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Everything posted by becks

  1. Congratulations and welcome!
  2. Congratulations and welcome!
  3. Congratulations and welcome!
  4. I've got a Nikon CoolPix that I love, if you want to look at a different brand. I've actually had two of them (the first was a 2.0MP). Has everything I need. Another thing I've found that is super helpful is a memory card that has a direct feed to a USB port (part of the card folds out of the way). LOVE it.
  5. Hello Ladies! Just wanted to let you know that the palm tree autograph platter is back in stock at Target. Must have one!!!!
  6. Congratulations, and welcome!!
  7. Congratulations, and welcome!
  8. Congratulations and welcome!
  9. Welcome, and congratulations!!
  10. Are you kidding, or are you high?? I think they look fantastic! Especially for a first-run mock up!
  11. Its beautiful and we are dying to see it on! Take pics and good luck!
  12. Just a thought, but doesn't perfume attract mosquitoes? I was actually planning on leaving mine at home because of that fact (plus, mosquitoes LOVE me to begin with). That being said... don't laugh... Off! insect repellent comes in a pretty nice "tropical fresh" scent (part of their FamilyCare/Skintastic line). Its melony/tropical. I wouldn't call it "perfume"... but it's really not bad. And, frankly, anything I can do to avoid a bite... But, for light and fresh I highly recommend Bulgari's Tea collection (white is my fave), and the Issy Miyake is nice for the boys.
  13. We're planning on going to city hall before we go to Mexico, and then having a symbolic wedding there. For us, it is to a large degree about piece of mind. The last thing we want to have happen is find out there was some tiny little glitch in the process and that our marriage wasn't legal. Since most of the documentation will be in Spanish, it just seemed easier.
  14. Hi Lyn: I'm not sure where you'll be in the RM, but unless you're planning on being WAY out in the middle of no where, you'll have no problem finding regular old, pasturized, homogenized fresh milk. Worst case, you'll also be able to find Parmalat and like that. Your hotel will have it in every restaurant. There's even a Walmart and a Bodega (a Walmart company) in Playa del Carmen. Don't worry at all... you'll be just fine.
  15. Love it. And people are going to be thinking about how beautiful you are, not trying to remember where they heard the song. Go for it, it's perfect!
  16. Congratulations, and welcome!
  17. Welcome to the forum, and congratulations!
  18. You're totally fine to have a ring bearer without a flower girl. And if you're worried about the reception and him wanting to go to bed early, most hotels can arrange babysitters, so just have one on hand from 9:00 or so. You'll be in good shape. And for anyone who NEEDS symmetry, FI and I have 5 adorable neices and 6 handsome nephews who would gladly don any outfit for the opportunity to play in a pool in a warm climate.
  19. becks


    Congratulations and welcome!!
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