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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. i am just going to say this, i am pretty sure that I will either be at the same weight or greater, no carrot for me. maybe next week
  2. that sucks becky! let us know what your dad says in response. drea, sorry you are so bored. I don't really have anything buggin me today. I worked out so the endorphons (sp) are flowing and i am happy. plus the sun is shining. don't worry, i am sure to have something annoying me by the end of the day or tomorrow.
  3. sorry, that was not supportive! I hope that it works out! GOOD LUCK and STAY STRONG!
  4. LOL, good luck with that! you still have 3 months until your wedding, I can't imagine not just peaking at those sites!
  5. i don't know the song, i will have to listen to it! it is so nice that he wants to be involved!
  6. We started dating in 1999 in April. I told him on one of our first dates that we were going to get married. Maybe that is why it took so long to ask me! I scared him!. We moved in together in 2001 and are getting married in May. By the time we get married, we will have been together over 9 years! My lil sis is 20 so I tell them both that he has been in her life for almost half of it!
  7. i prob should change shoes. Right now I wear crocs which are comfy but prob not supportive. i am glad that your leg is feeling better. i have that happen every so often and my chiropractor realigns me. I really notice it if I am doing a lot of walking, like when we were in Paris, then my hips were killing me!
  8. p.s. how is the short leg? did you get 'er fixed?
  9. they feel like this a lot. i am a nurse so i am pretty much standing for 12 hours but i only work on weekends!
  10. wow, you don't need that! hope you have a good book to settle in with!
  11. Holy crap! That is crazy!!! Do you have any idea how many centimeters are in a foot? We are having tons of rain here.
  12. I have searched for any thread on this and only saw several mentions in the thread about Morgan's short leg. Does anyone have any remedies for my legs that are constantly feeling creepy? The perfect way for me to describe it is my legs feel anxious. I know that that sounds stupid but that is how it feels. My doc said I should just take benadryl. Okay, that is all well and good but I cannot stay awake when I take benadryl! So, any ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thanks this is how my legs feel
  13. and Sarah, if you work tonight, we only have to work 11 hours instead of 12! Yay for spring forward!
  14. I used to work in the ER on the weekend and I know how crazy it is. It is nice up on the floors because there are not as many docs and PT and social workers and speech pathologists and everyone else trying to get the chart as during the week. Also, as I typed about how peaceful my weekend was, I was thinking, you idiot, now you are going to be so busy! I jinxed me! OKAY, back to weightloss! Sorry!
  15. Nights? I would rather do this! It is more peaceful than during the week!
  16. I have heard great things about it too! Bring back pics!
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