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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I am literally on the floor hysterical dying!! That is so funny Tammy! -Glenda
  2. Seriously!! I mean NYC is pretty pricey (although most NYers are used to it) but to pay $150 for a couple of drinks if ridik!! Although I must admit I went to Paris in March and that was steep! Cabo seems cheap in caparison to Paris. But every girl had to do Paris at least once in her lifetime!!! -Glenda
  3. That is so funny! I would have been hysterical dying! In NY if something like that happened the groom's party would label us girls crazy for stalking and we would never hear the end of it!! -Glenda
  4. It is gorgeous and stunning but I think I read on a Tripadvisor review that someone was given a quote of $20,000 just to use the chapel. That is absurd. Esperanza, Las Ventanas, and the One & Only are the most expensive places in Cabo. They are fabulous but extremely expensive. I have heard that these places charge $45 for a margarita. I can't even imagine being able to afford these places. -Glenda
  5. You guys are so great about this. I'm still not sure how I feel about this. I'm usually an easy going person who trust my FI 100%, but I know a million and one stories of FI doing indiscreet things and their FI have no clue and would never believe it even if you told me. I mean most girls trust their FI and would bet their right arm that their FI wouldn't do anything like that, but some do and their FI's ae clueless none the less. I'm still undecided. -Glenda
  6. Not to be a shameless promotion whore but Tammy (the host) is great to work with. If you girls aren't happy with your travel agent you should def speak to Tammy b/c she has lots of knowledge, gets back to you quickly, and being recently married in a destination wedding herself, knows exactly what you are looking for. Just a thought.
  7. Tammy, You make me want to get married here!!! LOL. -Glenda
  8. I'm sorry they didn't have the dress you want. That's terrible. Even though you should keep an open mind as to other dresses (b/c you may actually fall in love with one of them) you should still be able to get the dress you are absolutely in love with. Hopefully they will get the dress you have your eye on soon. -Glenda: smile41:
  9. Welcome! I have friends who are going to Aruba soon so let me know if you'd like me to ask them to get any info/pics for you. Aruba is wonderful and so is Excellence. You will love either one. Let us know if you need any help with anything. -Glenda
  10. Nrvsbride


    Karla I have two questions that I am really curious about: 1. Where did your guest stay (hotel wise) and 2. What was the pricing like at Sunset Da Mona Lisa -Glenda
  11. Welcome Darlene! I don't have any friends who have gotten married there, but I have family members who recently went to a wedding their (a relative of theirs lives in that area). What I do know is that if your not going the resort wedding, and you are using local vendors, etc. it is very affordable. If your friend speaks spanish (I'm assuming she does) I'm sure she can ask around as to which vendors have a good reputation. If you want to know something specific I would be more than happy to ask my aunt if she could get the names of vendors that her niece used, etc. Hope some of this helps and good luck with the planning. -Glenda
  12. Sarah that is such a pretty dress. You are going to look great in it!! And great price too. -Glenda
  13. I'm jealous of the Moon Palace Brides. This play sounds amazing!! -Glenda
  14. Congratulations! I am so excited for you!! I think 20 people is just lovely, b/c it is small but intimate. And then when you return you can celebrate with everyone who wasn't able to go. PV is gorgeous I am so jealous. I hope you will post lots of pics when you come back. -Glenda
  15. I also vote for Jackie. She is always so welcoming to newbies and offers great advice and encouragment. -Glenda
  16. I love them all I think they are all cute. But I think it depends on what look your going for. To me, number 2 looks the most elegant and it denotes a classy wedding. Number 3 gives off the vibe of a more relaxed, casual beach wedding. I voted for #3 b/c it makes me the most excited to want to go to Mexico!!! I know whatever you choose will be absolutely beautiful. Are those the colors you are using as well or did you have plans to use different colors? (B/c I really love those colors) -Glenda
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia Ana y Roux I built it my self, just bought the domain and hosting trhough godaddy.com, I think it was like $50 for both.. Ana, you and your fiance are such a good looking couple!! Love the website especially since I can understand it. -Glenda
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by destinationbride07 Our Wedding Website I cant figure out how to make a photo square and music.... Love the yellow flowers!! Your site really gives a feel for Hawaii. I would be so excited to go if I was one of your guests. -Glenda
  19. I also spoke to Yessica who doesn't seem to know too much. hmmmm. -Glenda
  20. Oh my fiance is from Merrick.
  21. Lenita I love those!! And they look easy to make. Karla yours were gorgeous as well. Love the blue that matched your bridesmaids dresses, so pretty! -Glenda
  22. Welcome Wendy, I am also from NY (Queens) and am leaning towards Dreams in Cabo. I liked the Fiesta Americana as well but it is very pricey. I know we're used to ridiculous prices in NYC but the girls are right everything adds up pretty quickly. I just recently received an e-mail from the WC at Dreams so if you want me to forward it to you let me know. Good luck with the wedding planning! -Glenda
  23. Nrvsbride


    Hmmm someone named Yessica from Dreams contacted me and told me that there is an indoor room called Los Pelicanos Room that holds 20 to 80 people for a served dinner and 20 to 60 for a buffet room. And she also told me about El Dorado Room which she says holds 20 to 120 for served dinner and 20 to 100 for buffet service. Has anyone seen these rooms? She also told me that the inside ballroom has no limit of time. For those of you who are getting married/got married at Dreams did you like La Cascada Terrace or the Oceana Terrace better? -Glenda
  24. Wow some of these are so cute and cheap!! Thanks for posting the link. -Glenda
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