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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. I agree your inspiration is beautiful! I was also going to suggest a runner and some votives...maybe you could put ribbon around the votives. I personally like the box without the ribbon.
  2. Yay! congratulations!! Now, you can be relaxed for the Cabo wedding because your technically "already married"!! Have a great trip!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!....and of course see pics!!
  3. I love the ring shells and the aisle decor! Your big day is almost here!! I can't believe it.
  4. geez, I don't sign on for a few days...I come back and Courtney has a new name, Tammy has a great new siggy pic, which tells me she must have got her pictures. wow! you can miss alot around here in a few days... okay, well I think I'll go change my name too and try to get through my 3700+ unread posts!
  5. Beautiful Laura!! Those are some fantastic non-pro pics (great job Jason!)! You looked beautiful and I couldn't even tell that you were nervous! Your bouquet was beautiful and it was fun to see the starfish!!
  6. I didn't have a problem taking shells and a starfish into Mexico...but, they did take away my freeze dried rose petals.... Note, I didn't mention that I had them. Nor, did I mention the rose petals, but they found the rose petals on inspection.
  7. Yay Amy! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see more pics! I love your new siggy and avatar pics...but, i want to see more!
  8. Congratulations and welcome home! Looking forward to seeing your photos..and reading your review too!
  9. Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. You had some great ideas. the bride and groom starfish were so cute and I loved the mary poppins photo.
  10. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lambert! Can't wait to see your pics and hear all the details!
  11. Jessalyn


    Welcome! Let us know if we can help with anything!
  12. Congratulations!! Santa Barbara is beautiful! Sounds like everything was perfect. I hope your husband is feeling better. post pics soon!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by RAENJAY It is amazing that our first date was in 1992 ~ it's almost like the wedding rekindled this hidden spark. The flowers on the table were the ones on the arch at the beach, all the shells my MOH brought with her, we used them at my shower in PA. We're all planning an "anniversary" trip to either Punta Cana or Rivieria Maya for June '08- wanna come Then we can celebrate together. Wow! you've been together 15 years. Your wedding was truly beautiful and you two just look so happy. Anniversary trip....hmmm...that sounds sooooo tempting!!
  14. Beautiful Stephanie! You two are so obviously in love!! Oh, and I adore your centerpieces. It was neat to see our shared wedding date on your slideshow....brought back memories of the day for me too.
  15. Courtney ~ I'm so excited for you! oh, and i want to see those BD pics too!
  16. Great review Natalie! I was thinking about you on your wedding day and was worried about the wind for you. I'm sorry it was so windy. That Friday night was by far the windiest day that we were there. I had the same issue with my "light" pink flowers...they were dark pink. But, your flowers looked gorgeous regardless of the fact that the shade of pink wasn't right. Also, I completely agree with you regarding Rev. Parsons. Tony, Jonathan and I were all kinda laughing and shaking our heads over his picture requirements. It's almost like Rev. Parsons wanted to be the photographer too. I'm sorry we didn't get to see you while we were down there. I was looking for you in the airport. Congrats again!!
  17. I'd be upset too about the room and the other plans that she has during your engagement party. If you divide out the $800 over 5 nights it is $160 a night. Where does she plan to stay for less than that and with breakfast and drinks included? ...and, you paid for her airfare. Did you ask her where she plans to stay? ...that's just weird that she wants to stay somewhere else away from your other guests. I'm sorry!
  18. Great thread! Here's my list: Would do again: Cabo ~ Absolutely! Everyone had a great time and it was so much fun! DIY Invitations ~ I loved my invites and they really set the stage for the wedding. IMO, they were worth the time and expense. Sheraton ~ The resort was beautiful and everything turned out wonderful. The food was great. We had a buffet....there were so many choices...people had to go back twice to try everything. Maye (WC) ~ I'm so glad I had her to help, especially the day of...she made sure everything was just the way I wanted it. Napkin folds, shell placement etc. She also found me a stand in Guitar player after the one I booked backed out a couple of weeks before our wedding. Welcome Dinner/Reception ~ This was a great way to start the wedding weekend festivities....we had the reception in our room (we had a 2 br suite)...it would have been nice to do it at a restaurant, but I'm too frugal It turned out great though and I didn't have to worry about transportation for everyone. Dress ~ I decided not to spend a lot on my dress and I'm glad that I stuck with that decision. It looked great and it came in at less than 1/2 my budget. TTD ~ I would absolutely do this again. I almost didn't want to do it because I didn't want to take the time out of my day to get dressed and do the whole thing, but in the end I'm SOO glad I did. Jonathan Thrasher (photog) ~ I loved Jonathan's work the first time I saw it, and I am so incredibly happy with my photos and he was really great to have down there....he was like one of the guests. While I only had to pay for his travel expenses (because of the contest), I know now after the fact that I should have budgeted way more for my photographer because in the end great pictures are worth every penny. Also, I originally didn't think I wanted an album, but after seeing all the great pictures...I know I want an album now. OOT bags ~ These were great, but I agree with Ann a cooler bag would have been much more practical. Koozies ~ People used these all weekend. They were a great purchase. Things I wouldn't do again: Sunscreen ~ I'd skip the sunscreen in the OOT bags....people brought their own. Cake ~ I got a smaller $100 cake just for pictures....I don't even think we needed that. The dessert that was included with dinner was perfect. Song play list ~ I wish I would have taken more time to put together a few songs that I wanted to hear at the reception. (We would've) write(n) our own vows ~ When we were doing our ceremony I didn't realize the vows that the minister was going to say didn't represent us and our views on marriage....I'm really disappointed about that.....I wanted to stop the minister in the middle of the vows and say "no, wait". Mixed feelings about: Meet the Guest book ~ I don't think a lot of people read it or looked at it. I know the few people who did read really found it helpful. so, I'm not sure if I would do it again.
  19. Beautiful Natalie!! I love your dress (so happy to finally see it!!)!! And your lanterns and place cards looked great. Your wedding party was huge!! Congrats again!! ....And, I'm eager to see JC's pics!!
  20. ha ha! uhhh, yeah "interesting" good word! He was very particular too. Did you enjoy the signing of the certificate and then the pretend signing and looking at the camera? We laughed about all that later..... Hurry up and post some pics!! I'm jealous of how many photos you have from friends and family. I heard you had a rather large wedding party. okay...go post your pics.
  21. Natalie ~ Welcome home!! I'm so jealous that you were gone for so long! I can't wait to see your pics and hear all about everything. Rev. Parsons said you were absolutely stunning!!!
  22. Beautiful dress! What a great find! So glad you found the dress you love....congrats!!
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