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Everything posted by Taradactyle

  1. We've been to Cabo a few times and each time we rent a car but they're not cheap. Everything on the corridor is pretty spread apart so it's convenient, especially if you don't want to rely on cabs or the hotel's shuttle service. A car is also good if you want to visit San Jose del Cabo. We're renting again in Nov. mainly because we want to make trips to Costco, Walmart, and the local beaches. Gas prices were similar to the US.
  2. Beautiful! LOVE your dress and shoes. I'm in SF too! Where did you take your e-pics?
  3. Ok, this is sort of random and sorry if this is in the wrong place, but not sure where it goes since these aren't "real" wedding dresses (Eh... I think!). Anyway, I ran into this site and was really impressed... 2007 Wedding Contest is for Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Designers It definitely puts any TP dress I've ever made (or will make) at a bridal shower to shame!
  4. Cara, thanks for sharing your pictures! You looked beautiful and everything turned out amazing.
  5. Kristen thanks for your review! Can't wait to see pics!
  6. Jen, your pictures came out amazing! You look so beautiful and I really love how your hair and makeup turned out. The reception details are great too. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Morgan, your pics came out really great! Love the one of both of your feet walking in the sand, and also the one where you're kissing your dad on the cheek. Love how he's smiling so big!
  8. Those luggage placecards are super cute! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Wow, you have do have a teeny waist! The dress looks great and really shows it off!
  10. I just changed too... but to taradactyle (tara was taken). Yay!
  11. Morgan, congrats and thanks for sharing! It looks like an amazing place!
  12. I hope it works out! A lot of us have gone through this as well.
  13. Thanks for sharing your pics! Everything came out so beautifully. Can't wait for your review!
  14. I like Sriracha in the squeeze bottle too. Love to put it on Thai or Vietnamese food. Yum!
  15. I'm hot too. We don't have A/C either. Kept waking up last night from the heat. I put ice cubes in the dog's water and I'm giving her a bath later. Then I'm getting myself a big ice cream cone.
  16. Heidi, thanks for the great review. Your pictures are so beautiful and it looks like everything came out perfectly!
  17. Love the color on #2 and I think that shade will look great against your hair color.
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