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Everything posted by anudrm

  1. Yes it is!!! Thanks Chelsea. Thanks Starfish. The recreation, imitation, replication, whatever it may be called, is absolutely perfect!!!! Plus it was done by someone who had not seen the actual episode, rather just many different pictures. I am not an avid RHOA watcher, yet I had read so many comments about the dress after the fact that I just HAD to see it. When I did, I knew that was the PERFECT dress for me.
  2. One more week for free shipping! And they come super fast. I think I had mine in 3 days.
  3. Thanks Y, will order tomorrow and let you know!
  4. What colors did you want the shirt? I am pretty sure your FI doesn't want a dusty rose Godfather type shirt, LOL!
  5. Janet....I am so excited for you!!!! I can not wait for all the pictures. I do NOT want you to check your email or this site while you are gone but I will be thinking of you Tuesday at 4 p.m. Great job on everything that you have done!!!! You leaving sinks reality into me. Be safe, be happy, eat, drink and be married - all of that good stuff! Sending well wishes your way
  6. Wow Felicia, those are beautiful and I am made that you are sharing this with me only have 3 weeks to go. Thanks very much!!! Seriously though, they don't look like clay, they look really great in the pictures, you will be able to keep those FOREVER.....FOREVER......FOREVER....FOREVER *sorry delirium kicking in
  7. No problem brendee, do you have a color in mind? Do you have your monogram done? If so, send it to [email protected], so that I can match the colors.
  8. Can you send me your monogram, so that I can match your colors please. [email protected]
  9. Sure no problem. What are your colors and email address?
  10. I need sand for my sand ceremony. My MOH found the site and the sand is less than $2 for a lb. I only need 2 colors..... Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
  11. Anybody want sand? What colors? Found an awesome site. 1lb bags for 1.89, I only need two bags but the minimum order is $10.00. Anyone care to help me buy some sand?
  12. So funny, that's what I have etched on our sand ceremony vases!
  13. You want the GodFather type or did you have something else in mind?
  14. Oh yeah about that, no I didn't get the cute little toolbox, I just got the eyesetter. I have a Crop - A - Dile, now I'm wishing I would have gotten the little hammer. On my list of investment tools.
  15. Aww Jamie, don't let them get you down. Think of it this way, it is THEIR lost, not yours. You only want happy people around you out of town. cheers to the freakin weekend!
  16. And Miss Brendee, I saw your shoes, GORGEOUS!!!!! Why wouldn't you want them in silver also, gold will definitely clash.
  17. What do you mean what happened with it? It's in the closet!!! I'm totally lost at what you are asking (I am secretly a blond!) I do have a work area - the dining room, I continously tell him that when we move (SOON, YES!!!) I will have a craft room! LOL....but I also have a little terrorizing 1 year old, so I have to clean up most of my things in the evening so that she won't get into it. I don't have to put everything up just move it out of her reach but if I had my own room!!!!! My mugs are indeed the dollar store ones, 100 people? Woosah, I would have had to take a HUGE breathe and did that in separate days, thank goodness I only have 17 guests, so 19 people total!!! It isn't a rectangle because of the shape of the mug, it is weird. All it means is that I couldn't use my paper cutter, I had to actually use sisscors, I have a good pair, separate pairs actually, I just hate cutting!!!! I couldn't cut a straight line if my life depended on it. I must have missed those days in kindergarten because I truly suck at it. They do have some glass one's also, that lot was for 24, which would have been perfect but they are only 1 ounce. Who wants to take a 1 oz shot?!?!? So I went ahead and got the lot of 50, which are plastic, and they are 2 ounces. It's a $ difference. So now I have extra, versus having the 'right' amount and forbid I break some in transport, then I would have been short. What is weird, I didn't even try sitting down in it, so I have no clue! I'm pretty sure it's possible with a little imagination. I'm going to be like Scarlett O'Hara and have my dress perched up in the back when I go to sit down anywhere, LOL. It is all the way in the back of the closet, it's in a dress bag, no pouf. I asked him about it when I first saw it, the hoop closes up like a duffle bag, it's really cool. It will be a big surprise, outside of the ladies on this site, some friends who aren't going have seen it and my mother. No one else has seen me in the dress or for that fact actually seen the dress at all. Those who know me though, know that whatever I wear will be FAR from the regular because I just can't do regular, LOL. Funny thing is, I don't like to go straight. I am so HAPPY in my naps, where I truly don't care. It becomes a pain sometimes but I don't like washing, combing, blow drying, or pressing my hair. I am that dayum lazy. I just started going to the salon, I go once every 6 weeks, mostly to get it trimmed and because of this it gets blow dried and pressed. I have seen the infommercials for WEN, I try to stay away from calling and ordering things, I am bad in that area also. We won't go into the list of things that I have found because of those things. So how does that work? Are you in VA by yourself? Will he move here? Will you move there? I know I am super nosey, yet I am curious....So it isn't a full destination wedding, just you and your people have to travel. How did your family take that? I know I would have heard a lot from that. Why do we have to go there? Why do they not come here? Isn't it where the bride's family reside...blah blah blah blah So have you did your invites? STDs? (I hate writing that, *giggle*) What exactly are you looking for? (Look at me selling myself)...OOh you're into marketing? Well we need to rub elbows soon. How much were they charging for tags? Yes I understand what you mean, list them so they come up on the low end and high end, so no matter what I will make a sell. We will talk - seriously - not seriously, don't want anything to be serious. I am interested in continuing to do it though. I just like to do things i enjoy and I really enjoy all of my paper products. AND I have to justify why I want a letter press!!!!
  18. What the french toast!!! I didn't get a pad with my eyelet setter, I am upset now!! I usually just use the photo envelope that I get with my daughter's pictures, LOL.....call me MacGyver I use what I have.
  19. Have to agree with dominique...it's your wedding, decorate how you want. Make your setting work for you!! I would def start with a natural base tone, ivory, cream and use more earthy tones of orange and fuschia, pick colors or shades of those colors that are more rustic than bright. Like a burnt orange or dim purple. Also, don't stick to those exact colors, use shades of colors that will help. As for the bling, WHY NOT?!?!?! I would bling with slight hints of pearls. If you can find colored gems that would be a wonderful accent. Do not let your destination determine your wedding!!! My colors have slowly turned Halloween on me and I am loving it!
  20. Well Peach, I am 5'8", husband is 6' and I knew I wanted a big ball gown regardless of my destination. We are both late 20s also and this is our first wedding, we've been married for close to 2 years now. As for the dress, go with your heart! You only get to dress up like this on your wedding day. My dress is a conversion dress, so I get to wear the big ball gown for the ceremony and pictures and then a short dress for the reception, so I can get my groove on, LOL. So I am not sure if that is an option for you. I know buying two dress is undoable for most brides, so I am happy with my conversion. Not to sell you on my opinions or stance - (*whispering in your ear - I got a BAAAAAAAD designer)
  21. Yes pack on!!! One of my suitcases are already packed, we leave November 8th.....right around the corner
  22. Well that sucks eggs, LOL....my dress isn't white and it transforms into a nifty party dress. Haven't had the chance to try the shoes on with the dress, rarely home alone. So I'll just cross my fingers that they look well together.
  23. Yes, that's how I explained our daughter's name, she is Pilar....a Caterpillar, growing, learning, transforming. She has butterflies as her decor now also, LOL.... Anywho, Friskars has a circle cutter that you can place anywhere and make any size, that's how I cut the hole in my DND tags. But be careful that blade is SHARP, wish I had a cutting pad. Oh well, future investment.
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