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so who do you think these people are?


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Originally Posted by Dbld78 View Post
Also that book that was being sold at the auction....well it was own by the Hans Group which is who funds the Dharma Inicitive! Penny's dad buys and I think that's how she becomes connected to the island because it is the journal from the ship that wrecked on the island with Danielle (french woman) on it! Great twist....I had to really think about it!cheer2.gif
WOW, that's so insightful. Thanks. I never would have caught that if you didn't point it out.

Originally Posted by starchild View Post

As for the mystery spy on the boat, I wish it were Charlie but I think he clearly died. Maybe it's Walt's dad? (forget his name?) But it's someone we thought we'd never see again . . .
You called it Jamey!! In wonder what's going on in next weeks episode with Sayid pinning Michael to the wall. Didn't Michael introduce himself as Kevin?

Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Wait, wait, wait. Hold the phones. First of all Jin is one of the 6. Its Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sayid, Jin & Sun. That is a fact, I read it in like a million spoilers. I don't think "you know who" is dead. The panda scene is in the future. I think it is occuring simultaneously with Sun's birthing scene. Which would mean that "you know who" faked their death. But why is the question.
Ohhh you had my hopes up Glenda. I admit I had the tears flowing last night. For some reason that really moved me.
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
I think that's how I saw it too. But then the date of death on the tomb was the date of the crash. Which would make no sense. So for some reason I think something weird is going on. I dont know anymore!
Maybe he dies on the island.. bc when jack was on the stand for Kate, he only said like 8 survived
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
I think Ben planted those bodies or the Dharma Initiative.

Okay last night's episode really has me confused. Ugggh!
it was probably the bodies that he gassed up..but didnt they realize that they werent the same people? Unless they'll used the excuse that the bodies were decayed.
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Jenny I have no idea what the heck is going on! I wish I did though! The only thing I don't get is that the creators had promised not to have any more flashbacks. And then when they did the Desmond centered episode they said to the fans that they hadn't broke their promise b/c he was time travelling so it wasn't technically a flashback. But yet last week's episode was a flashback of Juliet. So who knows what the heck is going on!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Jenny I have no idea what the heck is going on! I wish I did though! The only thing I don't get is that the creators had promised not to have any more flashbacks. And then when they did the Desmond centered episode they said to the fans that they hadn't broke their promise b/c he was time travelling so it wasn't technically a flashback. But yet last week's episode was a flashback of Juliet. So who knows what the heck is going on!
hehe I know, we're all in the same boat! There's just so much information that its impossible to keep up.. but that's what makes it so much fun popcorn.gifpopcorn.gif
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I thought the bodies that Ben gassed were the ones in the pit that Locke fell in after being shot by Ben.


I don't mind the flashbacks, I like that it fills in some gaps in info. What about the black box? Maybe they can listen to it and figure that part out? Because the real black box would have been in the cockpit which was on the island.

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Although, I believe usually the black box just has altitude and speed and plane sort of info. The cockpit voice recorder is different. Can't remember details from the stuff I used to know as a flight attendant. Had to fill up my poor brain with nursing stuff. Only so much room in there.

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Originally Posted by CarrieRN View Post
I thought the bodies that Ben gassed were the ones in the pit that Locke fell in after being shot by Ben.

I don't mind the flashbacks, I like that it fills in some gaps in info. What about the black box? Maybe they can listen to it and figure that part out? Because the real black box would have been in the cockpit which was on the island.
oh duh! you are so right! But knowing Ben... who knows lol

The black box could be a fake just like everything else.. athought it'd be interesting to see what information is on it
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