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Everything posted by Bisha

  1. I haven't been in here forever! Congrats to all the new mommies and mommies to be! I can't believe it but, Gavin is 6 months old today. He's been sitting up with no hands for a little over a week and is walking while we hold his hands! Looks like he's skipping the whole crawling thing too:) Here are a few pics:
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Natalie is SOO beautiful. What a little princess! as for the 3month old Gavin, we'll need some new photos please! Well, since you asked:) All smiles: Tummy time: Super baby: these are a few of the most recent ones. We also have some every exciting news; Gavin rolled over onto his tummy for the very first time this morning! It was 6am and I brought him to our bed to feed, he kept squirming, turned on his side and the next thing I knew, he was on his tummy! All while I was putting on the nipple shield. I got so excited that I woke Michael up to show him LOL
  3. Congats to the new mommies! Both Kora and Natalie are absolutely adorable!!!! I loved reading your birth stories too:) Thank you for sharing! Huge congrats to Danielle! How are you feeling? So sorry to hear about your nephew Amy!!! I honestly can't believe that my little monster is 3 months tomorrow. Enjoy every second with your little ones; it goes by way too fast!!!!
  4. Congrats Mrs. Martin! Matthew is adorable! You look fantastic and the nursery is great!
  5. Hello ladies! Just popping in to say hello and congrats to all the new mommies! Can't wait to see the pics of your little ones. Gavin is doing well and growing like a weed! He's smiling all the time and cooing a little. Yesterday he did "push-ups" for the first time when I put him on his tummy. Something new every day with him and I'm trying to enjoy every moment. To those of you with latching issues. I had the same problem and the first few days trying to breastfeed were horrendous! The only thing that has worked for me and is still working now is the nipple shield. It's an absolute god send! Let me know if you need more info on it! I love it and wouldn't have been able to breastfeed without it. Who knew my nipples are flat!? LOL
  6. Congrats Angel! She's a beauty!
  7. Angel - lots of easy labor dust for you!! Congrats Kelly! She's gorgeous and I love the pics!!!! Was there a professional photog at your hospital? Amy, he's just way too cute! and did I understand correctly, you're preggers with baby #2?
  8. Congrats Summer! Mikka is so precious!!! So excited to hear about all the little girls. Everyone around us is having girls and Gavin will be needing a girlfriend Thanks girls! I think Gavin is starting to reply to our please for a smile! He smiled for daddy 2 days ago and for me this morning! Our very first milestone; I'm so excited!!!!
  9. Hello Ladies! Congrats to all the new mommies! Just popping in to say hello and let you know that Gavin and mommy and daddy and fursiblings are all doing well Gavin is now a little over a month old and up to 7lb 8oz and 21 inches. I can tell that he grew by how he now fits his outfits; the newborn stuff is perfect; I'm thinking another few weeks and he'll grow out of them. Here are a few new pics: Gavin and big sister Jada Chillin' in the boppy
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by pryzeless I love these! You look amazing for how far along you are. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Aww they turned out great! I am glad you decided to get them done. Quote: Originally Posted by tdmitchell Great Pictures! I LOve the ones where you are lying down and looking over your belly! Thank you ladies! It was a lot of fun and I absolutely recommend it! Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege How awesome Bisha!!! You look so great! And I too love the chair shot... that's awesome! I might have to recreate that for a maternity shoot I"m doing this weekend actually! Thank you! I forgot to tell you how great your maternity pics are! You look so great and ALL belly!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Bisha - what local photog did you go with? how cool!!! Her name is Anna of Anna Soma photography. She was sooo great to work with!
  12. Thank you ladies. Didn't mean to freak you out Tlseege, I think I'm one of those very weird 1 in a million kind of cases. I have no clue why it didn't take, could be my anatomy or physiology; who knows! I know it matters now but in the long run, it really doesn't matter! Summer can you believe your LO is almost here!? Lots of easy labor dust for you! Mrs. Martin your shower looked like it was lots of fun and you look great!!!! I posted my maternity pics here http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39112 if anyone is interested
  13. Thank you Abbie and Jenn!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Thanks for posting these, Bisha! You look great and they came out beautiful. I love the one where your DH is looking up at you and you're looking down at him. Also, the one with your legs/belly only is hot!! I'm sure your hubby was happy to see that one! Thank you! I had such a great time during the shoot. I have more pics that are a bit more risque and I didn't didn't feel comfortable posting but it did turn into a little bit of boudoir maternity
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OH, I like the chair and leg/belly shot.. You look great.. Thank you! I found a bunch of sample pics and showed the photog and we were able to recreate most of them! Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Congrats, you have a baaaaby!! Your photos are lovely, glad you decided to go for it! Thank you! I couldn't be happier! I had them done in good time; Gavin was born exactly a week after the photo shoot!
  16. and here are a few pics of Gavin over the past 2.5 weeks: 1 Day old: Caught a smile: and another one: 2 Weeks old:
  17. I know it's a bit late but, better late than never, right? Here's Gavin's labor story: I woke up Saturday morning (38 weeks exactly ) at 7am from back pain. Thinking that I just slept funny, I went back to bed only to wake up 15 mins later from the same pain. I wound up getting up around 9am totally annoyed because my only goal for the weekend was to get some sleep! Since the pain was basically only in my back and wasn’t getting any more intense and didn’t seem to be getting more frequent, I totally disregarded it as labor pain and went on with my day getting laundry started and hanging outside with hubby while he changed the tires on his car all the while telling him that it must be fake labor. By around 3pm, hubby noticed that the contractions seem more frequent and made me time them. They were between 4 and 6 mins apart so he made me go and pack the bag. By the time I had packed the bag and took a shower, it was around 6pm and the contractions were coming in steadily now between 3 and 4 mins apart so we decided to take a trip down to the L&D. On the way, I was contracting between 2 and 3 mins apart but was still in denial that it’s real labor. When we got to the triage, I was 2cm dilated and contracting quite regularly. DH asked if it can close back up which, we had a nice laugh about but I was still convinced that I’m not in “real†labor and said that it can stay that way for weeks!  LOL I was then told that they’ll keep me on the monitor for about an hour and if I progress, they were going to admit me. About an hour and a half later, I was dilated to 3cm and they said I’m staying. I was hooked up to an IV and allowed to walk around the unit for about an hour which was a great help with relieving the pain. When we got to the labor room, I was dilated to about 5cm. Since the monitors kept loosing the baby’s heart beat (he was moving around like crazy!!!) and were not picking up my contractions well, they offered to break my water and put in internal monitors. After about 2 or 3 more hours (I could not keep track of time at all), I was still contracting regularly but was not dilating past 5 cm so I asked for an epidural and got started on ptosin. The epidural did not work at all! The most it did was numb up my right leg a little, that’s all! They gave me a little pain medicine which helped take the edge off the contractions a little and I was able to nap in between. The worst part was that I was having back labor and the only thing that helped was hubby intensely massaging my back and breathing with me during each contraction (especially the super long and intense ones). Poor thing, I though his hands were going to fall off but he was determined to help me any way he could. Within an hour or two, I felt the urge to push and was told not to by the nurse I until I was fully dilated and to just breathe through it or I will tear my cervix. With the next contraction, I told her that I can’t not push so she got the doctor and was told that I’m fully dilated and am ready to start pushing! After about an hour of pushing (which felt like 10 minutes) he was out at 6:26 am! So all together, I was in labor for almost 24 hours! The worse part of it all was when they cut me and didn’t realize that my epidural didn’t take! That was by far the worse pain, EVER! To compensate for it, they gave me a ton of Novocain when suturing me up so I felt nothing for the rest of the day! It was great!
  18. As promised, here are a few of the pics:
  19. Hello ladies! I can't believe Gavin is 2 weeks old already! I'm sorry I haven't been on but it's been a little hectic as you can imagine! I've been very fortunate to have DH home from work all but a few days during the last 2 weeks and he's spoiled me rotten! He's been doing all the house work, most of the cooking and most of the diaper changes! He goes back to work on Monday and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to some time for myself! It's been a crazy 2 weeks with a rocky start to breast feeding, DHs 30th B-Day and Gavin's circumcision falling on the same day and the overall adjustment of sleeping in spurts of 2-3 hours but I've loved every second of it and could not have done it without my hubby's support! Have I mentioned he's been awesome?!!! I want to shout it from the roof tops! I promise to be back this week with my labor story and all the little tid-bits of having a new born, pictures and tips for any of you who plan to breastfeed. Just wanted to chime in on the workout question. I did cardio and walked A LOT all through my pregnancy and I believe I owe fitting into my jeans this weekend to staying active!!! In addition to breastfeeding and starting to walk again. I still have a little belly to loose but am basically back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
  20. Just wanted to pop in and let you know that Gavin made his appearance this morning at 6:26 am. He weighed in at 6lb 14oz and 20in long. Mommy, daddy and Gavin are all doing well and I will be back to post my labor story after I get some sleep
  21. Thank you Mrs. Martin! I really hope he stays head down, I'll find out tomorrow if he still is at my Dr's appt. If he's not, at least I know when he'll be arriving, May 22 which, as my manager pointed out today, is next Friday! How crazy is that!? The second half of my pregnancy just flew by! That's right, I totally forgot that Trish gets to find out the sex at her shower!!!! You better tell us when you know! Have fun! and enjoy the being the center of attention. Everyone keeps telling me it won't last!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Alright... how'd everything go? I'm worried that we haven't heard anything from you! How was the baby shower? Got photos Mine is this Sunday so I really want to hear all about yours!! How super exciting! Most importantly, how'd the version go? Was it successful? What's the status? And next, how'd the maternity shoot go? Tell me all about it! Didn't mean to make you worry! Just totally forgot about posting an update until I got the e-mail with your post. Major baby brains! Let me start from the beginning. The shower was great! It was so much fun and opening presents was a workout. We pretty much got everything we'll need for the beginning which is great! Here are a few pics: Me and my lovely cousin: The wonderful diaper cake my mommy made: Opening presents: Me and hubby: Sunday morning started great and very very early! I was up at 5:30am!!! We had it scheduled for 7:30 am and got to the hospital around 7:10. They put me into a delivery room (sneak peak of the real thing I guess) and hooked me up to the monitors. Since there is a risk of putting baby into distress with this procedure, they got me ready for an emergency c-section just in case. IV line in, urine sample and blood work. My doctor came in with an ultrasound machine to check that the baby is actually still breech and his overall position. Sure enough, there was his little head, right under my right ribs, same place I’ve been feeling it for about 7 weeks. They gave me a shot of terbutaline to relax the uterus and then the neonatologist came to take all of his measurements. He needed to get an idea of the baby’s weight as well as the amount of amniotic fluid around him. All was good and they began the procedure. My doctor was the one to actually perform it and he friend tried to get him to go counterclockwise since that seemed to be the shortest distance to travel and he just wouldn’t budge. Although that hurt a little it wasn’t an unbearable pain and he didn’t try for long (30 secs to a minute maybe). He then tried to get him to go clockwise and within seconds, he was head down! I was concentrating on breathing and not tensing up my stomach muscles and was actually shocked by how fast it went. They did warn me though that if it works, it goes very quickly! They did another ultrasound to check his position and heartbeat and put him right back on the monitor. His heart rate didn’t drop at all! Doctor held his head for a little bit and then handed the job over to my hubby! He said to hold on to it for a little bit until the terbutaline wears off. I think hubby was more stressed out by the whole thing than me and the baby! He was almost crying and kept kissing me and telling me what a trooper I am! J He said that from the side, it looked like my stomach was made of dough and they were melding it into shape. LOL They kept us on the monitor for about another 2 hours and also gave me another shot of RhoGam since I am Rh- since the procedure can cause some internal bleeding and they didn’t want to take any chances. Baby G tolerated the procedure very well; his heart rate stayed up the entire time and he started wiggling around again after about 30 or 40 minutes. At one point, he stuck his little feet (or knees) out of my right side and we couldn’t feel the head on the bottom so I thought he flipped right back. A doctor came in with an ultrasound machine right away to check and thankfully, he was still head down! They checked to make sure my cervix was closed and by 10am, we were out of there! Finally, the most pleasant part of my mother's day was of course the photo shoot! The photographer came at 2pm as scheduled and was sooo great! I showed her some of the poses/ideas I found and she really did her best to get each and every one of them considering we weren't workign in a studio. I saw a sneak peek of the shots on the screen of her camera and they're amazing!!!! I'm soooo glad I decided to do the shoot. It would up being a little bit risque but still very tasteful and I really really can't wait for the pictures! I should have them either by the end of this week or next week. I promise to share as soon as I get them. How's everyone else doing?? Any updates?
  23. Since we didn't have a real honeymoon, we went on a vacation of our dreams for our anniversary. We were in Costa Rica a month before our actual anniversarry and had a family dinner on the day of our anniversary where our present to everyone was telling them that we're pregnant!
  24. QUOTE=Tlseege;797491]OH I'm so glad that you had a good experience! I can't wait to see the end results, I'm sure they are beautiful!!! And only 19 days to go... holy wow! Are you so thrilled/excited/nervous/scared? Oh man, if you didn't say 19 days, I wouldn't have even noticed! LOL I'm just thinking 3 to 4 weeks (depending if I go on time or over). You know, as impatient as I normally am, I'm in no rush to get him out! Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to meet my little man but I want him to make his appearance when he's good and ready! I guess it also helps that I'm not at all uncomfortable and I want a Gemini baby so any time after May 22nd is good!
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