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Everything posted by megansg

  1. I too have heard about the renovations at Riu TB. I have heard they are in order to turn the place into a Riu Palace of which there are none in Jamaica. My friends have been to Riu Palace in other places and really loved them. FYI
  2. So I have been stressing about this too for the Riu Negril. I emailed the wedding sales dept and this is what I got back: Dear Megan, Thank you for contacting RIU Weddings Sales Department. I would like to inform you that we have spoke with Dionne about this matter. There would be no problem with the photographer as long as he or she is part of the wedding guests. At the moment we do not accept external suppliers. If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. My impression is that they have given us an out while still following their policy. I will just say our photographer is one of our guests!
  3. This is all just so crazy and infuriating! I am getting married at Riu Negril and they have started saying the same thing. My TA called headquarters and was told to talk to the WC. I agree that it seems to be how they feel that day. Grrr! Keep on keeping us posted ladies!
  4. He still won't tell me how he managed to do it. I like to believe that fate helped him pick his letters I have taken multiple pictures of the tile rack, and will be scrapbooking it for sure!
  5. We're getting married at Riu Negril and I have just run into the same roadblock. I am freaking out! I am hoping somehow it sorts out. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manage? Should I do anything before I get down there? I've called my travel agent and will see what she says but if you all have any advice I would love it!
  6. Yeah I'm freaking out about this a bit. The news reported this week that "they" have predicted a higher than usual hurricane season this year. Apparently it is a "La Nina" year and they seem to go together. However Jamaica is not usually hit (knocking wood really hard right now!). We'll just have to wait and see, and buy good travel insurance!
  7. Hi Steph...I'm another Riu Negril bride but I'm getting married in July so hopefully I can lead the way for you. I have just started getting in touch with the WC and I will attach what she has sent me in terms of options. Feel free to PM me for as much info as I can give. riu EXTRA_OR_OPTIONAL_SERVICE_doc[1].doc Riu PhotoPackage__2008[1].doc RESTAURANT_RESERVATIONS_2008_JAN[1].doc
  8. Bebe I'm glad you are feeling better. This post made me feel better too! I thought I was the only impatient one! lol. We got engaged at the end of January this year and our ceremony is the end of July. We booked the hotel (which books so many other things with it, WC, officiant, reception location, photog etc) and bought my dress within the first 3-4 weeks and now it is just down to decision making with things like hotel photog or outside photog, flowers, reception details etc. Invites haven't gone out yet but everyone knows about it anyways. So far we have 12 booked and hoping for a few more. A few friends have said that if they had more time they could come, but I think that if you gave them more time they would have other reasons why they couldn't, or different people couldn't go. To sum up, go with what you want!! And enjoy
  9. Wow did I ever need to read that post tonight. I got two messages today about people not being able to come. I hate it! I have to admit I would hate it a lot less if it weren't for the fact that it seems most of HIS invitees can make it and most of mine can't. I know that is petty but it stings a bit. I don't think we are going to even have attendants because none of my close gf's are able to go. I know this is a big undertaking, and that I haven't given people tons of notice, and I expected a lot not to come, but there are more who can't come than expected. I'm having a bit of a pity party tonight. But tomorrow is another day and then I will remind myself that as long as HE and I are there, that is all that matters. As other people have said, what I am most excited about is being married to the man I love. The rest is all window dressing. Thanks for letting me vent!
  10. Hey All I'm just wondering if people did the not supposed to see each other before the wedding? What sleeping arrangements did people make? What about the day of? Usually there is a lot of time to kill? How did you or do you plan on handling it?
  11. One that I had heard of, although didn't use in the end was Megan's Brides (no not my company! lol) Megan's Brides by Oceans Travel
  12. So I officially did it today! I actually, finally, went in and signed up! Yay me!!!!
  13. This was a simple decision for us....David Gray: This year's love. We both love him, and have been to a couple of his concerts. We didn't even have to discuss it. But I am thinking about having romantic songs playing maybe as we are doing pictures or at dinner or something so I love all these ideas! Thanks all As for father daughter dance I have to do that for sure, no matter what happens and I have long had that song picked out. Because you loved me, by Celine Dion. So perfect!
  14. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who is a graphic designer who has agreed to do my invites for me. I was just at her house looking at photos and graphics and stuff and I am really excited! She and I like the same kinda stuff so I think it will turn out really well
  15. I have to admit that I am lucky that my dress has straps. I am thinking about bringing my bathing suit with me to the first fitting so I know where the straps lie and what I can get away with! I am worried about burning my face and then trying to put make up on. Yikes! I am loving the store recommendations. I am from Canada and we don't have a lot of those stores up here but with our dollar being so good I am for sure going to drive down to Buffalo for some pre wedding shopping! I will probably go all out and buy a whole new wardrobe! So fun. Keep those hat thoughts coming please!
  16. Riu Negril may fit better than Riu OR. It is half the size but you still get the same benefits that you thought were stunning about ROR. But I have to say that as my preference because I am booked there, so nowhere else is allowed to be better! lol
  17. I thought it might be a good idea to have a chat about what kinds of things people have found to wear for the rest of the week (or two) they are at their DW. Any good deals? favourite stores? How about for welcome receptions or rehearsal dinners, what are people wearing? I myself want to find a hat to wear the first few days before the ceremony to help avoid any burns or unsightly tan lines. But I don't like a lot of hats. Any suggestions?
  18. Oh the AHR, we have barely started to tackle that. One of the big reasons for going away is to be able to have a small group as my FH (and me to a slightly lesser extent) does not like crowds and being the centre of attention all day. So, that makes a big, hall-type reception a no go (also $$ wise). So we were thinking about my parent's house for a lunch type thing. Anyone have any suggestions on that? Still want to keep it small, but who do you invite? Who do you not invite?
  19. Here it is! Going to make some changes though: cutting off the train (so I don't drag a ton of sand behind me) and making the back into a corset back. It's supposed to be in the store in the beginning of May! yay!
  20. Hey y'all! If anyone has any tips, food ideas, suggestions, personal experiences etc for someone just starting out this (with not too much time until the wedding!) that would be great! I know there may be another thread like this but I didn't see anything recent so I thought I would try a new one
  21. Sunday January 20, 2008: We were hanging out at home after having been out to finally buy a new big screen tv (he had wanted one for longer than I have known him). He had suggested for a couple of days that he wanted to play a real live game of Scrabble instead of just facebook scrabulous. I thought it was a good idea since we were hanging out with not much to do. I picked and played first (aioli, hard to do better with all vowels!) and then Paul said he had to show me his letters. I thought it was weird but figured he must have some really messed up letters that he was going to trade in. He turned around his tile holder and it said "marry me." I couldn't believe it! I almost wasn't sure this was real and said something like "seriously? are you sure?" and then I came to my sense and said "obviously yes!" and cried a little bit. I was suprised I did not cry more!!! Paul then said he did not have the ring but he went to my parents house last week (without me even noticing! way out of character for me!) and had asked for their blessing. He said (quite rightly) that there was no way my mother would be able to hold it in for the 3 weeks the ring was supposed to take. Also it was our 3 year anniversary the next day so the timing was right. It took a few days after that to get through all the phone calls and tell everyone. And then the wait for the ring began! lol
  22. Hey all! I have four months to go and I have finally (after many months of stressing about it) decided to join weight watchers. I have a huge sense of pride and feel I am defeated to ask for help. But looking good for my guy on our wedding, and in our pics is more important than that. I am planning on going in this week and signing up. I hope to come to this forum regularly for motivation. Also if anyone has any hints or tips or tricks I would love any advice at this point! Keep up the good work everyone
  23. This is so good to read because I thought I was being weird with probably not having one! We probably won't but it depends who comes. His friends are seeming to be more likely to come and mine are less likely, but we'll see. If one of my good friends came, and one of his came we might do it. But low-key with no fancy dress or anything. Who knows. But it is good to know I am not alone
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