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Mommies to be check in


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Congrats Alyssa!


Gemini - that sucks on the bedrest. Fortunately it's happening really late in your pregnancy though! Hope you have some good magazines too. :)


Amy and Lisa - I remember when your little ones were born (I was stalking this thread). You're brave to be wanting another one when your firsts are so young! Guess it just goes to show how amazing your experiences have been with your firsts!

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Oh and Summer - thanks for describing your labour for us. It sounds like you managed to get a lot of really needed sleep in here and there, which probably helped you a lot. Still,3 hours of pushing sounds pretty painful. All for a good cause though, right? :) Mikka is a beautiful name. Enjoy having your house to yourself.

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Hey girlies, wanted to check in. Company is finally clearing out I completely know what Summer is talking about. Dh has been on vacation tomorrow is his last day. Then it a week of just me and Miss Kerrington. I really looking forward to it. And I finally can drive myself places.


I go for another check up for me incision and Blood pressure check on wed. Kerrington had her check up last monday and she is doing well. Upto 7 lbs 9oz. So almost back to birth weight. My little peanut is a good baby also. I have to wake her up every three hours during the day and 5 hrs thru the night to eat. I really have heard her cry since she was born. She is that good.


I was trying to update my signature with a new pic but I cant get photobucket to load it on. Maybe Im copying the wrong one? Any suggestions? I have added photos in a while.


Congrats to all the new mommies!

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Good morning ladies!


Amy- I'm very sorry to hear about your step-bro and his wife's baby. I would find it difficult to talk to her about it as well, especially because you're pregnant. All you can do is be there for her if she needs to talk.


Alyssa- Congratulations on your pregnancy! How have you been feeling?


GeminiLibra- Sorry to hear you are on bedrest, but at least you are at the end of the pregnancy already. I received my nursing cover right away after I placed my order, thanks again.


Kelly- nice to hear from you! Glad to hear miss Kerrington is a sleeper, I hope my baby is!


As for me, my DH finally finished the baby's room. All we need to do now is add some pictures and accents to the walls. I'll post pics as soon as I get a chance. I also had to go to L & D on Friday because I became so swollen (more than usual). My bp and urine came back fine, so that was a relief.


I'm so looking forward to having this baby!! I feel huge and it's so hot now (it was 100 degrees this weekend). I hope I don't scare any of you ladies that aren't as far along, but here's a pic that I took about a week ago (please excuse how horrible I look):


Click the image to open in full size.


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Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin View Post
Good morning ladies!

Alyssa- Congratulations on your pregnancy! How have you been feeling?
I feel really good! Knock on wood i have been really enjoying my pregnancy and had very little bad moments or side effects (mostly headaches and constipation). I really hope it continues like this!

As for me, my DH finally finished the baby's room. All we need to do now is add some pictures and accents to the walls. I'll post pics as soon as I get a chance. I also had to go to L & D on Friday because I became so swollen (more than usual). My bp and urine came back fine, so that was a relief.

I'm so looking forward to having this baby!! I feel huge and it's so hot now (it was 100 degrees this weekend). I hope I don't scare any of you ladies that aren't as far along, but here's a pic that I took about a week ago (please excuse how horrible I look):

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.
You look AMAZING - all belly!!!! i want to see some pics of the baby's room :)
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Alyssa~ Congratulations and welcome to this thread! I'm just getting back into it, and trying to "get to know" everyone again!


Mrs. Martin~ You look great! Can't wait to see pix of the nursery!


An update on my step-brother and sister-in-law's baby~ EVERYTHING IS LOOKING GREAT! They had a lot of worrying due to the quad-screen test. After having multiple tests, an echocardiogram, and an MRI, there seems to be no problems! The baby is about 2 weeks behind in development, but the doctors aren't very concerned about that. I'm so relieved to find out that things should be good for the baby!

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