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Everything posted by bobbi-francis

  1. Go Get Em' Pouchie!!! Wishing You All The Best!! Dont Forget About Us!! We Need Pics
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece Very True! I'll keep ya'll posted as I figure out how to handle this! Please please let us know...I've been thinking about that myself. Also-Welcome to the site!! I'm an Atlanta Bride as well...when's the big day?
  3. Welcome to the site!! All of these ladies are awesome! You will find a bunch of great tid bits here...and makes some buds in the process.
  4. Let's just all try to stay as optimistic as possible until we find out what's going on. I want to just think maybe she's on vacation; but why would Shally-Ann be making appointments to meet with brides in feb...wouldnt Chandlyn's vacation be over by Feburary??
  5. Thanks everybody...i think i will go ahead and book the deluxe suite...it'll really suck to spend my "newlywed" days @ ROR in a standard room!
  6. Hi All- I booked the royal package in order to get a room upgrade...if I change it to the free wedding will I still be able to get the room upgrade? I'm having 75-100 guests. Me and future hubby booked a standard room in hope of getting upgraded to a suite...are my chances slim? I would hate to spend my entire trip in a standard room... Also- I know the free wedding is $250, but there's an additional $250 for the minister and paperwork, making the total $500 right? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I met her in the lobby per her request. She's tall skinny with wavy long hair. I just told the front desk I was there for Chandlyn and they told her I was there. Hey Calia- How was her attitude? Is she pretty nice? I'm a rather bubbly person, wondering if she is receptive to that or does she have a stand off-ish kind of personality? Congrats on being a new mrs.!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cantwaittobemrs Hey everyone, so I know June in Jamaica is rainy season and all, but I was wondering in anyone has been down there in June and how the weather really was. I am nervous it will rain on our day, but am not freaking out about it. I just hope everyone has a great time, and I know the weather will play a part in that. So if anyone has been down there in June (or even late May), and can let me know how the weather was for them I would really appreciate it!! TIA Great question! I'll be getting married at ROR on June 28th. I've heard that there should be nothing to worry about. Let's just keep our fingers crossed. If it is rainy, I do believe they will move you indoors.
  9. Congrats...wishing you more excitement & fun, & fewer headaches to come....
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by albianstar i posted a pick of hte plantation from the outside on canadianbride.com under the newlywed section. why werent you able to request upstairs or downstairs?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by albianstar i posted a pick of hte plantation from the outside on canadianbride.com under the newlywed section. Your pics were AWESOME!! Do you regret having your reception upstairs since there is limited space? what was going on downstairs during your reception? Could your guest move around(upstairs/downstairs)?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by albianstar the plantation has 2 levels the main level is larger adn the 2nd level is going around the paremiter of the first so it looks down on it... so just have the reception on hte first lavel and you will have a lot more room. sorry i dont have any pics of the main level 4 u Thanks so much...although no pics your information has been really helpful!! Thanks again!! I dont know what I'd do without you guys..Chandlyn is gonna drive me nuts!! LOL
  13. Hi Everybody!! I'm a June Bride. June 28th to be exact. We'll be @ the RIU 6/25-7/3
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by chicago88 Thanks... I'm getting so nervous about all the little stuff left to do!! I just can't wait to get there and have a cocktail on the beach. Less than 6 weeks, AAHHHH!! OMG!!! I'm so excited for you!! Make sure you bring us lots of pictures back!!
  15. thanks everybody...that was definitely important to know.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by RiuBride2b Thanks for the pictures that you have posted. The pictures are beautiful and it is very helpful. I was wondering if you had any more pictures of your reception. I am having my reception at the plantation and need a better view on how to set it up for our wedding. If you can provide this my email address is [email protected]. By the way, I love the favors! Hellp RiuBride2b- would you happen to still have photos that MomentUs sent of her reception at the plantation.?..it's crunchtime and i'm in panic mode...I think i just bit off 4 of my nails! LMAO!! If you have them can you send them to me via email @ [email protected] Thanks in advance for your help
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MomentUs Hi Brittany- 100 was definitely a lot for a destination wedding. It took a lot of planning but I made it work and it was a huge success. I did have the private reception at the Plantation and this was also nicely planned. We reserved the plantation from 7-11 pm. The ceremony was scheduled for 4 pm but I was 1 hour late and it was absolutely "No Problem". Chandlyn did not do much, which I had expected beforehand. It is Jamaica after all, everyone is more laid back there. I was able to get everyone together for either breakfast or dinner in 2 separate events. I reserved a section of the buffet restaurant the night before the wedding for the rehearsal dinner, which quite a few guests attended and if they did not attend this event they met with us the day after the wedding for breakfast. We also took the bridesmaids and groomsmen out the day after the wedding for a group event to Dunns River Falls and then to an off site jerk hut. Ceremony Setup MomentUs- Your pics were awesome..I'll be doing the gazebo ceremony as well so your pics were very helpful. If you dont mind I would love if you could send some pics of your reception...Now that is what I have been freakin out about!! HELP!! Thanks again for the flix...you looked beautiful!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I can't seem to paste the pictures of the restaurant's wedding reception set-up, so let me know your email addresses if you want me to send them to you! Liz-Can you sent the pics of the wedding reception setu up to me...I'm not sure if it's the ones I already have but it wont hurt to find out. My email is [email protected] girl!
  19. Hi All!! Is it true that the free wedding package does not include the minister?
  20. Congratulations Again!! quick question...how many guest did you have? i was wondering about the seating...i'll be having a private reception at the plantation on 6/28/08. I have almost 100 guests and wanted a traditional style reception(i.e. dance floor surrounded by the different tables). Im nervous because i havent seen any pictures like this...everything looks pretty narrow(just a long table, and it looks like the dance floor is far from the tables)i dont know how it's going to pan out for 100 people...arrrggghhh!! please help...i think i'm gonna cry!!
  21. thanks so much I cant wait to see any new pics that get posted!! I gotta tell you...you ladies are the best!
  22. Thanks again everybody!!! It feels great to have the support of ladies who are all going through the same things...WHAT A RELIEF!!
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