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Mommies to be check in


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JMB: Yay for being back from Italy!! Hope you guys had an awesome time! I totally hear ya about the whole not slowing down for pregnancy. We decided to put our house up for sale and now we're building a new one. CRAZY. House sold today and our new one should be finished by the end of July -- I'll be 29 weeks the day we move in -- Ahhhh! I won't be able to do much of the moving, but DH doesn't care. He tells me I can just sit and direct traffic. Too bad I can't have beer while doing it!


Good luck with your big u/s next week. Sooo exciting! Ours isn't until May 26 -- I'm dying to know what these kids are! I'm hoping for boys, but obviously will be equally happy with girls. I have a theory though -- since my pg has been pretty easy, (knock on wood) other than being really tired and having super huge and sore boobs, I think I'm carrying boys, because if they were my girls they would give me a much harder time IE. more barfing, nausea, constipation (sorry Mrs. Martin!!) Guess we'll find out the end of May if my theory is correct!


Kinda handy having an ER physician for a husband too, eh?? That's awesome he just pulls out the bedside u/s! I love it! I'm an ER and ICU RN so I play with the doppler every shift! I can only find one hb so far, but from what I've read and heard from other multiple moms it can be hard to hear the second baby's hb early on. Let's hope there's still 2 in there! Now that we've had a bunch of weeks to get used to the idea of twins, I'd be devastated if we lost one and didn't realize it. I'm being a paranoid first-timer, I know! Anywho, keep us updated on that u/s!


Mrs. Martin -- I hope you're feeling better ... from both ends!

Holly and Meagan -- good luck with your appts! Hopefully see you guys on the baby bus sooner, rather than later!

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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post

Kinda handy having an ER physician for a husband too, eh?? That's awesome he just pulls out the bedside u/s! I love it! I'm an ER and ICU RN so I play with the doppler every shift! I can only find one hb so far, but from what I've read and heard from other multiple moms it can be hard to hear the second baby's hb early on. Let's hope there's still 2 in there! Now that we've had a bunch of weeks to get used to the idea of twins, I'd be devastated if we lost one and didn't realize it. I'm being a paranoid first-timer, I know! Anywho, keep us updated on that u/s!

Mrs. Martin -- I hope you're feeling better ... from both ends!
Holly and Meagan -- good luck with your appts! Hopefully see you guys on the baby bus sooner, rather than later!
It is soo tough working in the hospital setting. I work in radiology and we have tons of friends in Ultrasound and we are right across the hall from one another and its tough. All the girls I work with want to sneak over there on every shift. to check on their babies.. so far nothing has ever gone wrong but its scary. you never know and when the access is soo easy, how can you resist ya know.
Praying for two twinners in there. From what I hear also that second heart beat can be very faint sometimes.Hang in there!!

And thanks for the well wishes!
Im torn I do not know if I should wait until Im ready to start trying to go off the pill or go off now?! What did you girls do?
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Meagan -- I went off BCP last July. Had been taking it for 13 years or so. Some girls get pg right away, but for others it takes awhile for cycles to regulate. My cycles were completely regular from the get go, but we still didn't get pg until the end of January. Good luck lady!!

Oh and yeah, it is really hard not to get the u/s techs to do a quickie scan, but I don't want to find out something horrible is wrong with the kids while at work. That would be ugly! Just have to be patient until May 26 --- can't come soon enough though.

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I have an IUD with no horomones so I should have no issue trying right away. Since I have a new position I might be moving too and A just got hired as a full time fire fighter we really do want to wait for fall. I have been taking my vit :) everyday.


I am so excited about your twins Sloan and for all the mommies to be and TTC :)

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Sloan- YAY for selling your house! At least that's done with! I love how I read in books not to move, change your job, etc. at this time - oh well for us =)


Meagan- I was on the NuvaRing, but I stopped in November thinking it would take my body a while to readjust and be normal (and that's what my OB said) - but we only had to wait until January to be pregnant... so just be aware it could be sooner than later!!


Our appt. went well today, just heard the heartbeat and had blood drawn for our Quad screening. Our official anatomy U/S is May 24th so I'll let you all know! If I could use a doppler or U/S at work I would seriously be doing it every day-- I could sit there all day and listen/watch!!


I picked up some maternity clothes for work mainly (can't really wear my maxi dresses there) - my clothes are getting pretty tight. Even though everyone says they can't tell I'm even pregnant, I feel huge! It's been a struggle to find clothes at this point it seems, because they are all so big and/or expensive... hopefully I'll be wearing them again, but still!

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As far as BC, I was on the pill and DH and I knew we wanted to get pregnant (with our second) pretty much right away. I was willing to pregnant before the wedding but not too much before b/c I didn't want to be showing when we got married. So, I went off the pill in February '09 (wedding was May '09) and we got pregnant either on or right after our "weddingmoon". It was a good thing it didn't happen before because I started showing fairly quick and by the time I was 5 weeks my wedding dress was tight at our AHR. Right now I am breastfeeding so I am on the "mini-pill" and plan to go off that in August or so to start trying for our third.


For maternity clothes, I recommend any kind of panel pants. You can start wearing them early when your regular clothes get tight and they will expand all the way through to the end and then will be great if the belly sticks around for a little while after the baby. Old Navy also has some pants and jeans that have the adjustable waist with the elastic and buttons so you can tighten to wear early and let out as you grow. Another life saver for me was the belly band that you slip over the top of your normal everyday pants so you can wear them open as they are getting tighter, I was able to do this with most of my pants up til 5/6 months and it really saved, one belly band to wear with the clothes you already own is approx $20 as opposed to buying all new maternity pants.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies,


Sorry I haven't been able to respond but thanks for all the concerns. I'm starting to regulate my bowl movements a bit more and that's because I haven't been taking my anti-nausea meds too often. But, I'm still having morning sickness although it has slightly improved. Now my eyes are getting dry and my contacts get blurry (this happen my entire second trimester with my son). If it's not one thing it's another!


I went to have an ultrasound done yesterday and baby is doing well. He/She was dancing around in there. I find out the gender in exactly one month; can't wait!


Regarding the BC pills, I got off of them after years of using them even before DH and I were engaged. I'm glad I did too because it took me almost a year to have a regular period. I think everyone just reacts differently to the change. My doc said the most common is 3 months for your period to regulate.


I hope everyone else is doing good!

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Hey ladies!!!! Wow it's been a while since I've been on here.

Congrats to all the new mommies and new mommies to be. Everything is good on my end. Zariah is getting bigger and bigger everyday. She is such a busy body.

Well, I just popped in to say hello.



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