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What's making you happy today?


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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I'm happy that I have the start of a sore throat.

Oh i'm sorry- this isnt the "post if your sarcastically happy" thread?
Haha, don't you mean "craptastically happy?" hehe :)
Rachel, that sucks so bad, just when you want to finally wrap up the last few days of your life as a single gal, and you feel like crap. At least whatever it is will be long gone by the wedding in 7 OMG SEVEN days!!
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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
I just got my invitations dropped off by UPS.
Awesome!! That is totally exciting!!

I am happy that my family will be together this weekend starting tonight. Also we are going BM dress and FG dress shopping tomorrow!! A fun weekend ahead!
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