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Yeah! Keep me posted. I might change it up after round one of P90X, and this sounds like a decent alternative for days when I don't have an hour for exercise.


Originally Posted by jszy10 View Post

30 day shred is a Jillian Michael's DVD program that has 3 20-minute workouts that go in levels.  You do the 1st level for 10 days, 2nd level for 10 days and 3rd level for 10 days -- they get progressively harder.  She stresses that you can't take a break during the entire workout in order to get results from just 20 minutes of working out a day.  The workouts are structured like this:


One  2 minute warm-up

Three 6 minute circuits (each have 3 min. of strength training, 2 min. of cardio, 1 min. of abs)

then a quick 2 minute cool down/stretch


It is actually around 22 minutes if you include the warm up and cool down.


I actually like it, and am definitely sweating by the end of it!  It goes really fast.  I'll keep you posted on the results if you'd like!


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Congrats on getting through day 1!  That's great that you do the crunches when you can't do other moves. Tony would be proud! You could always do some ballistic stretchers... Give yourself some hugs! Haha. Is it weird that Tony's sayings are constantly going through my mind?? I spend more time with him than I do with my FI!


Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post

Day 1 wasnt as horrible as i thought it was going to be LOL i pictured the worst in my head so it would be do-able to me once i started....it worked hahaha


My shoulders and core definitely got worked cause i feel it today but its good pain. I started with the Core DVD to see what it was like but i am going to jump in and follow the suggested flow. I have Zumba tonight but i might do the Ab video when i get home :) i do have back problems though from old injuries so there were some moves in the DVD for P90X that i couldnt do, for the moves i couldnt do, i would just do some crunches or other things so i kept moving.


hopefullly i can get through the other DVDs :) :)


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LMAO FI made me laugh hysterically! he walked in when i was rolling around on the floor "banana- superman.....banana-superman" he was like WTF?! i couldnt stop laughing so i couldnt do the move anymore. So all day i have had that in my head!


My abs are KILLING me today though LOL tonight is my night off cause i play in a pool league every Thursday and dont get home until late evening. I'm kinda glad cause i dont know if i could move today lol


Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

Congrats on getting through day 1!  That's great that you do the crunches when you can't do other moves. Tony would be proud! You could always do some ballistic stretchers... Give yourself some hugs! Haha. Is it weird that Tony's sayings are constantly going through my mind?? I spend more time with him than I do with my FI!




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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG!! I love banana-superman!! don't you just want to scratch Drea's eyes out? She's such a kiss ass. Unfortunately, I've fallen off the P90 wagon, too busy and tired, and with only 2 weeks to go, not gonna lie, less motivated because there is wayyyy too much to do!! Good luck ladies!

Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post

LMAO FI made me laugh hysterically! he walked in when i was rolling around on the floor "banana- superman.....banana-superman" he was like WTF?! i couldnt stop laughing so i couldnt do the move anymore. So all day i have had that in my head!


My abs are KILLING me today though LOL tonight is my night off cause i play in a pool league every Thursday and dont get home until late evening. I'm kinda glad cause i dont know if i could move today lol




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OMG 2 weeks....how exciting AND stressful! be sure to come back and share pics or a link to your planning journal if you make one


def want to scratch her eyes out LOL i havent done P90 every day. i do one day on and one day off cause i am doing Zumba and other stuff in between. wish i could fit more in to my day but its just not possible. I have a just over a month until my dress fitting so clocks a tickin

Originally Posted by traceysteve View Post

OMG!! I love banana-superman!! don't you just want to scratch Drea's eyes out? She's such a kiss ass. Unfortunately, I've fallen off the P90 wagon, too busy and tired, and with only 2 weeks to go, not gonna lie, less motivated because there is wayyyy too much to do!! Good luck ladies!



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2 weeks YAY! Congrats!

I have 2 weeks left but will take a week off and start over.

Let me just say I was cracking up reading this. I cant stand Drea!!! The one thing that annoys me most is she goes Tony "how about if I push off with my heel instead of my foot?" Like shut up!!!!

Her Drea roll is lame too! LOL! I pray she is not in the next series.

Keep pushing play ladies!


Originally Posted by traceysteve View Post

OMG!! I love banana-superman!! don't you just want to scratch Drea's eyes out? She's such a kiss ass. Unfortunately, I've fallen off the P90 wagon, too busy and tired, and with only 2 weeks to go, not gonna lie, less motivated because there is wayyyy too much to do!! Good luck ladies!



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LOL! Drea's such a show off!! I'm starting to feel bad for Bobby. I feel like Tony is always putting him down... LOL.  I think once you go through the first phase you start to notice all these little interactions. The first time through you focus on learning how to do all the moves properly, now I am just listening and watching. Maybe it's time to listen to my own music instead of Tony!

Originally Posted by Sharon99 View Post

2 weeks YAY! Congrats!

I have 2 weeks left but will take a week off and start over.

Let me just say I was cracking up reading this. I cant stand Drea!!! The one thing that annoys me most is she goes Tony "how about if I push off with my heel instead of my foot?" Like shut up!!!!

Her Drea roll is lame too! LOL! I pray she is not in the next series.

Keep pushing play ladies!




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I've had done the video about 5 times now and you definitely still notice LOL hard to miss how annoying she is :P


Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

LOL! Drea's such a show off!! I'm starting to feel bad for Bobby. I feel like Tony is always putting him down... LOL.  I think once you go through the first phase you start to notice all these little interactions. The first time through you focus on learning how to do all the moves properly, now I am just listening and watching. Maybe it's time to listen to my own music instead of Tony!



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