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Everything posted by pryzeless

  1. i sent out my letters last night. My computer died but I was able to recover my wedding stuff. I do feel like time is flying and of course, I am going to be super busy at work the next 5 weeks. It is like all the work all year is coming to a head! At least time will fly. I am happy I got so much done early on.
  2. Congrats! UNfortunately I have alrady booked but I am sure this will help out future brides. I am glad you will be there to clear up confusion about the policies and answer questions. Good Luck!
  3. I bought my FI an awesome Fedora hat that matches his suit but I don't think it is enough. We agree we would not spend alot of money but I am looking for something small to give him too. He keeps threatening me with some electronic equipment like a new phone. I told him that it should be something that won't die in a year.
  4. Wow, I am glad you got the dress you really wanted. Can't wait to see pictures!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by shannon I love this-- you did a GREAT job!!! Your guests will really really appreciate it!! Thanks. I am going to send it out next week. I have less than 7 weeks before I leave. I can't wait!
  6. Thank you so much for picking up those errors. You know when you stare at something for a long time and you can't see them but to others they are obvious. I took a little from several people here and added my own. Thanks again.
  7. Here is my getting ready letter that I plan on sending out soon. Let me know what you think and if there are errors. Thanks. melissas getting ready2.ppt
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jessyg20 Yari, thanks! I just bought some myself. Something to take off my list. I thought I was caught up like you. Instead, I went from 30 to 50 guests and yesterday it grew to 80, of course on the last-last day to RSVP (according to my invites RSVP by 8/1, this was RSVP part 2 by 8/15 for the straglers). I'm going crazy. Anyway, I bought bubbles before and I found a cute way of telling people when to use them, so I created this tag to put either on each of them or to have on the table with this as a sign. Just wanted to share. The Bubble saying is so cute! I need a cute saying for the ecofetti, any ideas?
  9. We are having one thru our resort. I think they are Sonoma Thorpe and there is contact info on lomas-travel.com However, I am not sure if they only play at Karimsa resorts or how to contact them directly. If you are having a wedding at a resort they may be able to help you.
  10. I too thought they had to be done in Spanish too and then translated considering that it is a legal proceeding. If you find otherwise, I would comfirm that even if he speaks english that the ceremony will be done in english. Good luck.
  11. We are spending the night apart. I think he is going to crash with some of his friends. We live together and we miss each other when we don't get to see each other. And it gives him time to spend boys time and me girls time with my girls. I don't get to spend that much time with just girls. Plus I think it will add to the drama of seeing me walk down the aisle for the first time. That is just my opinion. Also, I sleep terrible without him but I am going to sleep terrible the night before anyway.
  12. I had a real problem with them when I bought stuff. They charged me double and claimed I ordered the same exact thing twice. Then they would not refund my money so I had to put in a dispute with my CC. Good luck and be careful when you do order.
  13. I bought mine at stampsbyimpression.com and they were reasonable. I am not ready to give mine up yet, sorry.
  14. I am getting married at the EDR and they charge $5 to set up your decor. So if you have someone to do it, there should not be a charge.
  15. Everything looks amazing. You did such a good job DIY putting it all together. Congrats!
  16. Just to participate in the conversation, we are legally getting married in Mexico.
  17. I don't know what it is but I hit the two month mark and I am SOOOOO excited. We leave in 55 days. That seems so soon.
  18. Thanks so much for sharing. You look like you had so much fun. We leave for EDR in 59 days and I can not wait!
  19. Oh and here is my planning thread. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26940
  20. Wow Yari, you got alot done. We picked up our rings and met with a Deacon who will marry us in the church when we come home. That was a big thing now off my mind.
  21. Thanks for the responses. As for the Pashminas, a bunch of brides put together and order a while back and I jumped on. I know we had TONS of problems and are not recommending anyone use that vendor again. Sorry.
  22. Here is my getting ready letter. Let me know if you see any errors.Thanks melissas getting ready2.ppt
  23. OOT: Includes: The bags I bought from a bride on there but I think you can get them at the dollar store Pashminas in blue or crème (thanks to the wonderful ladies here) Disposable Camera to use for the whole trip Personalized word search and crossword puzzle from ArmoredPenguin.com Mugs that I personalized with rub-ons Spanish for Dummies from Target First Aid kit includes Sunscreen packets, Bug repellant packets, Advil, Pepto, Bandaids, pool floats, aftersun packets and Lipbalm with SPF. DIY soaps I also bought silk fans for the chairs at the ceremony and plan on using Ecofetti with DIY cones. I bought candles and shells for the centerpieces in Mexico. For the AHR, I bought branches from Manzanita Burlworks - Display & Jewelry Trees - Natural Red and plan on doing a seating tree for the seating cards. Once I am done with this I will post a picture. I still am working on my Getting ready letter and the Welcome letter, which I will post too.
  24. The planning threads are my favorite to read so I could not wait to post mine. I am about 2 months out but I wanted to post what I have so far. I did a lot already as you can see. I will update when I get more pictures. Enjoy! The ring: The Dress: The veil from OccanseyDesigns Custom Wedding Veils - OBridal.com My hairpin and earrings are from Etsy.com http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21946-2 The shoe dilemma: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22870 I think I am going to wear the white ones for the wedding and the blue for the welcome dinner. FI Suit is from Kohls and Shirt is from mycubanstore.com DIY Invites: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23393
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