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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Congrats Heidi!! So exciting!
  2. Awww you look great! I love your belly pictures!
  3. BLAH Gemini! At least you will have more BDW time though!!
  4. The line of Wes' that pissed me off the most was "those other guys wouldn't even get a bite in Texas" Ummmmm just because you are a sleazebag whore that sleeps with any drunken excuse for a girl doesn't make you a Romeo. Those other guys are all genuine, nice, succesful guys. How are you going to support Jillian? On your Friday Night bar night pay?! Please!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 I am going to get the book I am going off the pill at the end of the month I am tired of the side effects, we are going to TTC in the fall so not a big deal if happens sooner. I did talk to my obgyn; I am on Yazz and he said the pill is out of your system as early as 24 hours, I orig. thought I would need to go off a couple of months prior to TTC but he said no. The pills are out of your system quick but sometimes it takes a few months for your cycles to regulate and get normal. I was off bc for almost 8 months and it made TTC difficult because the whole 8 months my cycles were anywhere from 30-56 days. The normal cycle is 28-30. It wasn't until I started charting that I was succesful TTC because I could see what was going on.
  6. Like the countdown? I got mine at babygaga. If you mean pictures and stuff you can try photobucket.
  7. Did you call your sister and see what is up? Can you get a refund?
  8. I can honestly say if it were my brother coming home from fighting for our country and I got to see him in person and hug him and know for sure he is ok, I would. You have your plans, stick to them. They can make the decision as it gets closer as to whether or not they can make it. That isn't your problem. But I can tell you now if it were between hanging out with my brother for a day or see my fsil try on a dress my brother would win every time! Sorry, just hang in there and stick to your appt.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus thanks kat and erika. if you guys are in seattle on sunday for some reason and wanna hit up the high speed gokarts then some claim jmpers for dinner more than welcome. gonna be a blast LOL you have fun with that!
  10. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. And Happy Birthday JM!!
  11. She is SO cute! And you look great! I hope I look like that right after having a baby.
  12. That is a great deal! And because it isn't a coupon I don't think it really needs to be in the coupon thread.
  13. I like Reid but I think he is not wacky enough for Jillian. I think Ed an Kypton (sp) are going to be the last two. They were my picks from the beginning.
  14. You know they make the gf thing this big drama.... But NOBODY is commenting on the fact that he is going on and on about his CD and it's release. And I am willing to bet that "jillians song" that he "wrote" for her is on that CD that was already made before the show! OMG how does she not see through his slimeball smile and greasy hair? I can see dudes like that from a mile away. I told my Mom after the first show what a douche he was. Also it bothered me that she said this " I would rather go on my judgement and I get hurt than listen to someone else and someone else get hurt" Ummmm you are there to find "the one" not to spare some douches feelings. He is a struggling artist in a party town (fyi I love Austin I'm just saying). He is not looking to settle down! He is obviously not the one so why not give someone like Jesse a chance to really open up?!
  15. Ann, I just want to slap her. I bet she feels so stupid now that she is watching this show.
  16. I think it is against the BDW Rulebook to write a post like this and not post one single picture.... fyi lol
  17. I had like three boxes of personalized matches. I didn't even think to look if they were allowed. But I made it there with them and home with the box I didn't use. Ooops
  18. I put all kinds of stuff in my checked luggage. I never had a problem. The only thing I carried on was my jewelry, camera and dress.
  19. That picture show brought tears to my eyes. She is so beautiful. I love her scrunchy lips. And how proud is your Dh? So sweet.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Congrats Summer, she is adorable. Kevsgirl, congrats on finding out it's a girl. Hope everyone is doing well. I went in for another appt today and I'm almost 2cm. She also stripped my membranes (which hurt like hell) and hooked me up to this maching to monitor her heartrate and my contractions. If I don't go into labor by this weekend I will be having her on Monday. They are going to break my water and then get things going. I'll keep you ladies updated. OUCH! But yay for almost having a baby in your arms!
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