that as soon as I mention that we want to go away, they're going to start yelling like five year olds and tell me how selfish I am and that they won't be going. I have to tell them soon, because I want to give them time to save the money, but how do I do it? They live an hour and a half away, and I don't have a car, so I can't go visit (nor will they come visit). So it's either phone or e-mail. I know e-mail is very impersonal, and I hate using it, but it's so much easier than getting yelled at Uggh, this is such a stupid, unnecessary problem! What in the do I do, and how do I do it? I have enough stress from being in school, I don't need this crap!
  22. That is absolutely awesome! You guys totally rocked it! I wish we could do something like this, but I'll be lucky if I can even get FI to dance at all lol Poor boy has very little rhythm, and definitely can't shake what his momma gave him lol
  23. Isn't there one where it's bad luck for the bride to trip while walking through the door, that's why the groom carries her over the threshold? I just keep thinking, what about if the groom trips while carrying the bride? lol
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