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Dreams Cancun - Questions for those married here!

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I will have a Tower room overlooking the gazebo for the group shot, but now I'm thinking that might take too much time for Citlali to run up there and back down, so I might just have her take two group shots,about 1/2 and 1/2....I don't know, still thinking about that.


I was a little disappointed by the sunset comment, but I think we'll be able to get a couple of decent ones...I remember seeing a very beautiful sunset while we were there last Oct., so the buildings must not completely block it off. Oh well, nothing I'm going to cry over :)


Let's see...what else... I'm still not sure when I'm suppose to cut the cake, and I think I'm probably not leaving enough time for toasts. Maybe I'll just have my dad's toast to start with, and then MoH and BM can have their time during dinner.

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Susan let us know what her response is as we may also have over 50. She also mentioned in a previous email that there was an area there for dancing.


Paula...now that I think about it... I think the terrace area by itself accomodate about 50, and the adjoing Tower lobby another 50. So the two areas together would make 100. The Tower lobby open completely to the terrace, so it would feel like one big space. I think we'll just move some of the tables when dinner is over to make more room for dancing.

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Here is my revised timeline...what do you ladies think?


3:00 Photographer/videographer begin

4:00 Ceremony

4:30-4:45 Groups Shots

4:45-5:45 Cocktail Hour

4:45-5:45 Pictures (Bride's Family, Groom's Family, Bridal Party, B&G)

6:00 Bridal Party Grand Entrance

-first dance

-second dance (B&G, Bridal Party, Parents)

6:15 Toasts

6:30-7:30 Dinner

7:30-11:00 Dancing

-7:30 Father/Daughter Dance, followed by Mother/Son Dance

-8:00 Cutting of the cake (if I don't do immediately upon Entrance)

-9:30 Bouquet/garter toss

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Does anyone know if we could buy silk petals to throw or decorate during the ceremony? I don't think she minds freeze dried ones but how about silk?


By the way, I emailed Claudia to see if she would give me any credit for not using her photographer which is included in the package (36 photos). Her reply was "So sorry but item does not used is losted". i have heard some girls got other stuff if they don't used part of their package. Is it true?

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Originally Posted by Susan101207 View Post
Here is my revised timeline...what do you ladies think?

3:00 Photographer/videographer begin
4:00 Ceremony
4:30-4:45 Groups Shots
4:45-5:45 Cocktail Hour
4:45-5:45 Pictures (Bride's Family, Groom's Family, Bridal Party, B&G)
6:00 Bridal Party Grand Entrance
-first dance
-second dance (B&G, Bridal Party, Parents)
6:15 Toasts
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30-11:00 Dancing
-7:30 Father/Daughter Dance, followed by Mother/Son Dance
-8:00 Cutting of the cake (if I don't do immediately upon Entrance)
-9:30 Bouquet/garter toss
Thanks for all of that information susan, I'm dissappointed about the sunset thing too. I think your timeline looks good, the only thing I'm doing different is cocktail hour isn't starting until 5, and I had told her dinner at 630, but I might push that to 7 to give us time to do our first dance and in case we run over during our pics, I still want to try to get a few sunset shots.

How many hours did you get citlalli for? I got 3, but feel like it might not be enough.
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Originally Posted by YauLau View Post
Does anyone know if we could buy silk petals to throw or decorate during the ceremony? I don't think she minds freeze dried ones but how about silk?

By the way, I emailed Claudia to see if she would give me any credit for not using her photographer which is included in the package (36 photos). Her reply was "So sorry but item does not used is losted". i have heard some girls got other stuff if they don't used part of their package. Is it true?

I have silk flowers too, I'm hoping its okay, I meant to ask her in my last message and forgot.

Also, she told me there server was having problems the last few weeks, I think you had the same problem I did.

She is home with the chicken pox, so I have a feeling thats why we're getting such quick responses, if you ask her could you let me know the answer as well?

I asked about a credit for the photos too and she told me I could get a longer video, but others have gotten a credit, I think I might say something about that, I really could care less about the video, I just took it because it came with the package, I'd rather have the credit for the pictures.
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Originally Posted by PaulaV View Post
Susan let us know what her response is as we may also have over 50. She also mentioned in a previous email that there was an area there for dancing.


Paula...now that I think about it... I think the terrace area by itself accomodate about 50, and the adjoing Tower lobby another 50. So the two areas together would make 100. The Tower lobby open completely to the terrace, so it would feel like one big space. I think we'll just move some of the tables when dinner is over to make more room for dancing.

I didn't think about the tower being of the way of seeing the sunset, oh well.


I think your timeline will work very well Susan. My ceremony starts a half hour before at 3:30, and still finishes early~! I have to do something to extend it! Sunset is at 5:38 for us (booo!) That is when the cocktail hr will be finishing up. Anyway... nice job on the timeline.


I remember seeing pictures of the Tower lobby open, but I cannot picture having the dance floor right there. I am sure they do this all the time and I should not worry about it.


YauLau, what Jilly said happened to me. She told me that the picture package would be credited for something else, but then when I asked how much, she said the credit would be for picture package 2. I need to talk to her about that when she is back in the office.

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Is it awful for me to say that I kind of like claudia being out sick, I get responses so fast!! Thats awful!


Anyway, I emailed her today to ask if it was okay to use silk flowers for people to throw at the end of the wedding, she said of course


I also asked her about luminary bags, I am planning to do them, I don't know if anyone else is, she said no other brides have ever done them but thinks they will look nice, so she didn't know how many I'd need so she said to bring plenty, she also said they put out tiki torches. Just wanted to let you know.

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I'm thinking about doing luminaries as well. I loved how they looked in Sarah's pics (Luminaries are basically candles in bags). What are you using for bags? Are you planning on bringing the candles down too? Do you think the Dreams staff will be able to set them up?

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Sabina, exactly as susan said. They are paper bags with either a cutout or something printed on them and you put sand inside to weight them down and a candle, so they glow, kind of like little lanterns. I was going to have them line the terrace and maybe some walkways, but I know they have some lights on the walkways, thats why I asked her because I wasn't exactly sure where we'd put them. She didn't say that there would be a problem having the staff set them up, so I'm assuming she knows I want them to do that, haha!


Some of the girls on the forum have made theirs, but I really don't have the time for that and I'm not crafty, so I ended up ordering them from Oriental trading company, they are white bags with 3 different cutouts, hearts, doves, & wedding bells, I would have preferred all hearts, but they had a variety pack that was cheaper than buying single packs, but I only ordered 30, don't ask me why, so I'm going to have to order more, I think I want to bring about 100, Sarah said she had 95, so I figured 100 would be safe.

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