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November 2011 Brides (or Grooms)

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Gosh I am so excited for all you ladies that are about to leave and those two who already have.  Sorry to hear some of you are sick and have extra things piled on your plates.  That is no fun!


I still feel like I have lots of stuff to do but I am lucky enough to have plenty of time to do it all.  We leave in 2 weeks and although the weekends are packed full I have time every night to start laying stuff out and packing it up.  Thank goodness I get off work at 3:30 everyday.  Gives me so much time to workout, run errands and do wedding stuff.  I think my two major headaches right now are the playlists and the parents gifts.  UGH!!  Oh and my BM drama that is still going on.  Oh well.  I really don't feel stressed yet which is good.


Finally got to see the BD pics I took.  They were really good and I walked out of there with 13 instead of the planned 8.  Since I nixed the album for an extra picture I now have to find an album that is nice enough and fits them all.  Another thing to add to the "To Do" list.  I am really happy with them and I can't wait for him to see them. 


My last day at work is 11/11/11 and I can't friggin wait.  Most of my day at work is spent working on wedding stuff or reading this board but I really can't wait to get away for more than 2 weeks and not think about this place even once.  I just put in another vacation day for that Monday after Thanksgiving when I come back.  Figured I'd need another day to re-coup LOL.


Hope you all had a nice evening and that you are all feeling better today!!


So excited for you Courtney!!!!

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Hey ladies, I'm here in (not so sunny at the moment) Cancun haha. Its a rainy gross day which is fine because I have my trial hair in 2 hours and my fiance/hubby is sick and needs to play it cool for a few. Our guests start arriving this afternoon yay! For those of you leaving in the next few days...you'll be excited to know the weather is supposed to be great from wed thru sun! If you guys have any questions ( for those Palace Brides) for the WC let me know, and I'll ask away. I'm sure today I'll check back frequently since its rain but once my guests get down here I'll prob be enjoying my time with them. Also FYI for some of you Palace Brides out there Barcelo Playa, Cancun Palace, and Aventure will all be converting to Hard Rocks pretty soon. Well thats what my WC told me yesterday!

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Thanks so much for checking in on us during your wedding trip.  And I definitely appreciate the good news about the weather.  I will keep my fingers crossed that the forecast stays that way for Saturday - wedding day for both of us!!

Best of luck for a perfect wedding day...


Originally Posted by alysam4785 View Post

Hey ladies, I'm here in (not so sunny at the moment) Cancun haha. Its a rainy gross day which is fine because I have my trial hair in 2 hours and my fiance/hubby is sick and needs to play it cool for a few. Our guests start arriving this afternoon yay! For those of you leaving in the next few days...you'll be excited to know the weather is supposed to be great from wed thru sun! If you guys have any questions ( for those Palace Brides) for the WC let me know, and I'll ask away. I'm sure today I'll check back frequently since its rain but once my guests get down here I'll prob be enjoying my time with them. Also FYI for some of you Palace Brides out there Barcelo Playa, Cancun Palace, and Aventure will all be converting to Hard Rocks pretty soon. Well thats what my WC told me yesterday!


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Im excited! Thank you! And Good luck to you, too! Don't stress about the weather! Enjoy every minute of it when you get down here!

Originally Posted by leigh2011 View Post

Thanks so much for checking in on us during your wedding trip.  And I definitely appreciate the good news about the weather.  I will keep my fingers crossed that the forecast stays that way for Saturday - wedding day for both of us!!

Best of luck for a perfect wedding day...




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Alright ladies - I am getting ready to log off for the last time.  Time to shower, pack a few more of the toiletries I won't need tomorrow morning, and try to get a little sleep.  It is only a bit after 9pm, but my alarm will go off in less than 6 hours.


I hope all of you ladies that leave before the 11th have absolutely fantastic vacations and wedding days.  I will see you on the other side.....smile03.gif


(BTW - I am still not "excited", I am actually nervous!  I have been legally married for over 3 weeks now...why the hell am I nervous?!)



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Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

Gosh I am so excited for all you ladies that are about to leave and those two who already have.  Sorry to hear some of you are sick and have extra things piled on your plates.  That is no fun!


I still feel like I have lots of stuff to do but I am lucky enough to have plenty of time to do it all.  We leave in 2 weeks and although the weekends are packed full I have time every night to start laying stuff out and packing it up.  Thank goodness I get off work at 3:30 everyday.  Gives me so much time to workout, run errands and do wedding stuff.  I think my two major headaches right now are the playlists and the parents gifts.  UGH!!  Oh and my BM drama that is still going on.  Oh well.  I really don't feel stressed yet which is good.


Finally got to see the BD pics I took.  They were really good and I walked out of there with 13 instead of the planned 8.  Since I nixed the album for an extra picture I now have to find an album that is nice enough and fits them all.  Another thing to add to the "To Do" list.  I am really happy with them and I can't wait for him to see them. 


My last day at work is 11/11/11 and I can't friggin wait.  Most of my day at work is spent working on wedding stuff or reading this board but I really can't wait to get away for more than 2 weeks and not think about this place even once.  I just put in another vacation day for that Monday after Thanksgiving when I come back.  Figured I'd need another day to re-coup LOL.


Hope you all had a nice evening and that you are all feeling better today!!


So excited for you Courtney!!!!

I just got the call that my BD pics are done. I have been trying to find an album for a while now. No luck really. Let me know if you find something great please!!!!


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pretty sure there will be sun : )

Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

Thanks for the updates Alysa!

Do you know when they say "showers" on the weather report are there at least a few hours of sun, or is it pretty much rain for the full day?

Am so happy to hear it is looking good for your big day!


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Yay Courtney is off!! 


Janine, Joanne, Carrie, Eun-sil, Danielle, Nadenne and Sarah(82turtles) all leave this weekend of next week.  Me and SarahBen2011 will be the only ones left here to chit chat LOL.


I am so excited for all of you.  Hope you are all feeling great and are anxious to get on those planes!!


Any last minute tips from anyone?

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Good luck Courtney and Leigh!!


Whoo hoo! I'm happy to say I am finally getting excited. Our secret legal ceremony was last night. It was over in 2 minutes, literally. It was very surreal and I don't feel any different. It just doesn't feel real without the dress and the guests! lol. But even going through the motions last night made me excited for the real thing.


Unfortunately, I finally came down with Fi's cold last night. It hit me like a ton of bricks. :( Thankfully I have a full week until the actual wedding, but I don't want to be sick when we leave on Saturday!! If I could, I would stay in bed for 3 days straight and sleep it off, but that's not an option with so much to do!!

My last bit of advice would be - don't leave anything until the last minute (if at all possible)!! I left a few things and now I wish I had just gotten them out of the way so I could relax and sleep!


Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

Yay Courtney is off!! 


Janine, Joanne, Carrie, Eun-sil, Danielle, Nadenne and Sarah(82turtles) all leave this weekend of next week.  Me and SarahBen2011 will be the only ones left here to chit chat LOL.


I am so excited for all of you.  Hope you are all feeling great and are anxious to get on those planes!!


Any last minute tips from anyone?


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