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Everything posted by cocoluv

  1. I did the appycouple website as well!!! Lol... Don't you just love it? Which bag did u get from vistaprint?? I absolutely love the two tone ones but I'm sure they are pricey.. Did you get the bags at a good price?
  2. This is the perfect thread for me... I was wondering about using a travel agent or not using one... About to start from page 1 now.. Thanking you guys in advance....
  3. Thanks for all this info... I'm considering Jan as well... Trying to make a decision...
  4. This is great to hear... Sometimes the forums suggest differently. This calms my nerves a lil bit... Thanks for the info..
  5. I suppose I didn't really answer your question... Lol... Pardon my inexperience.... But congrats!!!
  6. The one I received expires today... Lol... I'm wondering what I can get since I don't have access to templates yet
  7. I'm a newbie here, but I think that it would be cheaper to at least bring some of your own decorations... You didn't say how many people have booked so far.. How many people do you think will be in attendance? I think the amount of people you have matters a lot. Are you going to do OOT bags? This forum offers so much help.. So much help.. just browse thought the forums to find things. you can start out with the forum that specifically discusses your resort. Wish I could help more hun.. Keep us posted..
  8. Are you kidding me?? I wonder how long it takes... Have you found out yet?
  9. Hey guys! I am a NYC bride getting married at the RIU Ocho Rios on July 10, 2014.. Definitely willing to meet up.. Congrats to all of you...
  10. Thanks for the suggestions... I looked her up and will be reaching out..
  11. I feel like I want to do everything!! Lol... Here is my list so far: - Passport invites - luggage tags (from Jamaica tourist board) - brochures - OOT bags - monogram towels - personalized tumblers - and so much more...
  12. Wow... You are on the money girl... I haven't done a thing except for the save the dates.... Lol... And those are going out tomorrow... I plan to get there TODAY so that I can catch this sale... Lol..
  13. I absolutely love that resort!!! I'm planning on shooting right there for my honeymoon.... All butler suites i believe... Nice choice..
  14. Sorry.... I should have read further.. Lol...
  15. Take a look on Pinterest... They are so many combinations and all you have to did is search "turquoise weddings"
  16. Don't worry, we are close to the magic number... Lol.. I'm trying to catch a vistaprint sale that end today. I want to use my groupon with it... But I have no templates that I can use with vistaprint...
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