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Everything posted by sosodj

  1. So how much did everything come up to with shipping as well?
  2. For all you Canadain brides, do you think that it would be worth it to make a trip to the US to pick these up or wait until there is a sale nearby?
  3. Where are you guys buying your Tote bags from, i've looked on line but the shipping to Canada does not seemworth it
  4. i'm going to look this weekend, hopefully they'll still have them
  5. I actually called the head office and they said that they were not restocking them for this year, some stores might have them but you will have to check each store
  6. Congratulation! isn't it exciting to finally decide on a resort, i think it make the whole thing a little more real
  7. what is the pricing compared to vistaprint?
  8. Thanks,the ones from oriental trading look like better quality, but i can't believe your OOT bags they are loveley and good quality too!
  9. yes they are great, did you buy them a while ago and do you mind me asking how much they were?
  10. are these still available, i couldn't find them on the website?
  11. where did you get your bags from and if you don't mind how much were they, they are so neat
  12. you are amazing! the only problem is that i live Montreal and we don't have a dollare tree here, we have a dollar store but they don'y have bags that are a nice as this
  13. i just went to the website and it looks great, thanks so much
  14. i never thoght aboout getting them for just the bridal party, i was thinking more of all the guests and just though that it would be too expensive but this is a great idea
  15. Where did you get your clip art from? All the invitations that i've seen have great clip art but i cna't seem to find any
  16. As i live in Mtl we would have to order them online, but this is a great price. Well done How are you finding all these deals, thanks so much for sharing Did you find a place to buy your OOT bags from?
  17. Welcome, i have recently joined and the information and ideas that i have gotten here is amazing
  18. i know, i'm in the same boat - i got pricing for the dinner, dj/sound system but not for any of the details. i just don't want to have too many surprises when i get there and be stuck with a huge bill. What are you doing for table decorations? I am so excited, since mine isn't till next year i'm living vicariously through you
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