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Everything posted by amyrak

  1. You looked radiant!! Can I ask who did your pictures? They look great!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Sharonie Oh I am going to miss next Monday's drama. I am just so glad that Marshana and Robin got kicked out last night. They were so annoying!! At least you have a good reason for missing it. Have fun at your wedding!
  3. Yeah, can't really say mine will be sexy either...(that was just wishful thinking) I go for comfort myself. Besides who will be able to see them under my Spanx!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I get it. The parents want to break them up so the mom will hit on the bachelor. haha that's funny. Erik must like his soap operas. Yeah, Greg just kind of walks in and shakes his head when I'm watching the Bachelor.
  5. I was having a hard time trying to find a veil that wasn't ridiculously expensive so I was talking to one friend and she suggested borrowing my friends veil (who got married last summer). I never thought of it and she had a beautiful veil and her dress was ivory too so it will be perfect. So, I called my friend and she said no problem that actually a girl at work right now is borrowing it for her daughter's May wedding so she will send it to me after that. YAY!! Borrowed-Check Old- my grandmother's diamond in my ring Check New- My dress...Checkaroni! Blue- Thinking I'll sport some new sexy blue undies yet to be bought
  6. I'm also interested in hearing of anyone having their hair and makeup done outside the hotel. I found some places online but just haven't heard anything about Bella Spa'tique, Itza Spa...I'm be interested if anyone has gone to either of these.
  7. I'm really considering this...I need to lose some weight before my dress comes in and the timing would be perfect. One question though...In our before pics do we have to wear spandex shorts and a sports bra?? because that ain't happening These legs haven't (and never will) see spandex.
  8. I wonder if Tami already left?? probably since her wedding is Sat..how exciting!!
  9. So, he has a lot of friends who are girls?? or she has a lot of friends who are guys??
  10. Wow that is some serious shit!! There is no way I would put up with that! She's not invited to your wedding is she?? Well, she will probably weasle her way into it if they become friends again... Wow, that would really suck. I feel for you girl!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Did you guys see the preview where the mother of one of the girls hits on him.... Yeah, that was hilarious she was like rubbing her hand on his chest...oh my god I'd die if that was my mom!! I can't wait to check that out!!
  12. Welcome back!! Ummm..where are those pictures?? we're waiting..... Glad you had an awesome wedding!!
  13. So, I'm watching tonight's new episode right now..can't wait to see who gets the boot!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Try Welcome to CasaBlancaBridal.com. It is where I got my dress. Most are under $1000, but are made like couture gowns. They have great detailing on the back and all come with bustles so that it one less alteration you have to pay for! If you don't like the train, you can always have it cut off! Stlye#1899 Style #1860 Good luck! Man, love that dress!! Is it too late to cancel the order on mine..ha
  15. I finally got caught up on last nights new episode. The guy from the O.C. is on there sleeping around with older women must be his roles..ha
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 I love the weekend workouts because Andy works me! He pushes me really hard on the weights so I am ridiculously sore today! Saturday: kicked my butt: Push day (triceps, chest, shoulders; 50 min cardio intervals; oblique day Sunday: FI whooped me again; Pull day (biceps, back, lats); no cardio...legs were still burning from deadlifts on Friday! My pants are all huge as of this morning! I left two pairs laying on the floor because they look ridiculous...dumpy butt and can't keep them up! I'm getting there! Way to go!! You are on your way..... And I've just started on my road...I went to pilates today as promised. She kicked our butts today.
  17. If you do food coloring there is a set for neon colors I think and the blue in that would be perfect.
  18. You've come to the right place Sheila! Make yourself at home....
  19. Yes, I feel your pain. An aunt that I am really close with is not going (her daughter(my cuz) is in my wedding) I'm not really sure why but I don't want to press. At first I thought it was because it was an adults only resort and she thought it was only couples going. I know it's not due to money either. It just kind of hurts my feelings because she went to one of our good friends wedding last year in CA and she isn't going to mine. It may be because we are having a reception back home too though that she feels she doesn't have to go. But I went to her daughters (my other cousin) in Vegas and I really didn't have the money to go but I just chose to. I guess what I'm saying is who really wants to be there for you will go no matter what. And you shouldn't feel bad if someone can't make it because whose important to you most will be there!
  20. There is some makeup that has sunscreen in it. I bought some from Clinique that is SPF 15 I think. I'm sure there are some moisturizers out there with SPF too though. I know I'm so scared to fry before my wedding day since we will have 5 whole days before the wedding. I have good coloring and don't burn easily but if you are out in it all day there is no avoiding.
  21. No way!! My butt is killing me from yesterday. I will go to my pilates class tomorrow though..I promise!
  22. I couldn't help it I had to peek to see who won POV!! Yeah, I'm not sure who I want to win. I just know I hate Natalie.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN the link didn't work for me? I'm so bad with this stuff I think I fixed it. Here is the bridesmaid dress I can't figure how to just show the picture so here is a link to it and then of course it's in the fuschia color Eden Bridals Style 7174
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