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LF: 10" Pink Margarita Glasses

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Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg View Post
I have fallen in love with a particular set up that I stumbled across the other day. I immediately sent the picture to my mom, who will be helping me with my flowers. She said it was doable. I was so happy to hear that. So the hunt began, I searched and googled all day yesterday with no success of finding 10" Pink Margarita Glasses (not plastic). So, I decided to see if the BDW girls can come through once again and help me locate 3-5 of these things. Below is a picture of the set up that I am trying to accomplish so you have some sort of idea.

Thanks in Advance!

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i didnt read everyone's response so maybe someone already told you this. But i got that flower arrangment for my bday 2 years ago. and the glass isnt pink its a clear margarita glass filled with a pink gel. goodluck with your search.
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