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Everything posted by alexisinjamaica

  1. Love it!! That's what I plan on doing too, only I was going to use a polaroid because I thought that would be a fun twist. But because I am OCD and crazy I don't want guests to put it in the book themselves, I'll want to organize and lay them out all cute after the wedding. I planned to put out a cute sign next to the camera/chalkboard and maybe get my sister to go around during cocktail hour asking people to write something. She's talkative and will probably enjoy that job. Here's the chalkboard I am going to use (it's from Michael's and isn't super sturdy but I liked the fun shape.) I actually used this in one of our engagement photos, so it'll be a nice tie-in, plus I love anything I can re-purpose!
  2. I just sent you a PM! I'm interested in the fans, table runners and sand box for place cards. Will look forward to pics and hearing back from you! Congrats on the wedding!!
  3. Um, ditto that. We are 6 months away from my date and hardly anyone has booked. Apparently a lot of people didn't realize there was a link to our website on the save the date, and that the website had all of the travel info. Maybe I should get smarter friends? LOL kidding of course. Sending out official invites as soon as that printer arrives and I can print out one more thing to include and then hopefully people get it together and book!
  4. I ordered it on Amazon yesterday. With my Prime account I got free shipping and 2-day delivery. Can't wait for it to arrive! And your invitations looked beautiful so I'm so glad you shared the pics and tips. Thanks!
  5. But at least you can take pride in making them yourself! And I'm sure your guests will love them, so it'll be worth it in the end.
  6. So here's what I ended up doing for invitations. Ordered these from Beach Wedlock Invitations http://www.beachwedlockinvitations.com/beach-wedding-invitations-beach-invitations-passport-invitations-bonus-rsvpbr18790-p-1183.html?osCsid=812017e4408eb9619a8b1a4c94026d80 and they came with everything you see pictured. I just had to fold these up, loop on the gold cord (arrived pre-tied) and stuff them in the gold-lined envelopes. You can customize these with any colors you like and can use a color photo, I just happened to like this black and white photo of us so I used it. They also offer other cute passport covers that are more beachy-themed, but I liked the idea of these looking like real passports. 100 invites + tear-off RSVP cards, pre-addressed return RSVP envelopes and gold-lined mailing envelopes + shipping= $295 Figured that was cheaper than what I could make them for so I went for it! The seller worked with me on several revisions until we had it just right and they were super fast. I'd recommend!
  7. So here's what I ended up doing for invitations. Ordered these from Beach Wedlock Invitations http://www.beachwedlockinvitations.com/beach-wedding-invitations-beach-invitations-passport-invitations-bonus-rsvpbr18790-p-1183.html?osCsid=812017e4408eb9619a8b1a4c94026d80 and they came with everything you see pictured. I just had to fold these up, loop on the gold cord (arrived pre-tied) and stuff them in the gold-lined envelopes. You can customize these with any colors you like and can use a color photo, I just happened to like this black and white photo of us so I used it. They also offer other cute passport covers that are more beachy-themed, but I liked the idea of these looking like real passports. 100 invites + tear-off RSVP cards, pre-addressed return RSVP envelopes and gold-lined mailing envelopes + shipping= $295 Figured that was cheaper than what I could make them for so I went for it! The seller worked with me on several revisions until we had it just right and they were super fast. I'd recommend!
  8. Whoops, this is what I meant to include as the other scratch-off example that I saw on Martha Stewart:
  9. Love that!! Is it from David's, or somewhere else? Kinda making me reconsider!
  10. I guess it depends on how many other things I make. I had my save the dates and invitations printed and sent to me by the companies I ordered them from, so the only thing I've had to print so far are labels and I did use my work printer for that. Shh. I don't feel like I have a ton of other things I want to make, but I suppose it's always good to have a quality printer. If any brides out there have used a particular printer for their DIY stuff and have feedback for us we're all ears!
  11. Hello all! OK so I planned on being sneaky and using the printer at work to print up some inserts that I wanted to add to my invitations on card stock I purchased. It looks like the card stock is too thick for me to use in the work printer and make this a free DIY project. Anyone have suggestions on printers that are good with card stock? If I'm going to buy a printer I might as well use it for other projects, so looking for a decent one that will get me through the rest of my DIY projects, which are still TBD! Any input is appreciated! Thanks!! *also thank you for not judging me for using company printing resources on personal stuff. lol.
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