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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I've always wanted to eat at the River Cafe, it looks gorgeous! Nikki Beach at the Westin has a Sunday brunch that is very popular and pretty. I really liked Nikki Beach during the day time - their food presentation is excellent! We had the most delicious and impressive quesadillas on our last day there. Unfortunately we never made it to the River Cafe but I've heard great things about it! If you guys are staying in Nuevo Vallarta it will be a longer drive though but I'm sure it's worth it - wish we had gotten to check it out!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mora Oh Jaime I am kind of late on my reading, but I am so glad you felt in love with PV as we did, welcome back and Merry Xmas! Thanks Edna! I can't wait to go back
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Guess what else I got for Christmas?? A freaking bladder infection. UGH, it just hit me while I'm sitting here at my desk. Can I go home now? The doc tells me I have a Kidney infection - Merry freakin' Christmas! Besides that, I had a WONDERFUL Christmas!! I also got very spoiled. Here's what I got: From FI: - 12 wk old Westie puppy (I got to go pick him out on Christmas Eve) - Purse - All the fixings to make my favorite Holiday drink - Starbuck's Peppermint Mocha (with the red sprinkles and everything!) plus my own giant mug to have all year round. - Simpsons Movie - Rihanna CD From Dad: - $100 Gift Cert to Pier One - $500 Gift Cert to Best Buy for me and Martin which was a BIG shock! Now we get to buy our Wii whenever they come in stock and I can get a new digital camera too!!!! From Everyone Else: - Baking Supplies (including 3 pans in honor of my first Carrot Cake from FMIL) - Vanilla Concoction w/Vodka (also from FMIL - yummy!) - Cute Ornaments that say "Love" on them - $220 cash (need this!) - $50 Guess Gift Cert. - Cool Seashell Wall Art - Collection of Starbucks' Hot Chocolates & Teas - Starbucks Gift Cert. - Bottle of Grey Goose - Tons of stocking stuffers I gave Martin a bottle of Johnny Walker Black (his fav), a nice shirt, Superbad DVD, Extended Battery & Memory Card for his Motorola Q and a $25 Best Buy Gift Cert.
  4. Hi Angie! I'm also getting married May of '09 possibly in Las Caletas. What day are you guys thinking of? We're wanting to have it on the 24th.
  5. That is so frustrating!!! Martin used to love to play his car racing video games which drove me crazy but I expressed my frustration and now he rarely does. However, I can't complain too much because we are going to get a Wii whenever one becomes available so I'm sure we'll both be addicted to that for a little while Also, Martin used to get really upset with me when I first joined BDW cause I could not get off this site!!! hahaha Once he let me know how he was feeling I really had to limit my time on here when he was around. I think communication is very important in this situation - if Erik doesn't listen to your feelings about this then I'd be pretty frustrated!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR OMG - so adorable. I can't wait until we get a dog! This little guy HAS to put a smile on your face. done! Thanks Ann!
  7. Well when we showed the pics to my Grandparents yesterday they both expressed quite a bit of concern on going over on the boat. My Grandma said "We come from a family full of motion sick people". She said she will support whatever we decide but I still feel like they really don't want us to have it there. They keep coming up with things like "What if ppl get sick? What if they need to come back early?, What if they get hurt? What if the weather is bad?" I love my Grandparents to death (they helped raise me growing up so they're like a second set of parents) but my Grandma really made me upset yesterday! It was really hard to move past that and focus on enjoying the rest of Christmas. We haven't told Martin's parents about it yet. Honestly I'm also afraid of all the older or sickly people (FI's aunt just had brain surgery and they want to come) walking around the island in the dark. And now if someone does get seasick or whatever I'll feel really guilty. I honestly haven't made my decision but I almost want to have it there just to spite my Grandparents now - isn't that horrible?! Martin is really pushing for LC but I do still want to discuss other options (Terra Noble, Mayan Palace) and I feel like he is somewhat close minded on the issue. I know I can't please everyone but a BIG thing to us both is that the majority of our immediate family comes and I'm afraid that some that were for sure coming might not come if they know there's a boat ride involved...
  8. Already married - My 2 nominees are: Jessica (JessicaLovesBrian) is very active on the forum and gives a lot of good advice/info and Rachelle (REdwards) is such a sweetheart, I always love hearing from her. BTB - hmmm, will have to think about that one... so many it's hard to pick!
  9. Thanks ladies! He can be a little stinker but is so cute it's hard to stay mad. Him and Ollie are still battling it out for the dominant position in the household which is keeping me laughing. Neither one wants to give an inch. I am hoping they will work things out soon though - right now Ollie just wants to play play play with the new pup but he hardly wants anything to do with Ollie. I think Ollie feels a little rejected, lol. Poor little guy. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian yay for new puppies!!! aren't they awesome! hope yours is more laid back than mine. that's the best christmas present ever. have lots of fun with your new friend. and eww, what a horrible man that guy sounds like! what a meanie. i had an ex who's grandmother had an outdoor cat that wasn't spayed. whenever the cat had kittens, she'd drown them! i had such issues with her. anytime the cat had kittens i would frantically try and search for homes just so i didn't have to hear about how she drowned them. some people are so mean to animals Yeah, this guy is totally mean. He breeds them and then whatever he doesn't sell at auction he tries to pawn them off to rescues - they had to pay to rescue these puppies! What your ex's grandma did sounds so awful!!!!! I can't believe there are people out there like this. It doesn't cost much to have them spayed/neutered. So sad
  10. ATTN: MODS - If you happen to read this could you please change the title to include (UPDATED - With Pics!)? TIA! ~Jaime *Edited - Request completed, thanks Ann!*
  11. I GOT A PUPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! SO excited!!! The baby girl we were looking at was adopted which Martin had to tell me after we were already on our way from Texas to Oklahoma and I was really sad. But, when we got there there were two little boys - I had been adament that I only wanted a girl but after seeing this little one I fell in love. Turns out the girls really are more "bitchy". I got to meet several of both sex and this definitely rung true. I LOVE HIM! These are pics from the website when he was 10 weeks (he's around 12 wks now). I'll post more of my own later. Oh, and we haven't come up with our own name for him yet but his "given name" is Killian. He was rescued from South Dakota by a HORRIBLE MAN who called the Westie rescue and said he would DROWN the puppies if they didn't get them!!!! I think Killian may have been one of the only ones who lived... sooo sad. He's a fighter and so freaking adorable. He's the calmest puppy I've ever met. We took him with us to a Christmas party, then two sets of Christmases with our families and they all commented on how sweet and calm he is. He has a little bit of an overbite so his tongue hangs out ever so slightly sometimes - too cute! (Can you tell I'm in love? )
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 Don't worry things will work out...they always do. Plus aren't you getting a secret present tomorrow? Yes, I am - I can't wait! Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Jamie that sucks about you being sick. Do you feel like you're getting better? I remember being sick over the holidays a few years ago and it just wasn't the same. Wishing you a merry christmas sweetie. Get better and relax. I keep getting sick over and over with different things but I think I finally found the underlying cause - overactive adrenal glands which causes my body to produce excessive amounts of cortisol which can break down your immune system. Any time I get stressed my glands swell up and I just feel yucky. However I've found an excellent and very informative book on the subject (it's called Adrenal Fatigue). I'm hoping (when we get the money) to go see someone who specializes in it. There are actually very few doctors who are aware of the condition so it will take some research but it is very refreshing to finally have an inkling of what is going on with my body! Supposedly most people have the disorder to some small degree at some point in their lives but mine is at the point where it is severe which is why I keep getting sick. That and I think there's still something wrong from the wisdom tooth surgery - that's when all of this mess begun. Thanks for the well wishes - Merry Christmas!!! Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I'm stressed, mostly because this is the first year I'm broke (because of not working due to the pregnancy). I ended up putting all of my Christmas shopping on credit cards which bums me out because I had just gotten the balances all down to the under $100 range. Boo. But don't worry, it'll be over soon enough. Your health is the most important thing anyway. I totally hear you about the being broke thing - this is the first year I've been in that position too and it definitely is stressful. It's hard to look past it but it is good to put things into perspective. Thanks Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan You can always just get giftcards if you've run out of time. HEB has a selection from all over. You can get restaurant cards, department store cards, itunes cards, etc. all in one place. Have totally done the giftcard thing this year for lots of ppl! LOVE IT!! haha
  13. Aye yi yi, normally Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year but this year with all my illnesses it's really been a struggle and SUPER stressful!!! I've never waited this long to go shopping. I wish there was another week left so I could relax a bit and enjoy it. I guess now I know why everyone else always says Christmas is so stressful - it's always been more fun than stressful for me but now I think I get it. We will be really busy running around Xmas Eve and Xmas day too - I'm still looking forward to it though in my own stressed out way I guess
  14. Ok, so I've had a REALLY tough couple of days (kidney infection, big money issues & readjustments, found out we can't get the puppy we were looking at, end to my favorite Xmas tradition at my grandparent's house, etc. etc. etc.). It hasn't been fun, seems like a snowball effect and me being a girl of course I'm sensitive to all these things! Yesterday Martin went and worked on his car all day which kind of upset me since I was already in a depressed and pretty pissy mood. Then this morning he wakes up and tells me he all of a sudden has to go shopping with his dad and brothers for their mom's xmas present. We (all us kids) had already pitched in and bought them a really nice LCD flat pannel tv for their living room so I was like "why do you need to go and get her something else"? Anyways, then he tells me he's also going to go shooting (guns in the country) with his bros tomorrow all day which meant I would be alone on Xmas Eve all day. I was totally bummed because I've already been feeling so depressed and this is just not like him to leave me when I'm feeling this way. Well, he texts me just about a half hour after he leaves to go "shopping" and asks me if I want to go with him tomorrow to pick up my "surprise". I call him asking what's going on and he said the whole shopping thing today was a rouse and he was really checking on my Christmas surprise and that it would be best if we go tomorrow together so I can pick it out. And this means he won't be gone shooting tomorrow either - YAY!!! I have no idea what it could be. His family and our roommate all know but I don't. Anyways just had to tell someone cause he won't let me bug anyone else about it! (lol) Guess we'll all find out tomorrow! Yay, Christmas is looking up.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Amanda is a member on here too. Can't remember her user name on BDW tho. And she's also on the yahoo PV group too. If anyone knows her name on here (or Amanda if you yourself check in) I'd love to know who she used to coordinate it. Priscilla from Prisar is the one who showed me the location.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Here you go Jamie: Amanda and Humberto's Wedding Sooooo beautiful! Thanks!!!! That may make my decision a little tougher - looks like a beautiful place to get married Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Welcome back! Sounds like you had a blast. There are many stairs at LC so if anyone has problems getting around it can be difficult but not impossible. I know you'll make a great choice, can't wait to see pics of everything! As far as the stairs - I'm a freak about them. Riding in cars and stairs, I hate them both. So I'm nervous about having to personally walk down all of those stairs. Kelley's so cute though and she's been great at trying to reassure me
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Can't wait for the review! I'm glad you saw Terra Noble too. A girl from the Knot had her wedding there and it looked so intimate and beautiful. Let me know if you would like to see her pics. I can try to track them down on one of my computers. I think I saved the weblink on one at home. I'm so thrilled you all loved LC. I haven't been there so it's so nice when people go and talk about how wonderful it is. I won't pressure you one way or another, but our guests have been so excited about the whole "adventure" the wedding is. Not many people get to take a private boat WITH open bar to a nice wedding ceremony/reception. Good luck on the hard decision! Oooh, I would love to see the pics from the girl who got married at Terra Noble! I love that place! Priscilla from Prisar said that's where she had her legal ceremony.
  18. We're back and we had an AMAZING time! PV is so much more beautiful than I remember. We got to see whales, dolphins, mountains, palm trees... and of course, The Westin, The Mayan (Marina), Terra Noble, Las Caletas, Le Kliff and meet with Priscilla (from Prisar) and Kelley (WC for Las Calletas). I am super swamped and overwhelmed with everything that I have to do in preparation for Xmas, work and possibly getting a new puppy tomorrow but I promise to post full reviews soon. I took a ton of pics and tried to think of you guys as well and capture as much as possible! These may take awhile to go through so please be patient with me but know that the trip was amazing! As a mini wrap up - The Westin was wonderful, we LOVED it there. The Mayan is just as it looks in the pics - beautiful, great place for a wedding. If you want to have your wedding at a hotel I would definitely rank it top notch!! Le Kliff restaurant was beautiful and quite a view but an expensive cab ride from the hotel (it cost us $60 US roundtrip from The Westin, tip included). Terra Noble is a MUST SEE hidden gem!!! It's a spa/healing center but they can rent it out for weddings or rehearsal dinners, etc. High up in the mountains it has the most magical and spectacular view I've ever seen in my life. This is where we want our rehearsal dinner. Las Caletas is unbelievable. The boat ride honestly was nothing to be worried about - very smooth and entertaining as well! My only hesitation are all the stairs/climbing but other than that it is amazing. We still have a little discussing to do but this is probably where we will have the ceremony! (Mayan girls: Martin absolutely fell in love with Las Caletas and really wants to have it there versus a hotel but trust me - the Mayan really is beautiful as well, so you have nothing to worry about there!!!!)
  19. Heather - what a beautiful wedding! We just had a site visit there on Tuesday and it was wonderful!!! One question - did you have any trouble getting down the stairs on your "grand entrance"?? There are so many! That was pretty much my only concern. It is such a beautiful location - love it!!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Those are so funny! GO TO BED!! haha, I can't - I'm wired Anyways, you have to check out the crazy perspective on this one! (Taken in our home) then I'll try to stop for tonight and go to bed, I promise...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I know you can check in wine because we brought some back from Napa after our wedding. You can't take it on board with you though, it has to be checked. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah I remember Edyta saying that she and Terry brought Champagne to Cabo with them to celebrate. Do we have to declare it? Hmmm, I hate customs - I always feel guilty! lol
  22. I can't believe we leave in less than 24 hrs! So far we've got meeting w/Priscilla (to see the Mayan, etc) on Monday, headed to Las Caletas on Tues. w/Kelly, and we know we want to eat at Le Kliff & Cafe de Artistes. I know there were more restaurants that we wanted to check out though... hmmmm, other than that - sounds like a lot of extra beach time to me! I feel like we should be doing more... Also we may try and check out a few more hotels while we're down there. Anyone have anything specific they'd like me to try and find out while I'm there?? P.S. Oh yeah, I forgot about River Cafe, supposed to be really good for breakfast (although we already have breakfast included in our plan so we might try it for lunch).
  23. K. I'm thinking if we put it in our luggage then we should be ok. But then again, it's red wine - what if it breaks? lol, that would be a story to tell...
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