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New FMLA law in NJ?


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Hello ladies. I kept searching the web and can't seem to find anything concrete and since my dear BDW ladies know everything, I was hoping you could help me out:)


So, I discovered some disappointing news yesterday. I dont know how but, I was under the impression that maternity leave = short term disability and my company allows for up to 6m paid. I guess the "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" statement applies here! sad.gif It's 6 weeks paid for normal delivery and 8 weeks paid for a C-Section and of course the unpaid 12 weeks federal FMLA that runs concurrently. I was also told that right now, the state of NJ also provides it's own 12 weeks that start after STD ends of unpaid leave that is simply a job security.


So, the benefits guy tells me that there is a new law going into effect next year (2009) that will provide more paid leave in NJ than just STD and I didn't think of asking for more details sad.gif I found a few things here and there on it but, nothing concrete. If you know anything about this new law, please reply!!!! I know I'm due end of May but I feel like I really need to start thinking about this stuff!

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I don't know anything about Jersey but most companies have their own policies, I had to use my own sick leave and the short term disability only covers the 6-8 weeks your dr. will write your medical leave note for.

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First, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes you are correct with the 6 - week timeframe. Depending on the company, they are required by law to keep your job, however, the longer you are out, your role could change when you come back (bummer).


I think the most direct thing to do is call your outsourced maternity leave customer service line and ask them specific questions and also your HR department. They should know this information cold. Sorry this did not directly answer your question but between those two, you should find out what you need.

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We get screwed as women... it's not fair... like, we have to plan pregnancy around our jobs... I bet if men could get pregnant, things would be a lot different. Such crap! I would talk to your employer and see what they say. Best of luck to you, but don't worry, things will work out, they always do!

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My company lets you buy extra short and long term disability because after a certain amount (i think around 40-45K) your STD check will be less than your regular pay check so the extra insurance picks up the difference. Enrollment was once a year but you could buy it one year and drop it the next. One of the women here signed up for it when she was 5 months pregnant to help cover the difference in pay.

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Originally Posted by YoursTruly View Post

First, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes you are correct with the 6 - week timeframe. Depending on the company, they are required by law to keep your job, however, the longer you are out, your role could change when you come back (bummer).

I think the most direct thing to do is call your outsourced maternity leave customer service line and ask them specific questions and also your HR department. They should know this information cold. Sorry this did not directly answer your question but between those two, you should find out what you need.
Thank you! :) Well, I know for a fact that I have total job security with no possiblities of any kind of change for at least 12 weeks; unpaid. I do get STD for 6 (or cool.gif weeks paid. But, I keep reading about something with an extra tax you pay when you work in NJ and this new law that is supposed to go into effect some time in 2009 that is cover paid leave for up to another few weeks but I cant find anything definite. The best thing I found was a NY times article and they were not specific at all.

Originally Posted by JoLo908 View Post
We get screwed as women... it's not fair... like, we have to plan pregnancy around our jobs... I bet if men could get pregnant, things would be a lot different. Such crap! I would talk to your employer and see what they say. Best of luck to you, but don't worry, things will work out, they always do!
I couldt agree with you more!!!! 6 weeks is NOTHING!

Originally Posted by dolfinluck View Post
My company lets you buy extra short and long term disability because after a certain amount (i think around 40-45K) your STD check will be less than your regular pay check so the extra insurance picks up the difference. Enrollment was once a year but you could buy it one year and drop it the next. One of the women here signed up for it when she was 5 months pregnant to help cover the difference in pay.
They do offer that for Long term disability but not short term in my company sad.gif

Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
interesting! my DH works in NJ but for a German co. and he gets 6 months of paternity leave - 3 of it paid - WTF!?! i hope that doesn't change before we have a baby. europeans know how to live! lol
Get this, my husband's family is from Russia and mine is from Ukraine. Well, we were talking to his g-mom over the weekend and she asked about leave from work. I told her what we get and she was shocked. In Russia, they get a year and a half; PAID!!!!! censored.gif
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Check with your HR. In the UK we get 6 weeks at 90% pay and then 9 months at £117 a week, but can take off a year the last 3 months being with no pay. Fathers get 2 weeks paid at the £117 rate unless you are like FI in the army and get jack shite lmao


I swear one day I am moving to mainland europe lol

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