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Does anyone else feel awkward about having a bridal shower?

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YES!!! I'm so happy this was posted! I really want a shower, since the FI and I just bought a house and need many things, but I feel horrible! We are only inviting 45 people to the wedding, and I'm sure not even half of that will come. So do I invite people to the shower her aren't even invited to the wedding??

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@@palmtree99 are you doing an at home reception? I was invited to a bridal shower for a wedding I wasn't invited to, but I WAS invited to the at home reception. But people may be put off by being invited to only the shower and not the wedding.


Can you plan an event that isn't a true shower and more of a party (maybe co-ed)? Breaking out of the traditional shower mold might make it less odd for guests. I've seen people comment on here about having a "Bon Voyage" party and I thought that was a really cute idea.


My fiance and I aren't registering or doing a shower, but we don't really *need* stuff. We've been living together for 3 years. If we really did need things for the house I would probably do it. I would certainly feel less bad about it! Generally though, I think if you want a shower you should have a shower!

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@@beckys98 we really didn't want an at home reception. We wanted to avoid the large crowds, and keep refusing when family offers to give us one. It's hard though, since we are desperate for a bridal shower. We've been living at my parents house for the last few years and literally have nothing. I like your "break the mold" idea, and "Bon voyage party" is so cute! We just might do that! :)

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@@palmtree99 I would not invite people to the wedding. It can come off as gift grabby - even though that's not your intention. If you are doing an AHR, I think a shower is fine though.


I'm kind of freaking out about the whole shower thing. I really dislike being the center of attention. Having people watch me unwrap gifts? I'm already having a nervous breakdown. Hah hah.

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@@Mangosong I hosted my sister's bridal shower and she was the same way. The thought of opening gifts terrified her AND, since she also had a DW, she wanted to spend time with guests who weren't able to attend the wedding. I asked people to bring their gifts unwrapped and we put them on a display table. I had note cards where they could write their name on the front and put it by their gift so you could see who brought what. (I have the wording I used somewhere - I think I wrote a little poem to include with the invite.)


I was worried people would be offended or put off - but they weren't! Everyone told me how much they loved it because they got to socialize more and spend time with the bride! We had margaritas, too, which helped :)


Just food for thought! Obviously I'm all about breaking tradition. Haha.

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