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Pre-wedding weight loss tips and exercise programs

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Originally Posted by Peach View Post


I have not tried it, though I have heard from a friend of mine who dappled with it, and overall the experience was pretty negative. She did lose weight for a while, but then all of a sudden, and for no apparent reason, piled it all back on... and more. She was doing everything the same. Maybe someone else has tried it themselves; like I said, that is just what a girlfriend of mine said.


Basically, any kind of diet like that makes me nervous. I go by the idea that if it is fuel for my body, it is good and I should eat it. Otherwise, I see it as a toxin.


I was working out regularly, but my gym pass expired and we are going away for a couple weeks over the holidays; no sense renewing it yet. But then, right back to it! Hopefully I do not indulge too many "toxins" over the holidays. :(


thanks for your input. but what is "intermittent fasting"?

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post


1 )Eat clean. and drink plenty of water.  I don't recommend crash diets, fasting or anything along those lines unless your just looking for fast results with no long term benefit.  More often than not, a person will gain all this weight back once they stop.

2)  Dont' be afraid of weight/resistance training - it will tone you up and has a longer impact on your metabolism than cardio alone. You will not bulk up and look manly unless you are specifically trying to do so. Our bodies are different then mens, and we don't gain muscle at the same rate.

3) Add variety to your exercise regimen; you want to keep your body and muscles challenged so you continue to see results. I've completed Insanity and had a love/hate realationship with the DVD series, and plan on doing all 10 weeks again 12 weeks out from the wedding. I hate doing cardio but love I love spin classes and hiking.  Most of my time in the gym is in weight training. I also occaionlly do pilates.

4) Don't become consumed with the scale and pay more attention to how your clothing fits and the the change in your body compostion/measurments.  The scale doesn't take into consideration the % of body fat lost in comparison to lean muscle gained or water weight.

5) Try to keep it fun!


Well said!!! especially for number 4.

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Originally Posted by brownskingirl View Post



how did insanity work for you? omg i love it although its so hard to stick too but i give it all i got! what your results been like? i had a baby last july and gained 50lbs i managed to loose 16lbs on just dieting alone. then i started insanity 5 weeks ago and im seeing some results i've lost 5lbs so far and im sure i lost inches since my clothes are almost baggy on me, :D need to get back to size 12 or 14 for my gown,, im keeping my fingers crossed for size 12!!

It worked very well!  I was VERY pleased with my results.  Although I started out doing the entire circuit some days I didn't have the time though.  I lost around 20 lbs in the course of 2 months doing it!!  The best part was that all my body parts were really toned out.  I think thats why I didn't lose as much weight as I was thinking I would (my goal was 30)  however I was able to slip back into a size 5 no problem!  Oh and my booty looked very nice. ;)

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Originally Posted by brownskingirl View Post



thanks for your input. but what is "intermittent fasting"?


The basic gist is that you alternate between periods of fasting and not fasting. The time length and what is "allowed" while fasting differs depending on the program.

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Originally Posted by Peach View Post



The basic gist is that you alternate between periods of fasting and not fasting. The time length and what is "allowed" while fasting differs depending on the program.


that type of dieting dont sound right! :S

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Originally Posted by worstbride View Post



Ill post a before and after pic then... 400400


wow you already looked great though! but congrats on your results!! funny thing is though im trying to get down to your before pic... lmao if i can reach that size or a little thicker i'll be so good! lol

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