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Everything posted by kitty25967

  1. Hey girls...was searching for some things for the OOT bags and first aid kits and came across this site that has what seems to be really great prices, especially for motin sickness medicine. They have whistle lanyards for $0.29 and the sunscreen towelettes on sale as well. I suppose it is legit... not sure about shipping... http://www.firstaidstore.com/default.aspx
  2. My pins for my shower came in the other day. I ordered MOB, MOH, and of course Bride! I have come to realize that I LOVE anything sparkly that says Bride! LOL I also plan on ordering Mother of the Groom as well. I wanted only one big shower to invite everyone, so I thought this would make them stand out a bit and feel special for all the work they have put towards it. The picture doesn't really do it justice...they are really cute! The picture makes them look dull, but you get the idea...
  3. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/56903/april-2011-brides/3620#post_1542651 APRIL 2011 BRIDES
  4. I have to stop looking on here....every time I do I end up spending more money because I see ANOTHER cute idea! Looks like I really need to jump on the "Emily Cover-Up" trend LOL. I don't leave for my wedding until the 25th of May, so hopefully I could have it in time...
  5. If you haven't joined the April 2011 thread..JOIN! They are VERY chatty and you will get lots of useful tips. I joined and creeped it for a while before I finally started in on the conversation. There are a lot of May brides on the thread. It's become more of a "spring" brides thread and is one of the most active. Good luck with your now April wedding!
  6. So I just posted this on the May thread too but wanted to show you ladies b/c I am proud of myself LOL My first attempt at a DIY project ...first of many more I have planned.... I got this idea from bride RosiePosie on the May thread Here's how my mints turned out. I just did simple black & white ..our colors are black, fuschia, and white so it will go with the theme well plus I am 90% sure I am using the starfish design on my other printed material. The picture isn't great (a little blurry), but you get the idea. I was going to put these in the OOT bags, but I am thinking about doing a "candy/cigar" table at our beach party & including these. For the OOT bags, I am thinking about ordering black business cards from VistaPrint (probably for free LOL) with pink/white writing and putting a sweet candy on them to read something like "one sweet love" ..... This monogram was also on our invites, as well as, I have napkins & our real matchbooks with it printed on them. This is the start of my DIY projects, so I am getting better
  7. Oh & the monogram is what was on our invites and is also on our napkins & real matchbooks. So it all will coordinate
  8. Rosie - Here's how my mints turned out. I just did simple black & white ..our colors are black, fuschia, and white so it will go with the theme well plus I am 90% sure I am using the starfish design on my other printed material. The picture isn't great, but you get the idea. I was going to put these in the OOT bags, but I am thinking about doing a "candy/cigar" table at our beach party & including these. For the OOT bags, I am thinking about ordering black business cards from VistaPrint (probably for free LOL) with pink/white writing and putting a sweet candy on them to read something like "one sweet love" ..... I'm not as crafty as you but this is the start of my DIY projects, so I am getting better
  9. By the way....I'm really pushing FI to change resorts after our wedding to spend the 2nd week somewhere different since this will serve kind of as a "honeymoon" at this time. The Secrets Sanctuary looks amazing but it is unclear whether or not is is an "all inclusive" ..does anyone know the answer to this? We definitely want an all inclusive, adults only. We are have already stayed at The Excellence. My TA suggested Majestic Elegance, which looks nice, but mimcs the GP and others a lot. Secrets Sanctuary just looks so unique. We are already staying in the Royal Suites section so there's really no where else to upgrade too (and adults only) at the GP. I noticed on one thread that someone suggested checking to see if you resort is a part of a group of resorts which the GP is part of Fiesta but I don't think that there are anymore associated with them in Punta Cana. Suggestions please...
  10. I am doing a photo/video package. Can any past brides please post their albums? I'm especially interesed in the videos. I haven't seen much of their work on videos.
  11. I start forgetting that I've ordered things....Especially if it takes them a while to come in. I am so anxious and then get side tracked, so it's like Christmas when I come home LOL My FI has just gotten use to saying "you got another package today." He will act uninterested until I open then he is quick to check out what's inside. Just got my MOB, Bride, & MOH rhinestone pins in yesterday for my shower. They are cute...I will post a pic when I get home.
  12. I think my FI ordered off TV but here is a link I found http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/insanity.do?code=SEMB_MSN_SAN&extcmp=2764893505&ef_id=bfRNUvDXAQABRqQ:20110209195359:s You are "supposed" to be ripped in 60 days (assuming that you stick with it!!! and do it correctly) Most people don't make it through the program. It is difficult and is cardio & plyometrics...it is intense. Kind of made me nervous when it read that you need to consult with a physician before starting it LOL
  13. Believe me, it will be VERY challenging for us to make it through it, but we are going to try. It is HARD. I didn't realize how out of shape I was until I turned to my FI at one point during the workout yesterday and said I think I am going to throw up. I imagine it is like boot camp. Hopefully my FI and I can stick with it and it will work for us. Neither of us are overweight so we a mainly doing it to get in shape and get toned...once we hit DR it will all go to h*** so need to get in shape now LOL
  14. ....not to get off any subject, ...there are a lot on this thread, but my FI and I started our workouts for our "beach" bodies/ "wedding" bodies the other day. We are doing the "Insanity" program which is 60 days. We have the P90X but chose the Insanity instead. Anyone tried this? It is day 3 and I already feel like I have gotten my butt kicked! We are trying to change our diet as well, and have been really watching what we eat. I'm trying to increase our protein since that seems to be what everyone says to do. If anyone is tracking their workout as well you can add me as a buddy on www.teambeachbody.com under the same name. Maybe we can encourage each other. I hate to workout so this is a big step for me!
  15. I'm in your boat with BM's. After they had committed, I had 2 bridesmaids tell me within a week of one another that they were pregnant. I most circumstances this would still be ok, however, one is due the week before the wedding (if not right on the wedding day) and the other is due 2 weeks after...therefore, they cannot travel! One is my godsister and the other is my FI and I's favorite couple that we do everything with. I was really distraught over this and it took me a while to get over. To top it off, one of my best friend who is one of my BM's had a bad break up with her bf of 2 yrs and she didn't want to come b/c of the whole "couples" "romance" thing b/c she originally booked with him and we were all in Dominican together last year, but she finallly decided she would be there for me. Then, my FI's last grandparent, his grandmother, who he really wanted to come took a nasty fall right after Christmas and now probably can't come to the wedding either. He has been upset over this. Everything seems to be running smoothly right now..knock on wood... Things will get better for you Rosie! Your wedding will be great! I saw a cute clutch in your pink color in a bridal shop the other day and almost took a picture to show you b/c it would go perfect with everything you have posted on here for your wedding!
  16. Rosie - So sorry to hear of your troubles. Life does seem to come like a roller coaster. On a happy note, I did take on your idea for the matchbook mints this past weekend and they turned out really cute! I tried to get my FI to help, but no luck there. Maybe I will take a pic when I go home for lunch. Thanks for this inspiration!
  17. My fiance had my engagement ring in the safe the until he proposed, so it should be ok. He did have a pair of really expensive flip flops come up missing though (of course they weren't in the safe lol) There are irons in the room (for steam) but I am pretty sure they would offer a steaming service. Most resorts do.
  18. Believe it our not...I did the cardinal sin and bought my 3rd dress as well! I REALLY need to wedding to hurry up and get here. The first one I liked (and I'm using for the TTD), the second one I really liked but after trying to lug it around to a fitting, it is just waaaay tooo heavy..I was taking it in for my first fitting but stopped by a bridal shop to pick up my mom's dress that had come it, and there IT was...THE ONE! I knew it when I saw it and had to try it on....perfect fit! I now absolutely LOVE my dress....now what to do with dress #2...
  19. My wedding is in May at The Grand Palladium....any pointers as to why you didn't choose this one?
  20. We have hired DJ Mannia. Orchids are extra? Oh well, I will probably just use pink and white..
  21. @Teira - That swimsuit is so cute. I really like the starfish idea, I am thinking about something similiar crossed with an inspiration I got from another BDW bride who used shells. @Everyone in regards to the airlines.... After spending 45 minutes on hold with American Airlines & hearing the policies, I realized I wasn't speaking with an "international" representative, so I wasn't transferred and held for another 30 minutes (bad weather has a lot of flights canceled today so the airlines are slammed with calls). For my flight to Dominican in May for American Airlines, I still get 2 free checked bags up to 50 lbs each, a carry on, and a personal item. My dress DOES count as my carry on and there MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be an available hanging space. Won't know that til I get on board. I honestly don't know if my dress will fit in an overhead compartment (it weighs 1000 lbs), and it definitely will not fit under the seat. Luckily the material and design of the dress will not wrinkle easily so I will try to vaccum bag it for travel. I plan on taking a travel steamer so everything should be ok I hope.....
  22. I will take a pic of it and post when I get home. I ordered it probably around August 2010 so don't know if it would still be available at that price, but it did come from an Asian area and I found it through lots of searching on DH Gate. I did a sort by price and it popped up. I thought, for $2, why not?
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