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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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Just got my contract for June 18th 2011 at Dreams Cancun! Woot!

Fsuambs and prettypigpig.... how did/are you guys surviving grad school. I'm am a hygienist two days a week (10-11hr days with maybe a 20 min lunch) + 45 hr commute each way, I substitute teach on the other three days, and then go to grad classes on thurs night each week for 4 hours (another 45 minute commute each way). All that plus homework and observations in the classroom (and developing lesson plans). AND planning a wedding. I figured it would be the best to have a destination and let the coordinator plan my wedding, but I'm still stressed out that I don't get to see any details until the day of. AHHHHH. And I've been sick all week. I hope it doesn't turn into a month like your fsaumbs. Any tips on how to survive it all, I'm so burned out! :-(

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Originally Posted by AishaB View Post
We have set a date for 12/31/2011. We thought it would be great to ring in the New Year as husband and wife. We are considering Mexico or Austin, TX, or as a backup resort South Padre Island. Haven't really done any planning as yet, just starting to get my feet wet in the world of weddings.
We thought about having a New Years Eve wedding also, actually it was my choice date, but he picked 1-11-11, so I changed my mind. I a New Years Eve wedding would be cool!
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Originally Posted by AishaB View Post
Also, I see everyone has been posting about their rings. They are all gorgeous. I don't wear jewelry and my FI and I don't plan to exchange rings, since we will not be wearing wedding rings. Instead, we will be doing a cord ceremony baed on Ecclesiates 4:12. This was done by Rev. T.D. Jakes on that movie, "Not Easily Broken." I found the cords on this neat website.
God's Knot - Cord of Three Strands
I love this! I've never heard of it before. I'm like you, I don't wear jewelry, but I absolutely love my engagement ring. My FI is definitely not wearing a wedding band, so this is a great alternative to bond our marriage with God. I love it! I can't wait to talk to FI about it to incorporate in our ceremony.
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Wow, just a few days out and I had 5 pages of stuff to read! LOL


Thanks for the dress compliments. All this talk of weight loss has inspired me to try my dress on again after I get off the computer and make sure I'm doing okay. Was running 3 times a week, but caught a cold and never got back into that mindset. Blah!


Wedding bands... I think I'll have a white gold one custom made as small as they can make it to fit around my e-ring on both sides. The jeweler where my ring is from can do this for a reasonable price. Mom just had a band made for the other side of hers for her 25th anniversary and they did an awesome job. What do y'all think for a band? Any other ideas for this thing?

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

My center stone was dropped as low as they could get it because I would absolutely injure myself with that ring, haha.

FI likes tungsten rings, found one he likes for about $900 (guys rings cost a lot more than I thought, lol) but we are going back in the summer to see new styles and have him try on when his hands are at their biggest (the heat I guess?).


STDs... I love the paper planes. Considered that, but went the cheapo route with 200 free postcards from vistaprint. Mailing out all of those in March, so it's 13 months in advance.


TAs... I am using TA Jill from this forum. She has been great, very helpful and responsive so far. Just waiting on prices now, ugh! I'm sure no one likes waiting though, haha. The TAs on this forum can do price matching, so if you find a complete price online cheaper than their quote, they will try to beat it. That completely sold me. Didn't go with group booking because we know some people will want to stay longer than others.

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Originally Posted by CeeCee76 View Post
I love this! I've never heard of it before. I'm like you, I don't wear jewelry, but I absolutely love my engagement ring. My FI is definitely not wearing a wedding band, so this is a great alternative to bond our marriage with God. I love it! I can't wait to talk to FI about it to incorporate in our ceremony.
Hey CeCe I think your date is cool too. That is one of my sister's anniversary so I didnt want it to be the same so I thought why not ring in the new year with a wedding instead. I love the cord ceremony idea. My third sister had a hand fasting ceremony instead of the ring ceremony. that was also very good. I can definitely dig it up and share it with you if you like. But I love the cord ceremony. I included the link in my previous post so you can definitely use that. And the cords are very inexpensive so it is also within the budget. I love it and can't wait to share it with everyone on our day.
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Originally Posted by Linhy View Post
Checkout my website everything! Took us 5 years until my fiance finally proposal to be last August. http://thuanandlinh.wedsite.com
Hey Linhy, I am also looking for a good one and TA Maureen steered me toward the travel forum. They have a lot of info over there about TAs and recommendations and reviews. It was very helpful to me, so I thought I would share.
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