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Hahaha.... Nope I would LOVE to quit my job like that! I am getting to go to Vegas for my bday so I might end up having a wine for the first time in over 5 months.  Its so weird to think that I am going to have a very active son that won't sleep at night in less than 4 months!


Timberly- I will have to remember the fake letter.....teehehehe


Tricia- Great job on a sober flight and I am SOOOO jealous that you are going back to the Moon.  That's awesome!


Teshy- I bet your husband will feel the baby soon!

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OMG got scared couldn't find the thread.....

Just checking in, New job is great and I am still winding down my business which will be a relief once that is all taken care off.


Miss you gals... I have been crazy busy this past few weeks.

How is everyone... Oh too funny the Guy from Jetblue....  I was at a BBQ last Saturday with hubbys family all Air Canada people.. entire family I think has worked at Air Canada... It was a pretty good conversation.. Pretty much everyone agreed that they had been to that point in their career.


Otherwise bumps are growing and life is moving on I hear. 


Take care Sue

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hey girls!!!!!!  I miss you all!!  sorry I have been awol, I just hate this new format.  I have to get used to it...........   My summer has probably been the most awful on record for the history of me, lol.  How's that for a happy start to a post?  I am doing MUCH better now so can kind of laugh off all the crap.  Well not ALL the crap, but you know.  So after the MC I went into a pretty bad depression.  Well, for me anyway.  It was just all the hormones regulating themselves but for the first time since this past week I am totally me again YAY.  During all of this my husband's beloved family dog died so that was really sad.  Then a week later we get into a car accident.  We're fine, the car will survive..... it was just sort of wtf??  Could things get worse???  Then I realized, uhm YUP things could be way worse, and I just started being happy again from that day forward.  It was like the accident shook all the negativity out of me ,LOL


So in two weeks we are off to Paris!!!  I am so beyond excited you have no idea.  We are gone for 8 days and mid-week we are doing a day trip to Amsterdam on the high speed train.  DH has never been, so this is for him. 


I don't know if October is going to happen for me now.  I can't go the weekend we all agreed upon because my co-worker had booked it off without me knowing...  now I have all these weddings to go to and that costs $$$$.  I was hoping to go to NYC on airmiles but I don't think that works last min. so can we do a roll call and see who is a for sure and maybe figure out other dates?  I am not expecting you all to change your plans for me, but maybe... LOL


Let's try to get this thread alive again!  I miss my brides.  I have been hanging out at this babyandbump forum all summer because they have a really good pregnancy loss section... but it's really depressing so I'd rather be here!




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Oh chris Sending you hugs~~~  Hang in there gfriend you and hubby will have your baby soon enough... Maybe Paris will be the trick and you can grin a little when the little one is born "made in Paris France".  


Off to a corn roast tonight....take care  Sue

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Ladies-

I have to apologize I have been soooooooooo busy!  It is crazy to think that my little guy is going to be here in 3 quick months-- where did that time go???


Congrats to all of us for making it through the first 6 months of marriage -- with some issues (Chris that sucks about the car accident and the dog.... what next?!)   I hope you have a blast in Paris and I can't wait to see the photos! 


Susie-- How has the 2 headed monster we call your step daughter been?


Tricia- Out of curiousity did your dad not like the golf course at Moon?  I know that the 4 some that went golfing liked the course but lost 56 balls on it because it is rediculiously hard!


Teshy-  Is your hubby able to feel the baby kicking now?


As for the October Meet up---- I have no idea if its going to work...we forgot about a wedding and I have to get in my hours for my last month of work so I can get my short term disability at a decent rate and thats my last month of working because they will probably be taking me off around the 27th of Oct.


I still have this new forum and can't get use to it.  I am so glad that we are all connected on facebook other than that I would feel totally lost!


Hope all is well!

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I hear you, Brooke -- I've been busy too between work, getting ready for baby, and trying to still enjoy regular hobbies/activities before my life becomes all feedings and diapers...

Hubby can feel the baby move now, and he gets such a smile on his face when he can feel it!  It's encouraging to me that baby has been very active, but I would expect no less from the offspring of a guy who can't sit still for more than 5 minutes!


Hope everyone is doing well.  Can't believe fall is pretty much here.  Time sure flies!

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